
Enlightenment doesn't exist and you are just the collective consciousness

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A simple thought experiment can show that your consciousness is the collective consciousness. That your consciousness is the result of 1000s of years of human evolution.

Imagine if at a very young age, someone put you on a tropical island, lush with edible plants and animals that are easily caught. And you spent your whole life basically alone on the island. They didn't teach you language, history, biology, astronomy or spirituality. 

What kind of consciousness do you think you would have? You would know nothing about enlightenment, politics, or anything. Do you think you could still get "enlightened" somehow? Without all of society's explanations would enlightened be easier to obtain? 

What are your thoughts on this? 

Edited by enchanted

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You should rename the heading " Proof that there's no such thing as enlightenment". Your point made it clear. What a selfish God if it was only made available for a selected few.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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Just now, enchanted said:

Good point

Didn't think you would do it. Didn't really mean to really change it as it wasn't my place, but heck, why not.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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5 minutes ago, enchanted said:

Good point @Princess Arabia

Do you know how many times I thought the same thing, Seems the ones in the boondocks are doomed. Lots of things doesn't make sense, even though it's not supposed to as this is just chaos appearing orderly.

Edited by Princess Arabia

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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its just a name to something happening like everything else. We label things things don't naturally have a label. Its literally just things happening. We get to describe things to eachother using words so we can understand what we are talking about. Not all consciousness gets this ability.

Without language you would be experiencing reality through sensory perceptions only without any explanation for them. If a deer got enlightened it would literally be the awareness of reality becoming enlightened not a person or a thing. Because thats not what is getting enlightened.

Edited by Hojo

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7 minutes ago, enchanted said:

Good point @Princess Arabia

Be prepared for the enlightened individuals and wanna bees and believers who are separate from life and everybody else and everything.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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7 minutes ago, Hojo said:

only without any explanation for them.

Bingo! This is where all the delusions lie. Without them, this is all there is. The interpretations is also it but that's the illusion. Language was invented. What is, isnt.

Edited by Princess Arabia

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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8 minutes ago, Hojo said:

We get to describe things to eachother using words so we can understand what we are talking about

Or mis- understand.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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Just now, Hojo said:

@Princess Arabia We have to identify with that thing.

What thing?

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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@Princess Arabia you are a deer in the woods in the snow you are existing but there is nothing in your mind you are just absorbing information blankly.

There is an observer there. Thats what we are right now we need to identify with that not the human we are. That is immortality.

Edited by Hojo

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1 minute ago, Hojo said:

@Princess Arabia you are a deer in the woods in the snow you are existing but there is nothing in your mind you are just absorbing information blankly.

There is an observer there. Thats what we are right now we need to identify with that not the human we are. That is immortality.

If you are already immortal, why do we NEED to identify with anything. We can identify as a cockroach wouldn't make a difference if shit is just happening. We can identify or not identify, wouldn't make a difference because what we identify as, wouldn't change what happens. It's all fresh and new. No past no future. Isn't that what we say. How will an identity change anything. 


What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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41 minutes ago, enchanted said:

A simple thought experiment can show that your consciousness is the collective consciousness. That your consciousness is the result of 1000s of years of human evolution.

Imagine if at a very young age, someone put you on a tropical island, lush with edible plants and animals that are easily caught. And you spent your whole life basically alone on the island. They didn't teach you language, history, biology, astronomy or spirituality. 

What kind of consciousness do you think you would have? You would know nothing about enlightenment, politics, or anything. Do you think you could still get "enlightened" somehow? Without all of society's explanations would enlightened be easier to obtain? 

What are your thoughts on this? 

This is interesting to ponder.  And an excellent question.   One normally needs culture and the reliance of society to ultimately find their way, whether this be spirituality, or for that matter any art - from basic survival tactics all the way up to much more advanced areas of life such as science and spirituality.  Being by yourself, isolated on an island, indeed puts you at a great disadvantage as you do not have the assistance of other minds to help you navigate life.  In a sense, it could almost be said that you would be no different than the very first humans, as you would not have the collective society and the advancements made by previous generations for you to rely on.  However with that said, this wouldn't make awakening impossible.   Please note that awakening can also occur spontaneously - meaning divine states of consciousness can be accessible without any spiritual practices.  In fact, suffering alone can induce divine, mystical states of consciousness - but this is not the norm.  It is quite possible that you could go through life never awakening to your true nature.  At the same time, it is quite feasible that you could.  Because it does not necessarily require meditation practice or psychedelics.  So the possibility exists, though not probable. 

Edited by Inliytened1


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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@Princess Arabia Something I have been thinking about is there was a void and it created an infinite complex 3D grid and then it made a simulation and it made itself go into a random spot on space and time on the grid to forget about itself. It made infinite species and it gave all of them special powers and lives and language and understand and then it puts itself in the 3d space and pretends to be these things completely forgetting it exists at all. Some of these creatures have hidden abilitity and the human is the ultimate species it created for this planet.God loves the abilities of humans so much because they can literally detect the existence of itself and turn into itself. This is ultra rare. This is an ultra rare chance to see nothing and turn into nothing and become God. Its like end of chapter of life for God. Being a human can literally be a birth of a God of a new universe. Humans have the intelligence to see ultra far into the infinite spectrum of Gods infinite 3d grid with language  that you can understand what is happening here inside the universe and literally create a God.

We are not human we are a inside a human using it as a machine to find nothing. Because nothing dosent exist in physical reality its a metaphysical concept that the universe is using to create physical reality.

If you are human you are the most special species you literally won evolution lottery. The next  step is mind and is God Tier! You can be a God and not die! This is the best thing ever for just existing you get it !

You already were God but your about to be God again! forever!!! and its been forever since you have been God so its going to be the best experience the universe can have so get excited cause it makes it more exciting for God

Edited by Hojo

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It should be mandatory to define used terms before writing anything...

What enlightenment are you talking about? 

You are neither God nor consciousness. You have consciousness.


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@Princess Arabia It can go into a species and then live a life and think what is the coolest thing I saw in that life. Then turn into it and then live as it and do it again and again and again and again until it sees a human. It will go into the human and see itself! Its just random and by chance that God can see itself its so rare!

A human isnt a human like we think its a peice of material on an infinite grid. its the jackpot for intelligence and finding God. You could be a table right now and not experience anything but your soul landed on you on an infinite grid and you can see god with this point.

with self reflection when you die instead of being the coolest thing you ever saw you can say I want to be me and turn into a God, the human is a tool to worship God and become God.

Edited by Hojo

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1 minute ago, Ahbapx said:

It should be mandatory to define used terms before writing anything...

What enlightenment are you talking about? 

It is assumed here he is referencing the awakening or realization of one's true nature.   Is there anything else?


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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Just now, Inliytened1 said:

It is assumed here he is referencing the awakening or realization of one's true nature.   Is there anything else?

That doesn't mean that much to me because as far as I can see almost nobody can agree on what one's true nature is, at least it would be useful to see what is the person's definition.

You are neither God nor consciousness. You have consciousness.


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