
Who Here Is Enlightened?

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@Shin I tend to gravitate towards the simple as well and it works so I don't complicate it. The K.I.S.S. method... keep it simple seeker!

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33 minutes ago, Barna said:

@SOUL@Shin What is your motivation in consciousness work? I would assume that peace is already a given for you. So, is it ecstasy? Is it curiosity?

"I" don't want anything except to give to others, to share love in whatever way life will choose to assign to "me".

It will be just much easier and impactful with a body/mind totally free of the delusion of duality, which is why I continue to deconstruct my beliefs and my inner child wounds.

When you've been this pure and unconditional love towards all that is, when you've seen and were it for like 10 seconds,
Nothing else makes much sense anymore.

There is nothing else to do than sharing and appreciate love, it's the only thing that will feel real to you, if you dig deep enough.
The all universe is just a single focus point, which in a infinite ways wants to experience itself, to know itself, and as the result,

To love itself.

That is why love is the feeling that everyone wants to feel, not because it feels nice, but because it is what we essentially are,
And forgotten ...

We are love, we don't want it, we want to be it,

Again ...

Edited by Shin

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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@Barna  It started because I "woke up" to myself as a miserable preteen  just wanted to be happy and I was about 13ish when I started to meditate. It took more than a decade to achieve the goal even though along the way the words evolved from "happy" to "at peace and in joy".

Edited by SOUL

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30 minutes ago, Shin said:

That's one of the videos that I love the most. Very efficient,  very re-connecting.

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@Shin, so your direction is towards love.

@SOUL, your direction is towards peace and joy.

Are you progressing in your directions as fast as you want? Or are you comfortable on your level?
Aren't you curious about the end-goal of your journey? Why don't you want a peek of it? Can you express your thoughts about it? I'm really interested. :) 

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@Barna  As cliche as it sounds, as soon as I attained my initial goal it was then I realized the journey really has no beginning or end, it just is. So the "end goal" is something I had all along the way, I just didn't notice I had it because of all the other stuff cluttering my consciousness. There is no way to retroactively go back and tell my miserable self that I already have it but don't know it and I'm not sure my miserable self would have believed it anyway, it may be just part of the process.

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@SOUL How can you not be curious about higher states of consciousness? I cannot comprehend it. :D You do meditations regularly, you are already on a high level, you know that it's possible to grow.
Let me restate my question: why don't you love (or trust) consciousness enough to try out its most fascinating states? :) 

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@Barna Simply put, the desiring for something can be a source of discontent even if it's for "enlightenment".

In some ways it's like game theory. Video games have many levels and there are rewards associated with each level. If the game has 100 levels and I'm on level 2 I cannot attain the level 100 rewards, I need to get to so be on that level to get those rewards. Just getting a glimpse of the level doesn't allow me to attain the rewards of that level.

So, spiritually speaking, spending so much time trying to get glimpses of a level I'm not on only slows my progress in getting to that level. Every day I work on raising my level then when I get to it I am on that level and can attain the rewards of it. So, I look to the now and raise the awareness of the moment and what level or what states will take care of itself in due time.

The glimpses are exciting and can inspire but can also distract from immediate inner work to be done in the moment right now that will lead us to those higher levels of illumination. Or use the "cheat code" to be there right now.... Do you know the code? It's that we are already on every level but the ego just doesn't want to know it so distracts us. Ironic, isn't it?

You may wonder if I know the cheat code why aren't i always at the higher levels? Complicated life can make the "infinitely enlightened being" lose their keys... or crash the car....or not get the bills paid. It would be amazing to have such a simple life that sustaining the body wasn't a distraction from enlightenment and both could be done simultaneously. I'm working on making it that simple.

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18 hours ago, username said:

What was it like for you?

Self-inquiry takes you on a quest to find the 'self' :ph34r:... which is nowhere to be found if you're being honest and brave enough to acknowledge it. The shift happened when I realized my sense of self was just a thought, an illusion. This was a sudden, simple, yet profound realization " 'I' do not exist" :D The ego hates to be exposed like that, so after the shift I went through a period known as 'the dark night of the soul' (coming to terms with dis-illusionment). Then, peace in resting in the truth/ liberation/ unconditional love. This is also when the shadow-work, rooting out the conditioning, programing, undesirable aspects of the ego, taming the body-mind, began. Still long ways to go 9_9   

Edited by Natasha

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I'm so enlightened you can't even use the word 'I' in a conversation with me without getting lectured

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There's nowhere to go. "enlightenment" is a non-event where a self recognizes that it never existed. Everything is arising in nothing. One of the things that can arise is a self-confirming thought that uses the concept of time to confirm a false existence. Jim Newman and Paul hedderman's message is the best conceptual understanding that I have seen. If ever there is a teacher that says things that the self wants to hear, that is likely a message that won't result in recognition. This is because the self grasps on to what it wants, then it ignores all the things it finds bad. It is a filter thought that attempts to prevent the very recognition that brings understanding. The less a message seems desirable, the more likely that it might loosen the selfs hold. The problem with wanting to be enlightened is that it infers that there is some concept that isn't already you, that when attained will make you complete.  

The self thinks I am this, and if I can grasp that then I won't need to grasp any more. But really, this is that, and this that/this is what is. Reality is fundamental, and thought imposes on reality as a secondary measure to exert control over what is. Since it is not fundamental, thought is what is not. What is not can never exert change on what is. That is insanity. Therefore, the reality a self thinks it is in is actually closer to the container of the self than the self is. The misconception of self is thinking that thought is closer to it than what is. Thinking that there is an external world and that thought is an internal world is incorrect. So there is no one here who is enlightened, but there is a recognition of the one part of reality that is completely unreal.

Meditation is the mind training itself. You are just along for the ride.

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10 minutes ago, Arman said:

The existential infinite being passing through this body is so enlightened you can't even use the word 'I' in a conversation with that existential infinite being without getting lectured

Fixed it for you, you're welcome.

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Many people have had a taste of Enlightenment but being Enlightened is a whole different thing.

I believe those who truly become enlightened will cease to exist in the same reality as those merely seeking or going through enlightenment.

I don't see the possibility in residing in the same place for long if you already understand everything. You will get bored so you must transcend back to oneness or to a higher plane of existence more suited for your current vibrational energetic understanding. It makes no logical sense for you to still be here.

Now those who become enlightened and choose to remain back and share wisdom are no longer truly enlightened because they must sacrifice that state in order to step back down (so to speak) to share, reside and help among the rest.

Its just the way i see it, Have you heard of Tibetan Rainbow body?


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10 hours ago, Ether said:

I cant wait until i reach enlightnement. Honestly I dont think its that hard, it just takes time to rewire your brain

the first step to reaching enlightenment, is to realize that there is no such thing as enlightenment.

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The self thinks it knows while appearing in a sea of unknowing. Therefore nothing can be known by someone. It is completely unwantable and unknowable. I dont know about all of these complicated concepts of what enlightenment is (of course), but some of them sound wantable. If it is wantable, it fuels the self. Look through what is wanted to what is already. No one can know anything. Who would want to?

Meditation is the mind training itself. You are just along for the ride.

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The simplest things in life are often the hardest things to grasp 9_9.

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I doubt anyone truly enlightened would post here being all like "Sup I'm enlightened" they'd just enjoy being enlightened instead and move to the next thread.   

Maybe I'm wrong though! 

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6 minutes ago, Just Do Nothing said:

I doubt anyone truly enlightened would post here being all like "Sup I'm enlightened" they'd just enjoy being enlightened instead and move to the next thread.   

Maybe I'm wrong though! 

The ego loves saying, hey im enlightend as fuck. To the observer saying this for egos sake doesnt make sense unless authority is required for practical reasons, which often isnt the case.

On the other hand interaction is ego based 9_9

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