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Is Trump in politics to be a public servant or does he just want power?

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In this video Leo broke down Trump in spiral dynamics. In 1:21 of the video Leo also stated the fact that Trump doesn't care about anyone not even his own family members. 

I don't disagree with what Leo is saying.

However my question is if politics is suppose to be about public service and serving the people if he doesn't care about anyone but himself then is he in politics just to have power and not actually to be a public servant?

Is he running to be President just to have power and not actually be a public servant?

What is the reason he is in politics and why is he running for president if he doesn't care about anyone but himself?

Edited by NightHawkBuzz

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  On 3/31/2024 at 7:12 AM, NightHawkBuzz said:


In this video Leo broke down Trump in spiral dynamics. In 1:21 of the video Leo also stated the fact that Trump doesn't care about anyone not even his own family members. 

I don't disagree with what Leo is saying.

However my question is if politics is suppose to be about public service and serving the people if he doesn't care about anyone but himself then is he in politics just to have power and not actually to be a public servant?

Is he running to be President just to have power and not actually be a public servant?

What is the reason he is in politics and why is he running for president if he doesn't care about anyone but himself?

    It depends on what you mean by 'public servant' and by 'just to have power'. 

   If you want to know why Trump is in politics, why he's running from president if he doesn't care about anyone but himself, why don't you ask him or those close to Donald Trump?

   If all politics is supposed to be about public service and serving the people, and no gains in power?

   If you don't disagree with what Leo is saying, then why have you framed this and made a false dichotomy fallacy like this: Is Trump in politics to be a public servant or does he just want power? You make it seem Donald Trump is only into politics for either public service or gains of power, and discount other possibilities he's running for presidency. What if his motivation reasoning is to show to his son that anything is possible in life? Or what if he's running because most Politicians he talks to are corrupt, so him running for office, with his limited political experience, and business savvy, is to shock the political system a bit? What if Donald Trump had a dream about becoming president and God told him to become one?

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