
Counter-arguments to the fine-tuning argument ?

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From a materialistic point of view 

No space, no time, nothing but you/this/here/now

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The universe is extremely ordered and fine tuned to contain life . If the  earth was a little bit nearer to the sun it would burn ..if the earth was a little bit further away from the sun it would freeze. 

The cosmological constant. The gravitational constant.  All the laws of physics basically.. According to Stephen Hawking if they were slightly different during the big bang we would not have life and intelligent species like human beings .

All of that makes atheism a joke .

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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11 hours ago, Loveeee said:

From a materialistic point of view 

   Could you explain to me what fine tuning is in it's definition? Also what is the argument and resolution that frames this pro versus con fine tuning debate? What is the conflict of interest here?

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