
Astral Projection (OBE)

36 posts in this topic

I am genuinly curious why Leo doesn't dwell into astral projection on this channel, I personally have found it to be the most efficient in this type of work we do here. Instead of having to drown yourself in psychedelics all the time lmaooo, which is fine to do of course (as you should do, medicinally or periodically). I just don’t understand because going into the astral plain is practically a direct link to experiencing the other side, I found myself thinking there was one way or multiple ways to grow spiritually so my beliefs constantly changed as i searched more (not knowing is one of my big beliefs, don’t make it a belief though of course, only way to put it while I explain). I would go believing in this and then this but everytime it would always contradict the next or my past belief system, then I get these random big puzzle pieces that bridge everything together. Everything makes a lot more sense now, all these teachings are correct believe it or not. What he teaches here is a subset of teachings on how to understand the universe and he is damn sure good at it, in this particular area and many other aspects. There is way to much information for one person to teach you, in the end you have all the answers yourself. But don’t take my words and twist them, I don’t know how in tune your intuition is or how spiritually developed you are so you interoperate this how you feel should be.   I am tired, sorry if I wrote it out weird, goodnight and good luck peoples. 😁💚💎👏🏼

Meditating, psychedelics, non duality, and astral projecting. 

Edited by Dez

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"going into the astral plain is practically a direct link to experiencing the other side, "  no, not really, and you need talent for that. and a lot of training.

psychedelics are more efficient.



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Astral projection only works for some minds.

Astral projection does not exist for my mind.

People who do astral projection just assume everyone can do it. That's not the case.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Maybe because the Gentlemen at the Heavens Gate at 5min15s doesn't let everyone in? See also:

Maybe this gentlemen doesn't like the numbers hanging at the wall at minute 43? ET apparently doesn't care, but it seems our Gatekeeper gentlemen does. Wonder why that is, and which ETs actually don't care..

To get lucid and awake in the dream state to access OBEs/Astral/Afterlife/and the gazillion of other dimensions ( and so on, one normally needs serious sobre awakened nondual states in the waking life before that extends to the sleep state/OBEs/deep sleep (aka meditation and transcendence of small-self/ego).

And even then there are gatekeepers and protection mechanisms of these realms. Wisdom (aka Awakeness) AND compassion/love/Boddhichitta. Which are the two main areas of the development of the soul in the more sophisticated forms of Buddhism (and also any of the other wisdom traditions btw.).

Ever wondered why we hear so little here about afterlife-topics, or the (relative) nature&mechanisms of the soul and its development as storepoint in a higher dimension of all learnings&Karma from the gazillion of past lives, Astral realms, afterlife realms and so on? Well, if one would have access to that, one would not behave in certain ways. And that would spoil the gig of this Lila, because one couldn't fool oneself if one would know all the consequences. Standard Lila 101.

Instead we have ETs & company, happily seducing with their higher realms, stopping the complete transcendence of anything separate (aka ego) with their seductive powers of the Infinity of Gods imagination & manifestation processes.

Instead of Full Enlightenment (Waking up to ones True Being/Identity, and that each and any (existing or possible) realm & understanding & awakening is a manifestation within THAT, within True Infinite Being), we get Awakening n+1, or a subtle separate-self still unseen/untranscended/not understood, stumbling from one higher Awakening to the next, n+1.

Dangling up to an Infinity of Awakenings, understanding more and more of the Infinity manifesting within Infinite Being/God (and since Infinity is Infinity, endless, actually never understanding more than an infinitesimal small amount of the actual Infinity of possible manifestations. To be specific: A corn of dust blowing in the wind (ever considered the mathematical aspect of that, thinking it to the final end?), never quite finding fulfillment, never fully dropping into the Infinite Ocean of truly Infinite Being...

Infinite = not finite. True Infinite Being. Infinity = a mathematical OBJECT of which there are an Infinity of (see Cantors Set Theory).Or: n+1. Infinite Being/Infinite God is "mainly" Infinite, the manifestation of God is an Infinity of Infinities. Big difference between Infinite and Infinity...


Selling Water at the Heavens Gate & happy easter everyone!

PS: Rumours have it that in 39 days is Acension Day, so...


PS PS: Selling Water by the Rivers 2x2 matrix of human/alien Awakening/Enlightenment. Warning, conceptual overkill ahead. Better go for a walk in nature in spring...

Both Awakening (some understanding to the mechanisms of manifestation or aspects/facets of the elephant) and Enlightenment (fully becoming Infinite Being/elephant without anything separate-self-lense/filter left) is available in human/alien(n+1) forms.

Both Awakening and Enlightenment gets filtered through the capacity and lenses/filters of the relative vehicle experiencing a) Awakening or b) Enlightenment. Both a) Awakening and b) Enlightenment have both deep structures that are similiar in all beings that experience a) Awakening or b) Enlightenment, but the surface structure or interpretation is different.

  • An example: "Hindu" Enlightenment is mostly interpreted as Infinite Consciousness/Universal Mind, while Buddhists tend to interpret and express it as Infinite Shunyata/Emptiness. Both have the same deep structure realization, but experience and express and "dress" it differently, in a different surface structure/concepts. Since all concepts and dualities fail at Enlightenment, that is possible. One can approach the mountain from both the Infinity and Emptiness side. And getting off the mountain, one can talk in both ways again. At the mountain summit, it is not Infinity nor Emptiness. It is THIS, infinite. Not finite.

So, considering all of that we have a 2x2 matrix:

(1) Human + Awakening;  (2) Human + Enlightenment;

(3) Alien/ET/n+1 any other vehicle than human + Awakening;  (4) Alien/ET/n+1 any other vehicle than human + Enlightenment;


                       Awakening    Enlightenment

Human               (1)                           (2)

Alien/n+1           (3)                           (4)

So of course there are more encompassing perspectives/beings than humans. Leos Aliens for example. Beings in the subtle realms, advanced Alien species, or even way higher: If we go to a pretty high level, the traditions talk about beings that carry whole realms/universes within their own being, see the Supreme Array Sutra for example (Buddha-fields with "God"-Buddhas maintaing&expressing that realm within their being). Up and down Indras Net. Beings containing a vast number of buddha-fields/realms within themselves, and that up to Infinity. So we got all of these levels covered. Infinity.

And now all of these perspectives/beings in Indras Net can have a) Awakenings (not fully realizing their true Infinite Being, but aspects/facets of it (the elephant and the blind man, up to whole "higher" realms in Indras Net/Manifestation and their mechanisms), while leaving the separate-self still subtly (can be very subtle, so subtle that one thinks one gets it while actually not getting/realizing it) intact and b) the full drop or the deep identity shift of Full Enlightenment, the dropping of these subtle filters/lenses/centres/identities, and truly becoming Infinite Being, seeing the former small/separate-self doing its dance within oneself, but not only being that. And that has the potential to end suffering/resistance to what is appearing within ones True Infinite Being.

And that can be had as simple human (2), or as Alien, or higher Alien, n+1, or whatever (4).

And then one can make a big mistake (from the persepctive of the separate-self, not from Mayas perspective, where that is just more great fun/play/Lila): Prefering Awakening and its inherent suffering/resistance/separate-self still left subtly intact, both as human (1) and as alien n+1 of whatever form (3) more than Enlightenment, as human and/or part-time (psychedelics for example) Alien (2) and (4).

And now, dear fellow souls, lets choose wisely between to what one wants to asend to on Ascension day: (1) or (3) and remaining suffering/resistance to what is, and trying to realize an Infinity of (alien) manifestation/(alien)understandings/Awakenings of it, never reaching more than an infinitesimal small dust particle in the Infinity of the Infinite Potential of Infinite God/Being, or (2) and (4) accepting that it is truly Infinity forever and ever and ever and ever, and be pretty much happy ever after since the small bug of resistance called separate-self is understood/seen through in real time in daily life.... and then go enjoying the Awakening (1) and (3) if one is so inclined, as optional celebration of this journey...


Edited by Water by the River

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Astral projection is not God-Realization.

Don't confuse the two.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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37 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Astral projection only works for some minds.

Astral projection does not exist for my mind.

People who do astral projection just assume everyone can do it. That's not the case.

Maybe everyone can do it, but it just comes more naturally to some people. Like, if you spent a lot of time training yourself to do it, maybe you'd eventually be able to do it.

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26 minutes ago, Soul_Guy said:

Maybe everyone can do it, but it just comes more naturally to some people. Like, if you spent a lot of time training yourself to do it, maybe you'd eventually be able to do it.

You could say that about any human capacity. However, humans are not endlessly flexible and our minds have certain genetic limits. This is especially true when it comes to mystical experience. Some people hear demonic voices talking to them, and that's not something you can just achieve through training. Or even if you could the amount of training required wouldn't be worth the effort. So you have to consider whether any training is a good return on investment for you.

For me, practicing astral projection just never made sense.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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I spontaneously started having very lucid dreams and eventually astral projecting after my first mild mushroom trip

Basically if I fall sleep on my back there is a huge change of me having sleep paralysis where I can't move my body but I'm aware.

Then I force my body to either either float up ( it feels as if you were flexing your abs and quads at once) , or easier just roll out of my body to the side, and I become my " spirit version" where I control reality with my thoughts within different physics and rules. It may sound crazy but I haven't done it a lot because I got freaked out and stopped it by desiring to stop having that experience . I fell through the ground , thought " oh shit I'm falling to hell " and it actually happened 

You basically control that realm with thoughts and intentions 

Edited by mmKay

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First thing that came to my mind was: So I heard I can have astral sex?

I instantly materialized three blue hot astral babes. They looked at me and knew whats up immediately. The one in the middle bent over toward me, and the two on the sides spread her cheeks for me

I flew closer and as I was about to stick myself in, I felt this feeling of being pranked and laughed at, and with absolute clear consciousness from one second to the other I was kicked out of the dimension and found myself staring at the ceiling

I read a part from " my big toe" astral projection book and aparently it's a common test for maturity that happens. I clearly failed.

Maybe I find the old thread where I share the story 

Edit: there it is


Edited by mmKay

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5 minutes ago, mmKay said:

I read a part from " my big toe" astral projection book and aparently it's a common test for maturity that happens. I clearly failed.

You can find the PDF version of the book by googling it. It's almost 1000 pages. I will feed it to Chatgpt and nose around 

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For me getting regular OBEs were brutal practice for month endless sleepless nights. meditating for 5 hours in sleep. Just to experience some 5 minutes Out of body. Back then I did not knew about psychedelics. I was obsessed to get these states.It was my only option.

There are so many people here exited about OBEs but no one could really get regular OBEs like me. I had in the peak-time about 2 OBEs per Week.

Where are all these people now who pm me and needed advice for how to access OBEs. They never spoke to me again how it went. I bet most of them had zero success. Maybe most of them not even tried once.

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I think it is very personal. You have that capability or you don't.

I personally have no talent for OBE but my girl has been having them since she was a child and was quite terrified by them. Some people seem to be prone to psychic abilities like OBE, clairvoyance and so on. While others simply don't.

In my opinion, they are cool explorations of the human psyche and conscious powers but for me the gold is in Awakening and God-Realization. Idk if psychic manifestations can lead to conscious breakthroughs but I'm a bit reluctant to believe so. But if you happen to have them, by all means explore them, it's a rare gift. It will certainly synergize with the Awakening process. 

God-Realize, this is First Business. Know that unless I live properly, this is not possible.

There is this body, I should know the requirements of my body. This is first duty. We have obligations towards others, loved ones, family, society, etc. Without material wealth we cannot do these things, for that a professional duty.

There is Mind; mind is tricky. Its higher nature should be nurtured, then Mind becomes Virtuous and Conscious. When all Duties are continuously fulfilled, then life becomes steady. In this steady life God is available; via 5-MeO-DMT, ... Living in Self-Love, Realizing I am Infinity & I am God

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The human mind is wired to either be strict or loose. The looser your mind the more prone you are to oddball mystical experiences and hallucinations.

It works like an AI. You can tune an AI to hallucinate a lot or a little. And each comes with trade-offs.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

The looser your mind the more prone you are to oddball mystical experiences and hallucinations.

And to Insanity


Having a stable mind is important once consciousness gets significant.

But on the other hand being too stable can block some breakthroughs. 

As always, wisdom is striking balance.

God-Realize, this is First Business. Know that unless I live properly, this is not possible.

There is this body, I should know the requirements of my body. This is first duty. We have obligations towards others, loved ones, family, society, etc. Without material wealth we cannot do these things, for that a professional duty.

There is Mind; mind is tricky. Its higher nature should be nurtured, then Mind becomes Virtuous and Conscious. When all Duties are continuously fulfilled, then life becomes steady. In this steady life God is available; via 5-MeO-DMT, ... Living in Self-Love, Realizing I am Infinity & I am God

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@Leo Gura So would you say your mind is on the loose or strict end? You seem like quite a logical person but you also have all these mystical experiences. And your psychedelic tolerance is much lower than most.

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30 minutes ago, thenondualtankie said:

@Leo Gura So would you say your mind is on the loose or strict end? You seem like quite a logical person but you also have all these mystical experiences. And your psychedelic tolerance is much lower than most.

My mind is extremely stable.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Astral projection is just games still within the dream. You’re not finding out the nature of reality through astral projection I’m afraid. Alls you find is one of the things you can do within the dream. I accomplished it easily within a month following some dudes course on how to do it. It was fun and eye opening. But it will confuse you about the nature of reality if you’re seeing it as ‘the other side’. When I have full on awakenings astral projection is seen through completely as a complete joke and game I’m playing just as a dream, a lucid dream, and even my entire waking life. It’s like if you’re a musician who can only play the guitar, then you learn to play the drums, and then the piano. You’re just learning and discovering different aspects and possibilities within the dream. Full truth awakening and god realisation is where it’s at if you truly want to understand reality. And astral projection is not that

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6 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Astral projection only works for some minds.

Astral projection does not exist for my mind.

People who do astral projection just assume everyone can do it. That's not the case.

I doesn't work for you because you don't do sexual transmutation. You can't do astral projection without sexual transmutation.

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2 minutes ago, StarStruck said:

I doesn't work for you because you don't do sexual transmutation. You can't do astral projection without sexual transmutation.

My first astral projection, I was meditating with a pyramid and I said "I am the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end" and the astral projection just happened. I was very much a masturbation enjoyer. This is certainly not required. Quitting masturbation and porn does raise baseline consciousness but it is not a requirement for anything because there are no rules 

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Just now, strangelooper said:

My first astral projection, I was meditating with a pyramid and I said "I am the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end" and the astral projection just happened. I was very much a masturbation enjoyer. This is certainly not required. Quitting masturbation and porn does raise baseline consciousness but it is not a requirement for anything because there are no rules 

What do you mean meditating with the pyramid?

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