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Convenient stuff we do in our lives that actually causes harm

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Reflecting on it recently, funny how much of the harm we inadvertently do to ourselves is in the name of making our lives convenient. Capitalism has sold us this.  

For instance, I saw a study recently that said the residue from the chemicals in dish washer tablets ends up staying on our plates. People use dishwashers all the time because of convenience.  

Or for instance how ready meals are quick and easy to prepare but do us a lot of harm through the micro plastics. Water bottles also

Could even consider less obvious stuff that we don’t think twice about like driving. It’s so convenient but actually we could be doing our body a favour by cycling instead 

I really do feel that for most of the convenient things we do to make our lives easier there is a trade off.

Anyone got any other thoughts on this? Curious to know because our lives can be so automatic and taking time to stop and reflect on our daily habits and the harm they can cause we really need that. 

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as long as the ratio of benefits outweighs the harms, it is better that they are not perfect. Otherwise, you would have no challenge to improve at all.

You are neither God nor consciousness. You have consciousness.


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It feels like there are many scenarios where survival is made easier but we then don't replace it with any additional challenges and we suffer the consequences of not living a life pursuing emotionally difficult tasks. 

I forgive my past, I release the future, and I honor how I feel in the present. 

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Those are fair points, but they pale in comparison to "smart criminals" that fly under the radar of law enforcement and quite literally destroying lives.

Edited by puporing

I am Lord of Heaven, Second Coming of Jesus Christ. ´・ᴗ・` 

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