Princess Arabia

OH MY GOD This is it!!

114 posts in this topic

I'm in tears right now writing this. It fully hit me. THIS IS IT. As I am writing this, this is it. My writing is it. My crying is it. It is right here right now. Unfolding as I write. NOW NOW NOW. When I wrote the words NOW, NOW, NOW that was it, but now it is these words. Words that can never be captured. Each letter is a millisecond too long. The camera can't capture it. This is it. There is no moment. No Now, just now, now, now, now, now, now, to infinity. Not even forever because I,m not in forever, I'm right now. I don't know about forever. I remember a minute ago but I don't know about what I will do in 3mins. It us only NOW, I can imagine what might happen in 3 min but I don't know what ill be doing in 3 min. There is only now and i just missed it because now is another now and that now just turned into this now.

It is me, yes me. It is me writing this, I am confused. Is it the chair also I don't know wait, it is not me I don't know. All I know is it is here nit there. It is here. You will say, well if there's a me then thats not it. Bullshit i font care about semantics I don't know what words to use all I know is it is whats happening right now, right where I am sitting, I don't know how to say it but it is this. My cat just went outside but she isn't infront of me so I cannot say my cat is a part of this but I can say that it is live right now doing me. It is whats happening now.

It is not you, it is me writing on this computer. IT is me imagining you. It is me imagining that you will read this. It is me imagining what you will say but its nit you right now. It is me writing this imagining what I will be saying and typing when I'm responding. It is doing this through me as me. I am conscious that it is doing this through me. Its like a live show. It is there too but not really because it is here. But if you look around you it is it. Whatever is happening around you now it is it. But I'm just imagining that so i don't know. 

I will post now.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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There is no, I have to die and blend into anything. There is no if I say I thats not it. There is no if I can recognize myself thats not it. It's just it. Doing me. Writing this, but I can see myself writing this. And I am saying i am writing this. Thoughts and everything. I can't see the thoughts so I don't know what thoughts are but I can see what I can see and I can see it. I can't feel it, I can only feel my nose and my fingers typing. Its not within me it is me.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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As I am typing this, I'm still in awe. This is live right now. But it's leaving me. No its not. I want it to leave but it won't. This is not hysteria, I am calm right now typing this but I'm thinking it was just a glimpse and now its leaving but as I'm typing im typing as it. I think I am. I'm trying to be normal incase im just being silly. I'm very normal I'm not doing anything no drinking no weed. I think I'm back to normal. No. I'm just not crying anymore but it is here, not over there just everywhere but only what I'm conscious of.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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There's no enlightenment no awakening just a seeing. I can just see it. In the trees in the wind, I can hear that hissing silent sound in my room but that's not it. It isn't it isn't that sound. That sound is just a sound. The tree is just a tree I don't see it in the tree but I see it in the tree, no as the tree.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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I can't see it but I can see it. It is this. Everything I'm conscious of is it. It is not consciousness my consciousness is seeing it. I'm not aware of it. It is me saying I'm aware of seeing it. I cannot see it in me, I cannot feel it in me. It is only apart from me. Like I'm not apart of it. Like ilm separate from it. It feels weird, i feel like me but I don't know. Its weird. Everything is normal but i feel separate from it, kike I'm just the watcher. Like I'm ilm just trying to describe it and its not working, so I'll just leave that alone but its here. Everywhere, alive. Its like I'm the conscious one and its not its just doing everything and ilm conscious of its doing and presence, thatls the best way to describe it. Sorry for all the errors but I don't feel like proof reading right now.

I'm not hysterical or anything never was only kept saying Oh god, oh god oh god oh god and started crying then decided about 5 mins in to document it. I was about to type ilm still not sure, but I'm sure. There's no mistaking this. You can too its right there where you are, alive, thats me telling you but still just look around you, thats it see it right there right now where you are. Ilm very stable, was through this whole writing I only cried for like 5 to 10 mins. I'm writing like I write any other 'ist now except I'm not bothering to correct any spelling or grammar.

This is different from my its obvious post. This is not obvious. This is just here. Right here.

Edited by Princess Arabia

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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57 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

My cat just went outside but she isn't infront of me so I cannot say my cat is a part of this

"Your cat" is a relative concept popping up in the Here and Now, just as "you"/"me" is a concept existing within THIS.

So yes, it's all part of reality. It cannot not be a part of reality. And you're looking right at it. B|

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I'm going to log off now and go to bed but I just want to say, I'm not claiming any enlightenment or any awakening. I don't know what that is all i know is that this is it. It is not hidden, it is everything. It is what's living. It is what's alive. Even, I was going to say my dead mother but that is just speculation because ilm not seeing my dead mother now, ilm just assuming and thinking if I was to see my mother in her grave now that would be itm so thats just my imagination. But right here now now its here. It is whats being everything. The only thing I'm not sure of is if it is being me. Because I can still feel me and everything about me is the same except for what I'm conscious of. What I'm conscious of I can see it but not see it like I normally see I can SEE it, even in the space I can see it, some how I can't see it in me.

Anyway, I'm going to bed now and i think you can see it too if you just look around you. 

Funny how nobody responded yet. I just started laughing cause now my cat is gone out the window and nobody is responding and I don't hear anything but that whistling sound. But I'm not going to make a spectacle of this because I know I'm not all alone , just right now I can't hear or see anybody but its night time here and its dark outside so thats normal. I wish somebody would say something here though cause I'm starting to freak out thinking about that video where that man was all alone walking through town video taping himself all alone. But I'm not going to freak out because ........ooops somebody just made a comment. Ok, enough, of that phew.




What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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1 minute ago, Bazooka Jesus said:


"Your cat" is a relative concept popping up in the Here and Now, just as "you"/"me" is a concept existing within THIS.

So yes, it's all part of reality. It cannot not be a part of reality. And you're looking right at it. B|

I'm looking right at what. Reality. Sure I'm looking at reality but its alive and I'm not saying I'm seein god or anything other than that this is it, there's nothing else but this, its right here and right now. Only thing is I can't see it in me but everything else i can. I'm not really seeing anything different but I can see the aliveness. The breath so to speak its hard to describe.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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18 minutes ago, Bazooka Jesus said:


"Your cat" is a relative concept popping up in the Here and Now, just as "you"/"me" is a concept existing within THIS.

So yes, it's all part of reality. It cannot not be a part of reality. And you're looking right at it. B|

I just re read what you said. No, I'm looking at it now, and that's too long ago, my cat was not a part of reality when I typed that. I am saying its like I was seeing a movie, right before my eyes and my cat was only being imagined then, she was not a part of the movie when I was typing that. She is now because she's back. But it was  like watching a movie with my cat only in my thoughts, like I wasn't even in the movie,

Edited by Princess Arabia

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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This is no spectacular thing. It is right here. But it is happening. Not as in today and then tomorrow but as in continuously, but always now, the only thing is that, continuously is only in my mind. Its like I'm looking at 2 realities. The normal one and then simultaneously the alive one. You can too if you just look where you are. 

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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It happened while listening to this video about 2hrs in. It's 4hrs long and I had it running on my phone while playing on my laptop. Then I heard something that made me stop and looked up, then looked around me and it was like the room and out the window was alive. Like I could see the Absoulte (i'm just calling it that as thats the name I use) I wasn't calling it anything at the timebibwas just in awe from how the room and the outside looked, as if it was moving but in a stillness, a moving stillness, it was weird and I kept saying oh my god , oh my god, like 20x. Then I started crying but nothing new as I cry akot when I think about stuff but this was different. It wasn't something I felt like the other little bouts I have filled with emotions. This was not a thought orva memory about anything it was like I was inside a movie, later it was like I was watching the movie, i kept going in and out as in watchingbtgen being a part of then watching then being a part of. Going nowhere but moving. As I described above, I can still see it. But its not as prevalent as when it first happened.

Goodnight now. Nothing special now as it's stabilized , but its still there. Don't know about when I wake up. We'll see. I was very sober and was drinking water all night, thats it. 

Edited by Princess Arabia

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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Just a quick note. I realize that non-duality is just a consept and the Absolute is beyond that because non-duality is just a pointer. I'm not into anything. I'm just into what I am into. What I enjoy watching and reading. I don't adopt any belief systems in this field and I will just say what I say. Whether it's true or not is yet to be taken or left by the listener. I'm very raw and direct and I know a lot of things I've said in the past about things were not so, but that's what I thought at the time to be so, I make no excuses for that as that's just what was. Even now I don't know anything I just speak what I speak from the heart and not even it sometimes just comes out. So ilm not saying what is true or not and not claiming this video to be anything other than what I was watching and listening to before what was written above, thats it.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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@Princess Arabia You asked me once "Why you?" And if I answered then it wouldn't have made any sense. 

This -now is why.

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2 hours ago, Princess Arabia said:

I'm in tears right now writing this. It fully hit me. THIS IS IT. As I am writing this, this is it. My writing is it. My crying is it. It is right here right now. Unfolding as I write. NOW NOW NOW. When I wrote the words NOW, NOW, NOW that was it, but now it is these words. Words that can never be captured. Each letter is a millisecond too long. The camera can't capture it. This is it. There is no moment. No Now, just now, now, now, now, now, now, to infinity. Not even forever because I,m not in forever, I'm right now. I don't know about forever. I remember a minute ago but I don't know about what I will do in 3mins. It us only NOW, I can imagine what might happen in 3 min but I don't know what ill be doing in 3 min. There is only now and i just missed it because now is another now and that now just turned into this now.

It is me, yes me. It is me writing this, I am confused. Is it the chair also I don't know wait, it is not me I don't know. All I know is it is here nit there. It is here. You will say, well if there's a me then thats not it. Bullshit i font care about semantics I don't know what words to use all I know is it is whats happening right now, right where I am sitting, I don't know how to say it but it is this. My cat just went outside but she isn't infront of me so I cannot say my cat is a part of this but I can say that it is live right now doing me. It is whats happening now.

It is not you, it is me writing on this computer. IT is me imagining you. It is me imagining that you will read this. It is me imagining what you will say but its nit you right now. It is me writing this imagining what I will be saying and typing when I'm responding. It is doing this through me as me. I am conscious that it is doing this through me. Its like a live show. It is there too but not really because it is here. But if you look around you it is it. Whatever is happening around you now it is it. But I'm just imagining that so i don't know. 

I will post now.

Hi princess, 

Lets investigate, is it Now now now now now now, or is it just Now?

I suggest to you that it is not many nows next to each other, but one Now and many damm tings happening within that now and changing. 

The words keep changing, content keep changing, space of now doesnt change. Makes you a bit less dizzy 😵 

Only ever One Now, the razor's edge. 

Edited by Dodo

Mind over Matter, Awareness over Mind

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13 minutes ago, Dodo said:

Lets investigate, is it Now now now now now now, or is it just Now?

Meow ;)

I AM Godzilla

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4 hours ago, Dodo said:

Hi princess, 

Lets investigate, is it Now now now now now now, or is it just Now?

I suggest to you that it is not many nows next to each other, but one Now and many damm tings happening within that now and changing. 

The words keep changing, content keep changing, space of now doesnt change. Makes you a bit less dizzy 😵 

Only ever One Now, the razor's edge. 

It really doesn't matter. What those "nows" was was like a reel that just kept on playing and me trying to capture it. It doesn't matter what you've said. Its like what I read and what I'm typing now are two different things. Like your comment is imagination and my response us happening live, so one now or two nows, doesn't matter, its just now and now and now, each time I said now, it just seemed like a dead now, so I'm just saying another now to try and capture the now but I can't because there's no now, its just this now. I can't even. Its just here ever present. Saying now is one moment too late.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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4 hours ago, cetus said:

@Princess Arabia You asked me once "Why you?" And if I answered then it wouldn't have made any sense. 

This -now is why.

Oh my. 

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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It is all there is isn't that it is also your car or it is also your fridge. It is all there is simply means it is all there is. Issing.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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I'll give a couple of analogies to help.

1. People like to create a duality of a puppet and a puppeteer. So I will give an example. 

Close your eyes. Imagine a human holding a puppet. Now that puppet is moving and talking because the human is controlling erase that human entirely....what is left? A puppet moving without a puppeteer, talking moving dancing, singing. THIS is why your true self cannot be located because the puppeteer is invisible. It cannot be located. 

2. Now let's explain what the past is so you can stop getting lost. The past is a repeat pattern. All of reality is just a flow of mental information. As you said that is always happening presently. Right now it is presenting it to you in sequential order by having repeat patterns. I'll explain. 

When you write the words down you just wrote....they don't disappear. That is because the moment you write them down...they keep repeating their existence. They don't disappear. And then you also have the ability to repeat the visual imagery in your mind of you writing them down which is just repeating the same mental information again. Notice all of these repeat patterns happen in the present moment.

So there IS A PAST, it is just a repeat done in the PRESENT MOMENT. 

Now the reason we say there is no time, is because God is like a BOOK. If you write a book, in that book there is a story with a world. In that world there is time and space and events. When you close that book, and open a different book that time and space and events of the previous book are gone. This is why they say there is no time. They are wrong. There is time, it's just bound to the specific world that it is in. And once that world is done, you can create a new time and events. 

God could end this entire existence, and create an entirely different universe with a NEW set of rules. So God is not bound to time or space. This also means all universal laws are arbitrary and are NOT immutable because God can just change them if it wanted. 

Also the just a prediction of what is going to come next. I will show you how you know the future. Move your hand from left to right and up and down. Now, try to see if you can trick yourself into NOT KNOWING where you will move your hand next. You will discover, you can't trick yourself. So you know the future movement of your hand 99.9% of the time. (You could have a stroke, or obtain some neurological disorder that removes this knowledge). So there you have it. The future is just a prediction of the current pattern of the flow of mental information done in the present, and the past is just repeating a pattern in the present moment.

We are lucky reality isn't just erasing everything as it happens....because if it did, there would be no past at all. So reality has to do this to create a ground.

You are a selfless LACK OF APPEARANCE, that CONSTRUCTS AN APPEARANCE. But that appearance can disappear and reappear and we call that change, we call it time, we call it space, we call it distance, we call distinctness, we call it other. But notice...this appearance, is a SELF. A SELF IS A CONSTRUCTION!!! 

So if you want to know the TRUTH OF THE CONSTRUCTION. Just deconstruct the construction!!!! No point in playing these mind games!!! No point in creating needless complexity!!! The truth of what you are is a BLANK!!!! A selfless awareness....then that means there is NO OTHER, and everything you have ever perceived was JUST AN APPEARANCE, A MIRAGE, AN ILLUSION, IMAGINARY. 

Everything that appears....appears out of a lack of appearance/void/no-thing, non-sense (can't be sensed because there is nothing to sense). That is what you are, and what made of that. So nonexistence, arises/creates existence. And thus everything is solved.

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