Leo Gura

Tinnitus - Mega-Thread

221 posts in this topic

Are you willing to try method told by Dr. Mandel? All you need is a couple of spoons..



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In spirituality, isn't what they say that your guide is telling you something? lol



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On 22/05/2024 at 1:04 PM, Rayster said:

In spirituality, isn't what they say that your guide is telling you something? lol



I don't buy that. If they want to tell me something, why be so cryptic and vague? I don't want to play guessing games.

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Joe Dispenza's work

The devil is in the details.

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I've had tinnitus for 3 years now and I've learned to live with it. I don't know exactly what caused it. It could be one or more of the following:

1. The Wim Hof method, specifically the breathing technique. I think I overdid it. I still do it but not as much as when I got started. Still, my tinnitus gets higher when I hold my breath, then it lowers to normal. Also, after the cold shower, water always gets stuck in my ears.

2. Too much music and headphones.

3. I put so much awareness inside my skull, like I focus on the details of how I perceive sound, especially the energy, emotions, and visions it produces in me. This, I think, made my eardrums very sensitive, especially in winter. I thought it was normal, but I guess not. Nowadays, I don't focus inside as much.

4. Yoga and handstands. I think I twisted my neck in some way and I kept doing yoga and it didn't heal. Handstands because the tinnitus gets higher when I do them.

5. It could also be a jaw problem because when I press my jaw with force, it gets higher.

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 @Leo Gura will you drop the solution?

I have had tinnitus for around 7 months, comes on and off for me. I relate it to a more psychological issue / an issue of improper living rather than a physical one. Truth is I don't really know what it is about. The loudness for me is around a 6-7/10. I can feel miserable when I notice it for extended periods.

My Dad also has tinnitus. He describes it like "Loud hissing. Always present. Especially when no other background noise. I got it from loud engines and machinery in my youth topped up with music concerts". 

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I helped my mother to almost cure it! From strong severe noise and even hallucinations back to almost normal with just sometimes a bit of discomfort and now that is happening only when she is in bed and in a special side position.

She was a nurse and was infected by a child with some infection. Her ear was even bleeding at some point (it was many years ago). Then she was hearing some small sounds very rarely. Recently, (a few years ago/ now she is in pension) it started increasing more and more until it was so terrible that she started even hallucinating every evening in her peripheral vision. I was lost and desperately searching for the root cause. I thought it is B6 or B3 deficiency. Even found a doctor in England that is removing dead skin from years and helps recovery of lost hearing. But in parallel to that found a good doctor that suggested blood test to accurately measure her micromanagement levels. The result was: all was in a good level, but one: SERIN! I was shocked. Her serine level was 0. Missing completely! And SERIN is a crucial neurotransmitter! We started L-Serin high dose supplementation and some additional antioxidants and in about 4 months the hallucinations stopped. Then slowly the noise was also reduced. Now it is around one year since we have done the blood measurement and she feels almost like when she was feeling before it all started. Of course she has and old physical damage from the infection, and that we cannot recover. But it is now just one special side position of the head when she is in bed.

My Doctor use to say: Test, do not guess :)
So, I am really happy with that result. It was an incredible experience!

Especially, considering my mother is 75 now.

In addition: I do not recommend you to take serin without testing! Because if your levels are normal (and you do not know that) - overdosing can have the opposite effect - as it is also with B3, B12 But especially with B6! It can be some other deficiency for you. The best is to test your micro-nutrients level with a good test that measures the levels for the past 6 months based on white blood cells. 
I am living in Europe and cost me a lot to transport her blood with my language to a country where I can send priority shipping so that the blood arrive on time to USA for the test! It was almost impossible to manage but I was able to find a plane connection that covers the hours and then to give it on time for the shipment. But I am so glad I did it!
God it was worthy!!!

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I am 27, and have tinnitus for over 6 months, reason is unknown. Here are the things I have tried so far:


- Went to every doctor section I could think of. (ENT, Neurology, Brain Surgery, Dentist, Eye, Internal, Physiotherapy, Psychiatry) Done every tests they could offer. 2 MRIs, CT scan, hearing tests, films, blood tests. Only diagnose was 'military neck' from brain surgery. And he said it won't make tinnitus. ENT doctor said it could and criticized brain surgery doctor but I digress.

- Went to do osteopathy, acupuncture, neurotherapy thinking it's physical, paid quite a fortune, didn't help. (haven't visited a chiropractor yet)

- Small things I have tried many, many times: TMJ exercises and massages from youtube, motivationaldoc's and other doctoral youtubers' exercises for tinnitus, started anti depressants thinking it's because of anxiety (Psychiatrist said it may help if so). Took taurine in the morning, drank lemon balm tea and did yoga thinking I have GABA deficiency in my brain. Applied helichrysium oil to back of my ear. Ate dill in the breakfast. Tinnitus focused supplement pills (They mostly contain ginkgo biloba, garlic, zinc and vitamins). And many posture fixing exercises.


None helped. There's still seemingly permanent high pitched beeping sound coming from my left ear.

@Leo Gura if you found something different from the things I tried, I'd love to learn it as soon as possible. This topic is the sole reason I've created an Actualized forum account but I've been watching your videos on and off for 7 years.


Things to do on my list:

- Going to a chiropractor

- Losing weight, (I am a bit overweight and heard that tinnitus statistically happens more on overweight people) consuming less and less sugar and using 'benfotiamine' (For repairing nerve damage caused by sugar)


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I have had tinnitus my entire life but it’s easy to ignore and just not pay any attention to.

Got a lot worse when I started having digestion problems and it gets worse when I’m digesting food. 

How is this post just me acting out my ego in the usual ways? Is this post just me venting and justifying my selfishness? Are the things you are posting in alignment with principles of higher consciousness and higher stages of ego development? Are you acting in a mature or immature way? Are you being selfish or selfless in your communication? Are you acting like a monkey or like a God-like being?

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On 2024-05-22 at 5:20 AM, Mesopotamian said:

Are you willing to try method told by Dr. Mandel? All you need is a couple of spoons..



   Yes! As short term relief from tinnitus it does work.

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On 05/06/2024 at 11:23 PM, Takemitsurugi said:

I am 27, and have tinnitus for over 6 months, reason is unknown. Here are the things I have tried so far:


- Went to every doctor section I could think of. (ENT, Neurology, Brain Surgery, Dentist, Eye, Internal, Physiotherapy, Psychiatry) Done every tests they could offer. 2 MRIs, CT scan, hearing tests, films, blood tests. Only diagnose was 'military neck' from brain surgery. And he said it won't make tinnitus. ENT doctor said it could and criticized brain surgery doctor but I digress.

- Went to do osteopathy, acupuncture, neurotherapy thinking it's physical, paid quite a fortune, didn't help. (haven't visited a chiropractor yet)

- Small things I have tried many, many times: TMJ exercises and massages from youtube, motivationaldoc's and other doctoral youtubers' exercises for tinnitus, started anti depressants thinking it's because of anxiety (Psychiatrist said it may help if so). Took taurine in the morning, drank lemon balm tea and did yoga thinking I have GABA deficiency in my brain. Applied helichrysium oil to back of my ear. Ate dill in the breakfast. Tinnitus focused supplement pills (They mostly contain ginkgo biloba, garlic, zinc and vitamins). And many posture fixing exercises.


None helped. There's still seemingly permanent high pitched beeping sound coming from my left ear.

@Leo Gura if you found something different from the things I tried, I'd love to learn it as soon as possible. This topic is the sole reason I've created an Actualized forum account but I've been watching your videos on and off for 7 years.


Things to do on my list:

- Going to a chiropractor

- Losing weight, (I am a bit overweight and heard that tinnitus statistically happens more on overweight people) consuming less and less sugar and using 'benfotiamine' (For repairing nerve damage caused by sugar)


Have you tried to check your micro nutrient status? I recommend you to make a lymphocyte proliferation test, by SpectraCell Lab or by the Gluten Free Society (the second is better). Only then you can understand what is your real deficiency and to correct it you need good supplements in high dose for at least 4 months. You can learn for almost each deficiency in the YouTube channel of Dr. Peter Osborne. He has 1 h crash courses for each one with doses and time. You can even ask him questions every Thursday. 
As I mentioned in my post - my mother has 0 serine and Serine is very important neurotransmitter.  She was 6 months on 800 mg of Serine and then reduced to 400 for 3-4 months, and it helped unbelievably well!
If you have some strong dis-balance you can find it only by proper testing and correct adjustments. 
And yes, Dr. Osborne is my doctor and almost recovered fully my issues (we still working on some points), however, he is very expensive because he will ask you to do a lot of testing in the beginning (will costs more then $5-6000) but is totally worthy because you so you find all the root problems and then is crystal clear what is to do.
Wish you to get well soon! 💚

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I have tinnitus, i'd say it's a 3 or 4. But the ringing makes meditation almost impossible for me so it could be a 5. I had it for 3 years.

How I got it : overexposure to high decibels.

My life purpose was to become a musician and listening to music was my biggest pleasure in life. I was producing music for years and also listening to a shit ton of podcasts in my headphones at all times during the day, but too loud for too many hours.

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Posted (edited)

Got mine after a hard burn out, dysautonomia from overwork and too little rest. 
Low carb diets seem to help. I think it may be physical manifestation of anxiety, unresolved stress, trauma. 
So, what is the cure?

Edited by Artis

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Posted (edited)

There is a type of tinnitus related to cervical hernias, which are often asymptomatic. It seems that it improves a lot by wearing a neck brace for a few hours a day. I have quite strong tinnitus, a high-pitched ringing. After years of boxing I had 2 cervical hernias, a ruptured eardrum and 3 fractures of the nasal septum (pretty stupid I think at this moment, but what to do? Was addictive) I would say that it is like 30 or 40 bd at some times.

Another cause of tinnitus is bruxism, which increases the maxillofacial muscles and tension in the area. If you want to know if the origin of your tinnitus is cervical, lift your head with your hands forcefully to stretch your neck, at different angles. If you notice a reduction in sound, you will know the cause, or one of the causes. In my case the solution is to assume it as a sound that is there and not pay attention to it. On some occasions, on psychedelic trips, it has been really annoying, the reality become tinnitus.

Edited by Breakingthewall

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On 7/30/2024 at 10:52 AM, Breakingthewall said:

On some occasions, on psychedelic trips, it has been really annoying, the reality become tinnitus.

When I smoke 5-MeO-DMT the onset often starts with a tinnitus-like sound which I describe as a "flashbang granade".

Joke aside, I hope yours improve quickly. At some point my tinnitus was really bothering some of my trips, now it's almost gone.

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1 hour ago, PsychedelicEagle said:

Joke aside, I hope yours improve quickly. At some point my tinnitus was really bothering some of my trips, now it's almost gone.

I think it's for ever. It is a loud sound, for example if I am listening to music with the headphones at high volume, it can be heard clearly. I've gotten used to it, it's the sound of life 😅

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I've been having it for some time now. When I eat too much sugar, drink coffee, smoke weed, sleep not much, or when im stressed, it gets stronger. Sometimes it really drives me crazy.

@Leo Gura did you already post the cure somewhere?

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4 hours ago, manuel bon said:

I've been having it for some time now. When I eat too much sugar, drink coffee, smoke weed, sleep not much, or when im stressed, it gets stronger. Sometimes it really drives me crazy.

@Leo Gura did you already post the cure somewhere?

Try lipoflavanoid plus 

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6 hours ago, Raze said:

Try lipoflavanoid plus 

But how can a bunch of vitamins and other help tinnitus? It can come from problems with the neck/jaw...

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Joe Dispenza can help, but leo just dismissed my recommendation out of hand.
Too bad for him, enjoy your loop with ephemeral and cumbersome recommendations.

The devil is in the details.

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