Princess Arabia

OH MY GOD This is it!!

114 posts in this topic

1 minute ago, Yimpa said:


is that the idiot or the consciousness.😊

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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5 hours ago, Princess Arabia said:

Right. The only sense I'm making of it now is that it's simply what's happening. Everything else is thought and memory which is a good thing because I would have had no idea what was happening still don't because nothing seemed to change only everything seems alive.

Exactly, reality is, and that's it. There is nothing to know, know is an illusion, it's impossible. Reality is, always, I am, there is no place to go, it's here and now. It's alive, deep, is moving, creating existence. I just can try to see more clear, deeper, clean. Nothing else to do

Edited by Breakingthewall

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Human interaction simply becomes a nonissue when you understand the Truth of it all.

It all flows when you let go of your ego!

Watch out for spiritual bypassing, though. 

Edited by Yimpa

I AM Godzilla

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10 hours ago, Princess Arabia said:

It really doesn't matter. What those "nows" was was like a reel that just kept on playing and me trying to capture it. It doesn't matter what you've said. Its like what I read and what I'm typing now are two different things. Like your comment is imagination and my response us happening live, so one now or two nows, doesn't matter, its just now and now and now, each time I said now, it just seemed like a dead now, so I'm just saying another now to try and capture the now but I can't because there's no now, its just this now. I can't even. Its just here ever present. Saying now is one moment too late.

Its just This and then silence. 

Namaste 🙏

Mind over Matter, Awareness over Mind

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4 hours ago, ExplorerMystic said:

Have replied this before but it seems you have edited it. How do you know my insights is from "Trips". What you are doing is trying to play a game where you deconstruct a comment and try to convince that what input you are giving is correct . Have been in this intellectual BS long ago but not right now. There are many areas of intellectual discussion in human life but for spirituality direct experience what bring change. Spirituality is totally be in action. 

I didnt get again what you have written here "It will collapse into more static empires" . If you are trying to say at some point even "Non duality" concept also collapse. Yes than agree with you.

Again you are using some Non dual mumjo jumbo . Language exist because it is existence . Lets take an example : My hand exist because it is existence. What your hand is made of "Atoms" .what Atom consist ; apart from particle its 99.99% space. Existence and non existence playing hide & seek . its divinity in play.


No haven't demonize language . Its our survival tool but when you are going all in spirituality. You see the limitation of thought. This my understanding of spirituality and why i like Leo approach because it resonate what i have experienced (that's why present in this forum) : Beyond Non duality  ; Emptiness , all religious concept human have made  is infinity . The only glimpse here is via insight . Those are experiences beyond human comprehension which brain / mind cannot fathom. It sends shiver through your spine.  It mostly fall in to alien or from different dimension. Your Brain / Mind has to be in optimal health to reach here. So why to demonize it . 

Why so judgemental here. My answer on this forum is according to the post . If I started talking only about my experiences. Is it going to help the person who have asked a specific question . The best way is out of love & compassion; i have to understand the query and answered it. You have mentioned about frame of reference. At some point this also collapse . Because infinity , Divinity , God (give it any name) doesn't have any reference point but yes in our day today life as a human we have to keep a reference point to live , survive , interact etc.

Yes that why school exist . Education is very important . Instead of Maps i will say "Insights". But In spirituality once you decided to go on this path . At certain point you have to go alone . No guru is required. In poetical sense "This is your individual journey from alone to aloneness".

Lets have some more poetic sense "before insight you were chopping wood and after insights you have to chop woods". Even "Non duality" is a concept. That force called it by any name "Oneness" , "divine" , "God" , "Allah" "Love" etc. cannot be captured or define by thoughts. When you try to define it you are trying to restrict it within a framework. Surrender to it and enjoy the ride.

There is no limit of thought, all of existence is a thought. That's it. It's imagination. What is imagination, it's a thought. 

All of experience is just thoughts in the universal mind. Also I don't play Non dual games. You are full of assumptions. 

I point to truth, that is all. Many of you are full of dogmatic assumptions, rigid minds, and as a result you limit your ability to experience reality. 

Your daily experience can be a sober trip if your mind is open enough. The only thing that limits perceptions ability to express itself is dogmatic assumptions.

Edited by Razard86

You are a selfless LACK OF APPEARANCE, that CONSTRUCTS AN APPEARANCE. But that appearance can disappear and reappear and we call that change, we call it time, we call it space, we call it distance, we call distinctness, we call it other. But notice...this appearance, is a SELF. A SELF IS A CONSTRUCTION!!! 

So if you want to know the TRUTH OF THE CONSTRUCTION. Just deconstruct the construction!!!! No point in playing these mind games!!! No point in creating needless complexity!!! The truth of what you are is a BLANK!!!! A selfless awareness....then that means there is NO OTHER, and everything you have ever perceived was JUST AN APPEARANCE, A MIRAGE, AN ILLUSION, IMAGINARY. 

Everything that appears....appears out of a lack of appearance/void/no-thing, non-sense (can't be sensed because there is nothing to sense). That is what you are, and what made of that. So nonexistence, arises/creates existence. And thus everything is solved.

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12 hours ago, Dez said:

But let me ask you this. Why was there a want or need to write it out to the public? Or did you write in those notes and then posted it from there? Because from my experience, I wasn’t thinking about letting others know but to enjoy and soak into that experience

When you're used to something i guess, maybe through psychedelics or whatever, you can sit there and bask because you expected it I wasn't thinking about basking during something I was in awe and wonder about that just happened outta nowhere, wasn't even sure what was happening . All I kept saying was oh god, oh god, oh god, this is it, this is it it's this. Around 5-10mins in after that wore off a bit, I decided to. Or rather I just happened to get on here and started talking about it. Nothing planned out. It just happened.

Edited by Princess Arabia

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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Just now, Someone here said:

@Princess Arabia so what happened ?

I was watching the video I posted and realized the Absolute and wrote it in real time, like a movie, like everything came alive and i was saying oh god oh god oh god. 

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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5 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

I was watching the video I posted and realized the Absolute and wrote it in real time, like a movie, like everything came alive and i was saying oh god oh god oh god. 

Sweet :)

You are on fire recently. Please continue posting stuff like this .

BTW are you aware of the journaling section? Why don't you start a journal there and write whatever comes to your mind there? 

For me I don't want because my writing sucks lol.

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"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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6 hours ago, Razard86 said:

There is no limit of thought, all of existence is a thought. That's it. It's imagination. What is imagination, it's a thought.

That's not what my experience says. Certain insights are hard to capture or construct via thoughts. Either this vessel of the human mind doesn't have that capability or it has certain limitations. That's where you got introduced to what lies beyond human perceptional limit. It's hard to put this into words because it is so overwhelming and powerful (at the moment this is the only word I can put it). Experiencing Oneness is just one aspect of it. The infinity has infinite depth to it. Thoughts certainly crashed here for me (don't take it literally). If you have a belief that there is no limit to thought. Yes, I respect that but that is not in my experience.  


6 hours ago, Razard86 said:

All of experience is just thoughts in the universal mind. Also I don't play Non dual games. You are full of assumptions.

From my perspective, you put things in a certain framework. If it doesn't match it. The denial is triggered. No assumptions here. On this path, open-mindedness has to be there. That's why each forum member's post regarding their understanding/insights of spirituality is unique to me. The reason behind it is also the experiences of different aspects of infinite depth.


7 hours ago, Razard86 said:

I point to truth, that is all. Many of you are full of dogmatic assumptions, rigid minds, and as a result you limit your ability to experience reality.

Well from my understanding you put things in a framework and try to protect it at any cost. This is called dogma/conditioning. I got a response to one of my posts from you that's why this conversation is happening & of course, I am loving it. In summary, open-mindedness is required in spirituality to see & break out of our precious framework. When I say open-mindedness; it is specific to spirituality. In another aspect of human life survival instincts are necessary to carry on as a human (as a body).

7 hours ago, Razard86 said:

Your daily experience can be a sober trip if your mind is open enough. The only thing that limits perceptions ability to express itself is dogmatic assumptions.

Again asking here which is mentioned in the last post as well why you are assuming my insights are from "trips". While on this path any insights give you a glimpse, understanding & then integration of this understanding happens in "Silence". Yes, limiting perception/understanding is the root cause of conditioning & dogmatic belief. That is why I have mentioned in my previous post: At a certain point you have to go alone. No guru is required. In a poetical sense, "This is your journey from alone to aloneness".

How Love unfolds itself is different for each & every one. For someone it will start seeing a flower, Some words from a Guru, solving a mathematical equation, Falling in love, etc. The list goes on. My POV / Understanding: Once you start seeing it don't limit it there and see the infinite depth of how it unfolds in every aspect of human life & beyond. The other side of the same coin is if someone doesn't want to explore it. I respect it. That's why I mentioned "my POV". This conservation is taking me to converse on different aspects of infinitude out of which I had certain glimpses. That's why I am writing it here.

Conversation and listening are necessary as a human if they take us to some understanding otherwise it becomes some blabbering or a bunch of thoughts put together to make a sentence (Specifically regarding Spirituality). That's why most of my responses on this forum come with a disclaimer: "This is my POV through the experiences I have - Take it or leave it".  & of course because only "Leo is Awake"  :)

If you still believe that the above insights/understanding is a dogmatic assumption as per your framework then "Good luck" or "Take it or leave it".



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1 hour ago, ExplorerMystic said:

That's not what my experience says. Certain insights are hard to capture or construct via thoughts. Either this vessel of the human mind doesn't have that capability or it has certain limitations. That's where you got introduced to what lies beyond human perceptional limit. It's hard to put this into words because it is so overwhelming and powerful (at the moment this is the only word I can put it). Experiencing Oneness is just one aspect of it. The infinity has infinite depth to it. Thoughts certainly crashed here for me (don't take it literally). If you have a belief that there is no limit to thought. Yes, I respect that but that is not in my experience.  


From my perspective, you put things in a certain framework. If it doesn't match it. The denial is triggered. No assumptions here. On this path, open-mindedness has to be there. That's why each forum member's post regarding their understanding/insights of spirituality is unique to me. The reason behind it is also the experiences of different aspects of infinite depth.


Well from my understanding you put things in a framework and try to protect it at any cost. This is called dogma/conditioning. I got a response to one of my posts from you that's why this conversation is happening & of course, I am loving it. In summary, open-mindedness is required in spirituality to see & break out of our precious framework. When I say open-mindedness; it is specific to spirituality. In another aspect of human life survival instincts are necessary to carry on as a human (as a body).

Again asking here which is mentioned in the last post as well why you are assuming my insights are from "trips". While on this path any insights give you a glimpse, understanding & then integration of this understanding happens in "Silence". Yes, limiting perception/understanding is the root cause of conditioning & dogmatic belief. That is why I have mentioned in my previous post: At a certain point you have to go alone. No guru is required. In a poetical sense, "This is your journey from alone to aloneness".

How Love unfolds itself is different for each & every one. For someone it will start seeing a flower, Some words from a Guru, solving a mathematical equation, Falling in love, etc. The list goes on. My POV / Understanding: Once you start seeing it don't limit it there and see the infinite depth of how it unfolds in every aspect of human life & beyond. The other side of the same coin is if someone doesn't want to explore it. I respect it. That's why I mentioned "my POV". This conservation is taking me to converse on different aspects of infinitude out of which I had certain glimpses. That's why I am writing it here.

Conversation and listening are necessary as a human if they take us to some understanding otherwise it becomes some blabbering or a bunch of thoughts put together to make a sentence (Specifically regarding Spirituality). That's why most of my responses on this forum come with a disclaimer: "This is my POV through the experiences I have - Take it or leave it".  & of course because only "Leo is Awake"  :)

If you still believe that the above insights/understanding is a dogmatic assumption as per your framework then "Good luck" or "Take it or leave it".



Your vessel has those limitations because you tell it that.

Close your eyes, imagine a bird flying. Now observe that imaginary bird. Feel into it. Do it until you realize that bird is just a sensation.

Next touch your hand, realize that too is a sensation. Notice the bird you imagined was a form. It had shape, it had color and it had the feeling of a sensation.

Now ask yourself...what is the difference between your imaginary thought just now and your hand.

Keep doing this till you realize there is no difference between a thought, an image in your mind, and an image in what you call reality.

If you do this long enough eventually you discover all is mind. And everything is imaginary which is the same as saying everything is thought.

Thoughts are the most powerful force in existence because all creation is thought.

You are a selfless LACK OF APPEARANCE, that CONSTRUCTS AN APPEARANCE. But that appearance can disappear and reappear and we call that change, we call it time, we call it space, we call it distance, we call distinctness, we call it other. But notice...this appearance, is a SELF. A SELF IS A CONSTRUCTION!!! 

So if you want to know the TRUTH OF THE CONSTRUCTION. Just deconstruct the construction!!!! No point in playing these mind games!!! No point in creating needless complexity!!! The truth of what you are is a BLANK!!!! A selfless awareness....then that means there is NO OTHER, and everything you have ever perceived was JUST AN APPEARANCE, A MIRAGE, AN ILLUSION, IMAGINARY. 

Everything that appears....appears out of a lack of appearance/void/no-thing, non-sense (can't be sensed because there is nothing to sense). That is what you are, and what made of that. So nonexistence, arises/creates existence. And thus everything is solved.

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On 5.4.2024 at 0:09 PM, Princess Arabia said:

I just re read what you said. No, I'm looking at it now, and that's too long ago, my cat was not a part of reality when I typed that. I am saying its like I was seeing a movie, right before my eyes and my cat was only being imagined then, she was not a part of the movie when I was typing that. She is now because she's back. But it was  like watching a movie with my cat only in my thoughts, like I wasn't even in the movie,

Lol, it doesn't sound like you really read what I wrote. So, one more time:

On 5.4.2024 at 11:53 AM, Bazooka Jesus said:

"Your cat" is a relative concept popping up in the Here and Now, just as "you"/"me" is a concept existing within THIS.

Did the concept of your cat exist when you wrote that bit about your cat? Obviously yes, otherwise you wouldn't have written about it. So "your cat" didn't/doesn't go anywhere; it is nothing but a concept, existing in the present moment. And that concept never goes anywhere, because the only place that exists is THIS; there is no other place where it could dissappear to.

Make sense?

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7 minutes ago, Bazooka Jesus said:

Did the concept of your cat exist when you wrote that bit about your cat? Obviously yes, otherwise you wouldn't have written about it. So "your cat" didn't/doesn't go anywhere; it is nothing but a concept, existing in the present moment. And that concept never goes anywhere, because the only place that exists is THIS; there is no other place where it could dissappear to.

This is golden. This colapses alone/together duality.

In the Vast Expanse everything that arises is Lively Awakened Awareness.

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22 hours ago, Princess Arabia said:

It is like I can't even understand these explanations that describe it anymore.

Great. When all explanations are recognized as nothing but a bunch of random


popping up in the Here and Now, that's when you "got it".

Not that you can ever not "have it", but you sure can pretend like you don't. ;)

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3 minutes ago, Arthogaan said:

This is golden. This colapses alone/together duality.


And it's so simple and obvious that once you see it, you wonder how you could ever (pretend to) not see it.

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8 hours ago, Someone here said:

Sweet :)

You are on fire recently. Please continue posting stuff like this .

BTW are you aware of the journaling section? Why don't you start a journal there and write whatever comes to your mind there? 

For me I don't want because my writing sucks lol.

I did. It's called "THIS". Just started it i think the day before or 2days before this whatema call it happened. You seem to be synchronizing with me lately too. Remember that "why do gurus have white beard thread you started", I kept having thoughts about the same thing on a regular basis prior to you starting that thread and you made a thread like that. It was shocking to see. 

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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15 minutes ago, Bazooka Jesus said:

Lol, it doesn't sound like you really read what I wrote. So, one more time:

Did the concept of your cat exist when you wrote that bit about your cat? Obviously yes, otherwise you wouldn't have written about it. So "your cat" didn't/doesn't go anywhere; it is nothing but a concept, existing in the present moment. And that concept never goes anywhere, because the only place that exists is THIS; there is no other place where it could dissappear to.

Make sense?

Yeah, sometimes we say the same thing or come to the same conclusion using different analogies or with a different thing but lose it when talking about something different, makes sense/no sense at the same time.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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17 minutes ago, Bazooka Jesus said:


And it's so simple and obvious that once you see it, you wonder how you could ever (pretend to) not see it.

There is no mistaken "THIS". You just know. You know what it was like at first. Lets see.... like a grand opera finishing or starting out with a big bang but a very melodious one and continuing very softly with the production, like playing a video game and you won the scene and the grand sound that let's you know you won. That's a good way to describe it if there's an attempt to.

Edited by Princess Arabia

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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