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Distinction of 🌞 DAYGAME vs 🌙 NIGHTGAME: Merely a question of vibe?

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I ask myself: What's the actual difference between DAYGAME and NIGHTGAME?

For example, approaching a girl at night in a well-lit location with bars and restaurants around, but it's mostly chill vibes.

What if it was on the outside of a really "naughty" loud nightclub where they tend to hang out? Would we call that daygame or nightgame?

The lines seem blurry. But it seems like there is this vibe of NIGHTNESS and DAYNESS.

The most extreme NIGTHNESS vibe is some loud nightclub with a really horny crowd (Like in Brazil we have sensually themed nightclubs) (Well, perhaps a Swingers club with glory holes LMAO), and the DAYNESS is someone in the morning commuting to places not for leisure, but for Work, university, etc. Or you might say, a church in a small town. lol.

So we have a sort of gradient:

- Commuting to work, university, going to a doctor's appointment

- Going out of work back home
- Commuting for leisure

- Sitting at a bookstore, park, beach by herself


But I guess there are more aspects to it, so it's a sort of matrix at least, and then we have overlapping factors as well.

I think it's interesting to think about all the possible niches in-between. For example, some people like day game, perhaps, it's better when they are coming off from work, etc at 5 PM.

Perhaps certain areas that people hang out at night for leisure and not needing to go into a nightclub, bar, etc.

In Brazil, we have carnival at a time of the year and other festivals, so it's basically night-game but on broad daylight, it's the horniest public festival lmao.

Music events of certain genres are notorious for certain horniness, but others the crowd is much more kept, also operas, theaters, etc.


So there seems to be many niches and in-between there, perhaps. But they all tend to fall squarely defined as nightgame vs daygame.

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Useful references:

Leo Gura's answer to: Day game vs night game: when are women more receptive



There are many pros and cons to each.

Day pros:

* Virtually zero competition
* Less noise and obstacles, no friends to cock-block. It's easier to have a conversation.
* Can run into girls who are introverted and/or don't like to drink or party. Higher quality girls overall.
* Good even if you're alone (without friends or wings)

Day cons:

* Much smaller volume of girls, your approach needs to be well-honed. Waste a lot of time just standing around. Not efficient. Not so good for building up skills.
* Girls often have boyfriends
* You're basically only grabbing phone numbers
* Can't physically escalate much, your game needs to be much more chill and toned down.

Night pros:

* Lots more targets. Far more efficient use of your time.
* Girls are looser and down to fuck
* Much more likely to be single, less boyfriend rejections.
* Much better for training and practicing your skills
* Can get away with sloppy approaches and social awkwardness better
* Can do rapid and heavy physical escalation

Night cons:

* Lots of competition
* Lots of noise and distractions, hard to hear, hard to talk.
* Messes with your sleep schedule
* Need to go for one-night stands, forced to close same-night
* Drunk girls
* Friends cockblocking
* Dancing
* The club can be very intimidating if you're alone. Wings are more important.
* Lots of dealing with annoying logistics challenges

\- - - - - -

Over all, day game is awesome. The two serious problem with it are:

1. Far too few hot girls walking around during the day.
2. The best ones are rarely single

Day game is really only viable in certain locations with high volumes of people and hot girls. Such locations tend to be hard to find. Or you can do day game very sporadically as you do your grocery shopping, etc. But this is far too infrequent to be relied upon. It's more of a bonus you get as a veteran of the game. Once you have built up your skills you should be able to execute a solid approach on any random hot girl you see anywhere during the day.

Leo's Answer at I struggle with day game (Not verbatim, I reform mated with Markdown for my personal notes and added titles)


@Marinus That's great action-taking. 31 daytime approaches is a lot.

## There are many stages to a successful pickup that must be mastered:

- the open, 
- body language, 
- the smile, 
- eye contact, 
- keeping conversations going, 
- flirtation, 
- kino/touching, 
- authenticity, 
- sexual tension, 
- hitting a hook point, 
- screening for boyfriend, 
- getting the close, 
- leading and pulling for instant date, 
- number closing, etc.

*It's quite hard to learn all those on your own. It helps to go with a wing-man who already has experience with this and can help you evaluate your interactions. Try to find some wings in your city.*

## ==All daytime approaches must end with you asking the girl for an insta-date coffee.==

A successful daytime approach requires a lot more than just opening the girl and saying Hi. 
- You must learn to make the conversation fun, flirty, and interesting. 
- And you must learn how to close in order to get any results. 

## Assume Familiarity

Yes, you will be very awkward and mechanical at first. But you can quickly improve. Your goal should be to approach a girl in the same way you might approach and talk to your own girlfriend. ([[Assume Familiarity]]) It has to be very natural, like it's no big deal, like you've known her your own life. You must just assume this vibe and sense of friendship and familiarity right off the bat. It has to be super casual so the girl is not put on guard.

## Practice with store clearks at the mall

A great way to practice conversation skills and body language is by chatting with store clerks at the mall. Go find some girl clerks. They are bored most the day and will be happy to talk with you. Try to flirt with them a bit without outright hitting on them. Try to get them to open up about themselves. Try to charm them a bit. Tease them. Wink and smile at them. Tell them some stories about yourself, etc.

## Become good at small-talk in general

- ==At this point your goal is not even to have sex but simply to become a more social, extroverted, talkative, charismatic person.== You can even practice on guys and old ladies.
- Get good at small-talk and self-expression to strangers. 
- Get good at building rapid social comfort, so people are comfortable around you. So they feel you as a fun friendly guy.

I love day game. The biggest problem with it is that it's not easy to find a lot of hot girls during the day unless you live near certain great locations. Cities like LA, London, and NYC are amazing for daygame, but most cities aren't.

The advantage of night is that you get a lot more girls to talk to. And there's possibilities for same night pulls.

## Approach Angle

Oh, it's also VERY IMPORTANT that when you approach a girl during the day:
- you stop her and face up to her squarely, face to face. 
- Do not be approaching girls from the back or the side. 
- If she is walking, you must stop her cold by getting her attention. 
- You must face her directly. 
- You must have her full attention before you deliver your opener. 
- Do not be whispering your opener to her side or back as she is walking. 
- Run around her and stop her without scaring her. 
- ==And you must always open with a smile.== **If there is a look of fear on your face, she will freak out.** Practice that smile like your life depends on it.

- Source:


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The big difference is alcohol vs not.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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19 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

The big difference is alcohol vs not.

🤯 🤣 I didn't make that connection.

I don't drink, I never got drunk before and I don't intend to.

To quote from the Jack Black post:


[...] The reason people drink alcohol at bars and clubs is because it helps them be as free as Jack Black. The key to game is to train yourself to be this way without any intoxicants. [...]


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