
Something Leo said in forum really has been bothering me lately lol.

23 posts in this topic

I can't remember where I read it, but a user was talking about him making changes in his life it was very surface level stuff but I just remember Leo responding by saying "The core of who you are never changes."

Reading that really bothered me for sometime now and I'll just be as open as possible I cant determine whether or not it is true and if it benefits me to believe it at all.

I was down really bad about a year ago and was constantly posting on the forum asking for life advice because I couldn't break out of the cycles I was in. 

I got heavily into LOA stuff Joe Dispenza manifesting shit etc. 

I inquired about manifesting on this forum to which Leo said "once you realize Albert Einstein is imaginary then lets talk about spirituality." which was great to hear once I started to wrap my mind around it. But this one user had told me that the way I'm talking to myself and the language I'm using is the reason why nothing was changing.

My beliefs were that nothing was happening and so there for nothing was happening pretty basic stuff. The she put me onto a youtube channel called "Be Something Wonderful." ever since then my life has got drastically better.

I went from having no job being poor on the verge of su*cide to finding a career making so much money, meeting so many people, moving out of my house getting my whole life in order basically and I feel like I have to attribute what continuously happens to that channel and this forum. 

I still struggle however with things and while I still "manifest" I cant come to grips with what Leo meant when he said the core of you never changes. 

Just because I felt like i've changed. But also I do feel as if there is some truth to that statement, that I dont want to believe in because I desperately want to change for the better. 

 I cant tell if thats really true or if maybe Leo may have been projecting his own limiting beliefs which is fine but its just nice to hear other peoples opinions.


I love this place and I'm in a way better place mentally but there are more strides I would like to take in my life. I believe its all already mine right now but then just reality just kind of sets in here and there every once in a while. 

I would like to believe I can make whatever changes I want and be whoever I want to be. This doesn't mean that I'm not content with who I am. Its cool if I am just this forever and I know that is the case but I also believe that anything is possible and change is inevitable. 


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You can make changes in your life for the better.

I am not entirely sure what you are asking. Can you boil it down to 2 or 3 sentences the core of what you are asking?

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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I don't want to gaslight you but I don't think he said that, or it taken out of context.

The only constant in life is that nothing is constant

Personality is fluid to some degree. Your brain is physically wired to be a certain way within the lines of certain parameters

Genes have different expressions in different circumstances.

Even your body pretty much absolutely recycles itself in about 8 years.

Change is definitely possible, but the psyche is very stubborn and conservative for a good reason. It is for your own safety. Appreciate it.

It's basically so that you don't start believing some whacky things too quickly. 

Change can happen. But It has to be gradual, consistent and slow . Repetition and proof is the language of the subconscious mind


Edited by mmKay

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2 minutes ago, Thought Art said:

You can make changes in your life for the better.

I am not entirely sure what you are asking. Can you boil it down to 2 or 3 sentences the core of what you are asking?


Sorry for not being clear.

I've made alot of changes within the past year however, I still feel as if there  is truth to what Leo said about how "the core of you never changes." 

I do not want to believe that. I would like to think I could change the core of who I am and be whatever I want to be.

I know this stuff is kind of relative, maybe there are people who change the core of who they are and others that don't. 

Does it benefit me to take this as truth? or would it be delusional to assume that I could change the core of my being. 


Mostly because again I watch alot of LOA stuff that is about just assuming whatever Identity you want and again I've made so many changes However I still feel as if there is truth to what Leo said and there is aspects of myself that will never change no matter what I do. I just dont know if it benefits me to believe that. 

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1 minute ago, mmKay said:

I don't want to gaslight you but I don't think he said that, or it taken out of context.

The only constant in life is that nothing is constant

Personality is fluid to some degree. Your brain is physically wired to be a certain way within the lines of certain parameters

Genes have different expressions in different circumstances.

Your body pretty much absolutely recycles itself in 8 years.

Change is definitely possible, but te psyche is very stubborn and conservative for a good reason. It is for your own safety. Appreciate it.

It's basically so that you don't start believing some whacky things too quickly. 

Change can happen. But It has to be gradual, consistent and slow . Repetition and proof is the language of the subconscious mind



I appreciate you not wanting to gaslight me but, he did def say that on this forum. I wish I could remember exactly where it was but It stuck with me. I even tried to search "Core of what you are." "Changes" etc. I just cant find it but I didn't look to much into it. 

I also remember the user being bothered by what Leo said and basically kind of saying the same thing I'm saying right now. 

As for what you said though I think its super valid and I appreciate your response. 

I do believe I can make complete changes in my being but its just nice to hear it from other people I guess esp on this forum. 

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The only time ever I've heard him saying anything along these lines is in the context of grifters like Andrew Tate and Trump, saying that no matter what they do or change  such people don't change and stay grifters and con men

 It would take an extremely close call near death experience or psychedelic breakthrough for them to change that aspect of themselves, and even then it's unlikely 

Edited by mmKay

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7 minutes ago, mmKay said:

The only time ever I've heard him saying anything along these lines is in the context of grifters like Andrew Tate and Trump, saying that no matter what they do or change  such people don't change and stay grifters and con men

 It would take an extremely close call near death experience or psychedelic breakthrough for them to change that aspect of themselves, and even then it's unlikely 

I'm going to see if I can locate it. It was very disheartening to read to be honest but again there may be some truth to what he was saying or maybe some context I missed but I dont remember exactly I just know I read it and it wasnt in reference to grifting.

At the end of the day it probably doesnt even matter so long as I believe I can change whatever I want about myself that should be all that matters.

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@digitalkaine Don't take that as a limiting belief. It's unclear what he means as "The Core". We as humans do have some kind of core that is resistent to change. But, even if the "core" remains relatively solid you can make very profound changes, as you have said in this post.

Don't twist it into a limiting belief. 

It's important to live life your way. 

On a spiritual side, in a way yes. This core is unconditional and doesn't change. 

But on the human side, you can make change in your life. 

It's important to contemplate the things you can change, and the things you can't change.

I can't change myself in extremes ways like becoming an octopus. 

In more humans ways, I can't change to become for example, someone who would enjoy being in a military. It doesn't suit my personality or taste.

I have a "thought artness" 

But, what I can change are my habits, my thoughts, and lifestyle that suits my needs. Instead of living out of alignment with my values, interests, desires, etc I can change to live in alignment with them over time.

I do think people may have core elements that no self help can really change. That isn't a problem, but a feature that allows you to change the things you can change. 



Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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@digitalkaine I have a vague memory of reading this comment as well as the Einstein one.

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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16 minutes ago, Thought Art said:

@digitalkaine Don't take that as a limiting belief. It's unclear what he means as "The Core". We as humans do have some kind of core that is resistent to change. But, even if the "core" remains relatively solid you can make very profound changes, as you have said in this post.

Don't twist it into a limiting belief. 

It's important to live life your way. 

On a spiritual side, in a way yes. This core is unconditional and doesn't change. 

But on the human side, you can make change in your life. 

It's important to contemplate the things you can change, and the things you can't change.

I can't change myself in extremes ways like becoming an octopus. 

In more humans ways, I can't change to become for example, someone who would enjoy being in a military. It doesn't suit my personality or taste.

I have a "thought artness" 

But, what I can change are my habits, my thoughts, and lifestyle that suits my needs. Instead of living out of alignment with my values, interests, desires, etc I can change to live in alignment with them over time.

I do think people may have core elements that no self help can really change. That isn't a problem, but a feature that allows you to change the things you can change. 



Okay thank you. I wasn't trying to make it into something it was not but again it just stuck with me. I'm just very skeptical I suppose but I want to make changes that would benefit me in my life. Sometimes I feel like a pulling back sensation but I believe I have the power to overcome it so hearing that helps in some sense, appreciate you.

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@digitalkaine Yeah, It's a confusing process. Dealing with confusion, not knowing, and how we interpret and apply advice and sayings from others is a big challenge in developing a meaningful life.

Leo's comments on the forum should be met with a lot of not knowing as well. He pulls from a deep epistemic background (I also think it's easy for him not to be on the same page as others sometimes on the forum). So, take what he says with a grain of salt as you may also be projecting your own stuff on him.

If your question is "Can I change for the better" The answer is a definite yes. Leo wouldn't have any videos and there would be no self help industry if that were true.

You can change for the better and from the sounds of it you already have proven that to yourself. Keep investing in yourself.


Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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@digitalkaine Why not take some time to fill a list with all the positive changes you have made, and a well list out your successes. 


Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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2 minutes ago, Thought Art said:

@digitalkaine Yeah, It's a confusing process. Dealing with confusion, not knowing, and how we interpret and apply advice and sayings from others is a big challenge in developing a meaningful life.

Leo's comments on the forum should be met with a lot of not knowing as well. He pulls from a deep epistemic background (I also think it's easy for him not to be on the same page as others sometimes on the forum). So, take what he says with a grain of salt as you may also be projecting your own stuff on him.

If your question is "Can I change for the better" The answer is a definite yes. Leo wouldn't have any videos and there would be no self help industry if that were true.

You can change for the better and from the sounds of it you already have proven that to yourself. Keep investing in yourself.


Appreciate it. I guess I also get wrapped up in the LOA stuff. Because it feels very real to me but again I also am always skeptical. 

I just attribute alot of my success recently to "manifesting" spaces and just like really believing I am whatever it is I want to be no matter what. But I also dont want to be delusional and thats how it feels sometimes even though I've seen dramatic changes. Even though I see those changes I still see lingering limiting beliefs and aspects of "who I really am" that seep through. 

Maybe one day it wont be that way but I do struggle with it when I wish not to. I wish to just be able to believe I am whoever I want to be and move forward with that and not buying into old limiting beliefs or thought patterns that hold me back. 

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@digitalkaine There is some truth to LOA. Developing healthy self image, taking action on your goals, believing in yourself, knowing what you want, bring creative, law of resonance, this is all good LOA stuff. 

I do think that Peter Ralston's book The Art of Mastery and his explanation about effective interaction is a more solid core operating system than using new age ideas and LOA. But, LOA is a generally real phenomena when used intelligently with common sense, and practical day to day habits like managing your finances well.

Sounds like you've had some success with moving beyond limiting beliefs, self image and manifesting what you want in life. 

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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@digitalkaineGlad to see you're doing much better and things are working out for you.

I think what is happening now is, before you were fearful because you weren't doing well and you were depressed and saddened by that and now you've made drastic changes; but now the fear has emerged again but this time it's fear of losing what you have accomplished. The cycle never ends. Fear is fear no matter what is being feared.

I suggest you don't listen to what the mind is saying, don't attach to it and just keep on keeping on. Don't even be concerned with Leo's comment, and I believe I do remember that, but it's irrelevant to you and your situation. None of what anybody says is relevant to your situation. Not even what I said and recommended. How? It was going to happen anyway. I don't take or not take credit; so neither should you be concerned with a comment that has nothing to do with you. It's just a comment. You can give it life the same way you gave life to what I suggested of you can ignore it. Either way, what will happen will happen. Have no fear either way and just keep on keeping on. 

Edited by Princess Arabia

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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10 hours ago, digitalkaine said:

I can't remember where I read it, but a user was talking about him making changes in his life it was very surface level stuff but I just remember Leo responding by saying "The core of who you are never changes."

Reading that really bothered me for sometime now and I'll just be as open as possible I cant determine whether or not it is true and if it benefits me to believe it at all.

I was down really bad about a year ago and was constantly posting on the forum asking for life advice because I couldn't break out of the cycles I was in. 

I got heavily into LOA stuff Joe Dispenza manifesting shit etc. 

I inquired about manifesting on this forum to which Leo said "once you realize Albert Einstein is imaginary then lets talk about spirituality." which was great to hear once I started to wrap my mind around it. But this one user had told me that the way I'm talking to myself and the language I'm using is the reason why nothing was changing.

My beliefs were that nothing was happening and so there for nothing was happening pretty basic stuff. The she put me onto a youtube channel called "Be Something Wonderful." ever since then my life has got drastically better.

I went from having no job being poor on the verge of su*cide to finding a career making so much money, meeting so many people, moving out of my house getting my whole life in order basically and I feel like I have to attribute what continuously happens to that channel and this forum. 

I still struggle however with things and while I still "manifest" I cant come to grips with what Leo meant when he said the core of you never changes. 

Just because I felt like i've changed. But also I do feel as if there is some truth to that statement, that I dont want to believe in because I desperately want to change for the better. 

 I cant tell if thats really true or if maybe Leo may have been projecting his own limiting beliefs which is fine but its just nice to hear other peoples opinions.


I love this place and I'm in a way better place mentally but there are more strides I would like to take in my life. I believe its all already mine right now but then just reality just kind of sets in here and there every once in a while. 

I would like to believe I can make whatever changes I want and be whoever I want to be. This doesn't mean that I'm not content with who I am. Its cool if I am just this forever and I know that is the case but I also believe that anything is possible and change is inevitable. 


The core of the human personality never changes.

But you can express that core in positive, negative, and neutral ways.

So, any positive change is always about taking your nature and exalting it to its highest form... not by changing its fundamental nature but by finding its highest expression.

Your discomfort with his statement indicates a sense of shame and a desire to get away from your nature because (perhaps) you believe your nature is negative or bad in some way. 

There is nothing wrong with you now... and nothing wrong how how you've always been.... even if your actions in the past weren't ideal. 

You will never not be you. That will never change. But you can exalt yourself into the highest and best version of yourself.

A sunflower will always be a sunflower... and it will never be a rose. So, choose to cultivate your sunflower into the biggest and most beautiful sunflower there is. Become the most sunfloweryest sunflower you can be!

Edited by Emerald

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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Part of the challenge here in how you define "core".

Sorta by definition, if you are able to change some part of yourself then it wasn't core to you. Core would be the stuff that refuses to change even after much effort.

Obviously there are part of yourself and your life which you can change. But human minds are not infinitely flexible. There is a core to your personality which ties in with your brain chemistry, genetics, childhood conditioning, baseline state of consciousness, physical health, and so on.

In a certain sense you must learn to live with yourself.

What makes it tricky is that you don't always know what is core to you and what is not, what you can change and what you cannot. So you have to be careful not to create limiting beliefs. But you also have to be careful not to brainwash yourself with fantasies.

In the end you're just gonna have to put in a lot of effort and see what sticks and what doesn't. Some change will come naturally and some change will be like iceskating uphill.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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46 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Part of the challenge here in how you define "core".

Sorta by definition, if you are able to change some part of yourself then it wasn't core to you. Core would be the stuff that refuses to change even after much effort.

Obviously there are part of yourself and your life which you can change. But human minds are not infinitely flexible. There is a core to your personality which ties in with your brain chemistry, genetics, childhood conditioning, baseline state of consciousness, physical health, and so on.

In a certain sense you must learn to live with yourself.

What makes it tricky is that you don't always know what is core to you and what is not, what you can change and what you cannot. So you have to be careful not to create limiting beliefs. But you also have to be careful not to brainwash yourself with fantasies.

In the end you're just gonna have to put in a lot of effort and see what sticks and what doesn't. Some change will come naturally and some change will be like iceskating uphill.

Epigenetics proves that genes are malleable. And genes are subject to random mutations as well. A woman randomly started growing nails on her face. Also twin studies show that even small changes in the womb during pregnancy create lasting change within the identical twin. So gene expression is not as solid as once believed. 

Humans are capable of drastic change within the limits of their intelligence. Intelligence is just the ability to recognize, execute, and create new patterns of expression. Humans depending on their environment and support system with time and effort are capable of drastic change.

You are a selfless LACK OF APPEARANCE, that CONSTRUCTS AN APPEARANCE. But that appearance can disappear and reappear and we call that change, we call it time, we call it space, we call it distance, we call distinctness, we call it other. But notice...this appearance, is a SELF. A SELF IS A CONSTRUCTION!!! 

So if you want to know the TRUTH OF THE CONSTRUCTION. Just deconstruct the construction!!!! No point in playing these mind games!!! No point in creating needless complexity!!! The truth of what you are is a BLANK!!!! A selfless awareness....then that means there is NO OTHER, and everything you have ever perceived was JUST AN APPEARANCE, A MIRAGE, AN ILLUSION, IMAGINARY. 

Everything that appears....appears out of a lack of appearance/void/no-thing, non-sense (can't be sensed because there is nothing to sense). That is what you are, and what made of that. So nonexistence, arises/creates existence. And thus everything is solved.

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1 hour ago, Razard86 said:

Epigenetics proves that genes are malleable.

Only a bit.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Death can change your genetics. :)

Edited by Bobby_2021

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