The Cosmic Joke

Princess Arabia
By Princess Arabia in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God,
It's the most brilliant, ingenious, masterly, magnificently superb, sensational, marvelous masterpiece of a joke there could ever be.  It's so cleverly "designed" that it's hidden from everyone, within everyone, is everyone, as everyone and everything; and at the same time is no one and no thing at the same time. It has no intentions, no purpose, no meaning, no value, no goals, no nothing. It just is.  It doesn't accept anything, reject anything, judge anything, not judge anything surrenders to anything, nor does it need to become or not become anything. It doesn't desire nor does it refrain from desiring, it doesn't worship anything nor does it not worship anything. It appears in any shape or form. It appears as no shape or form. It's hidden from the seeker because it is also what's seeking.  It has no agenda and doesn't need to because it is also the agenda. It has no biases and it also has biases. It is the biases. It is everything even the word everything. There is nothing excluded. NOTHING, NOTHING, NOTHING.  It is what everyone longs for. It is a joke because it is also the "longing for". The desired is the one that desires. We seek things but it is also the seeking of things. We lust, but it is also the lusting, the luster and the thing lusted. It is the questions and the answers. I mean it is EVERYTHING. It is the confusion and the one confused. How can you cure a disease with something that didn't cause it. Because the disease is it and the cure is also it. How can you look at something that's not also you. Because it is the looker and the thing being looked at.  I could keep going but you get the drift. It cannot be known nor can it be grasped because it is also the need to know and grasp. It is the looking and the thing being looked at. It is the smell and the thing being smelt. I mean EVERYTHING, There's nothing missing because what we think is missing is also it EVEN THE BELIEF THAT SOMETHING IS MISSING is also it. There's nothing to find, nothing to seek, nothing to know, nothing to deny or not deny, nothing to agree with or not agree with because it is also the disagreement. This is the biggest cosmic joke and the most exquisite of a masterpiece play EVER. That is it. And if you think you can stop being it, you can't because the stopping is also it. There's no escaping it because the escaping is also it. The only way this will not compute is if there's a person there. It will not make sense to a person an individual who is lost in the dream of separation, which is also it. IT IS TOTALLY FREE. Not liberation because that implies something to be liberated from. Not for the character but freedom is all there is. So free that it can also not be free. All the characteristics I mentioned above are all appearances as IT can never be known. THIS IS UNCONDITIONAL LOVE.
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