Sam Sulek has something terribly wrong with his mental condition.

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He seems like a rational person but for some reason, he’s killing himself. It’s slightly disturbing to watch him talk about the way he eats and then there is his breathless way of speaking. 

I am not sure if he is doing it for the love and attention. Because if that’s the case then he’s probably a narcissist with an under-developed ego that might have endured some trauma. And because of this he needs massive attention to sustain his sense of self.

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Sam's content is so popular because he is a nice and chill dude. His content is sort of relaxing to watch like ASMR. He has a likable character, does not promote crappy supplement products and has been vocal about his steroid use unlike others in the industry.

But yeah, his diet and lifestyle can be a bit worrisome and he might not make it pass 45 if he continues heading the similar way that Rich Piana did

I am also worried about how his "normal" behaviour is sort of normalising steroid use and a lot of young guys are jumping that wagon. His dietary advice to his fans is also pretty bad I think.

I hope he will seek help of some sort of support before anything happens but more likely scenario is sudden cardiac arrest. 

Edited by Michael569

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He is young, passionate and aesthetically-oriented, not unlike many spiritual people, artists, etc. He just chose bodybuilding as his passion. When done to the extremes, it has certain trade-offs, like most things done to the extremes. I spent my late teens/early twenties frying my brain with weed (later replaced with meditation), sitting in the woods thinking about crazy stuff and listening to music, neglecting school, friends, etc. It's partially a part of being young, and some people are more extreme than others, and there might be some trauma and insecurities involved too. Still, despite the obvious trade-offs, you can still have a highly reasonable, insightful and inspired person underneath. Seeing the need for balance is something that comes with age.

Edited by Carl-Richard

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