Leo Gura

Tinnitus - Mega-Thread

219 posts in this topic

Studies show 1/10 people have it. I think that's just the USA.

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40 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

Google Tinnitus 911 for more info and judge for yourself. 


That's garbage. That's not a cure for tinnitus.

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Posted (edited)

ive had tinnitus for the past 2,5 years ish. im pretty sure what triggered it was overdoing the wim hof breathing method. at least it started pretty soon after i started practicing the wim hof breathing method, and ive read online that others got themselves tinnitus through his method as well. apperantly its not uncommon

id say generally from 1-10 its probably a 3-4.

id very much like that cure lol

Edited by emil1234

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13 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

That's garbage. That's not a cure for tinnitus.

Ok. Maybe someone will see this post and get the message and not get duped.😊

Know thyself....

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Posted (edited)

What a strange coincidence, I just contacted medical advisors regarding my tinnitus today as I just decided that I have reached a point where I need to be proactive about it. I have "whitenoise" sounding tinnitus, it has come on gradually from around my teenage years and gotten louder with time. It might stem from prolonged exposure to semi loud sounds as I work with music. It could also be extensive ear wax, but I am still trouble shooting it.

I would put mine on a grade of 5-6/10.

Really looking forward to see if your cure works!

Edited by Value

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I've got one since September last year. It appeared after my MDMA + 3x 5-MeO-DMT breakthrough experience. Well, actually not directly afterwards but a week later when I got tonsillitis. But I guess it relates to the psychedelic experience. 

It's pretty loud about a 8/10. Even the nurse was surprised by the volume when I did a test. 

I tried relaxing homeopathic medication to calm the body + high doses of magnesium+ high doses of other supplements for the immune system (like zinc, harness, d3 and so on.) Didn't really work at all.  I checked that there's nothing wrong with the ears and did a psychological test to examine if it has something to do with psychological stress or mental disturbances (it doesn't).

Strategy for now: Acceptance. No judgement. Looking what Leo has to say about it. 

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18 minutes ago, Verg0 said:

  I checked that there's nothing wrong with the ears

If you see my post above (not the product itself), it says the findings concluded that it's not an ear problem but a brain problem. Don't know if that's true just reporting. 

Know thyself....

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1 hour ago, emil1234 said:

ive had tinnitus for the past 2,5 years ish. im pretty sure what triggered it was overdoing the wim hof breathing method. at least it started pretty soon after i started practicing the wim hof breathing method, and ive read online that others got themselves tinnitus through his method as well. apperantly its not uncommon

Interesting… my tinnitus appeared around the same time I started doing that method. I never considered that a possibility.

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Aging has caused my chronic tinnitus + taking ototoxic drugs like ibuprofen and paracetamol for migraines over the years didn't help either

I hear it all the time, but the intensity varies a lot. It's almost as if it goes in cycles, sometimes I bearly hear it and it's not troublesome at all (2/10 let's say), and then a few weeks go by and its volume ramps up to like 6/10, then again it goes down a few weeks later...

Share the cure plz

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Posted (edited)

There are different kinds of tinnitus. One kind comes from sound damage to the ears, other kind is brain related. Medications can also damage the ears or the brain.

Edited by Leo Gura

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10 minutes ago, Yimpa said:

Interesting… my tinnitus appeared around the same time I started doing that method. I never considered that a possibility.

What's the point of this method ?


The devil is in the details.

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Posted (edited)

I don't but i had at least 3 clients, at this point, who had it (along other things) so curious to hear about your method 

Edited by Michael569

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Posted (edited)

9 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

There are different kinds of tinnitus. One kind comes from sound damage to the ears, other kind is brain related. Medications can also damage the ears or the brain.

From what I've heard there's always at least some minimal hearing loss with tinnitus. Some people have huge hearing loss and no tinnitus tho


Edited by CosmicExplorer

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I have a tinnitus since several years, it's not a ringing but more like wind rushing through trees, if I concentrate on it I can almost always hear it except for when it's really loud in the environment. I didn't find a cure yet, it started when I was playing guitar between two drummers when I was young and they really smashed their drums and high hats.

I found my way to cope with it when I realized it's necessary to make peace with it. I reframed it as "my private 24/7 concert" during a trip and wrote a letter to my "tiny tussi (german word like bitch)" afterwards to tell her it's okay if she stays for the rest of my life and that she reminds me to ask myself self-inquiry style questions like "who's hearing it? Where is the sound?" so I gave it a mindful purpose. Since then it doesn't bother me so much anymore (it even seems less loud but maybe just less triggering), there are days I almost completely forget about it although it's quite loud when it's silent, seems even louder than talking voices then. I hear less good than other people but if I don't reveal it people don't suspect it - I guess it's because I actually have really sensitive ears - so still loud music hurts much faster for me than others.

I would be quite interested in your cure but I doubt it helps with tinnitus that came from hearing damage - there are stress related tinnituses, muscle tension or jaw misalignment types for which I belive cure or at least reliefs exist. The medical explanation for volume related hearing loss is that hairs in the aural snail break irreversibly but I am still open to healing - e.g. maybe the brain can learn and just cancel the ever-ringing frequencys from reaching the conscious threshold. Please keep us updated and thanks for your work!

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I’ve had a mild form of it for as long as I can remember. It’s very obvious that it’s not a physical wave hitting my eardrums. It’s qualitatively different and does not impact my hearing in any way. It’s there whenever I put my attention on it. Haven’t tried anything to remedy it since it’s so benign in my case.

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7 hours ago, Schizophonia said:

What's the point of this method ?


To give you tinnitus.

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Posted (edited)

@Schizophonia its just a pretty standard breathing excercise, which is healthy for your blood circulation. it also has potential health benefits in regards to anxiety, stress, etc. 

done intensely it can also induce altered states of consciousness

@Yimpa yea im almost 100% sure thats how i got mine. its not uncommon for the practice to induce temporary tinnitus, which happened to me every time i did the breathing. however it would usually go away after a couple of minutes

Edited by emil1234

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I've had it a few times when I was extremely stressed and had a lack of sleep.

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1 hour ago, emil1234 said:

it also has potential health benefits in regards to anxiety, stress, etc. 

Ty, i've just seen who he is on google.

Isn't it the opposite? Hyperventilation works to increase stress and therefore thermogenesis.
Resisting hypothermia is one of the biggest stresses possible.
Wim Hoff Besides looks a little crazy and in poor physical shape.

Breathing work used against aging and to reverse certain physical illnesses (One of my "mentors" that I like has seen people suffering from serious neurodegenerative diseases like Parkison, at an advanced stage, reverse their cases with months of daily breathwork exercise involving Dan Tien breathing )
All these breathing exercises (Dan tian breathing, Nadi shodhana pranayama...) and additional meditations have the opposite aim of reducing respiratory and heart rate and adrenaline in general.

1 hour ago, emil1234 said:

which is healthy for your blood circulation.


It's a bit like saying coffee or cocaine is good for migraines. 

The devil is in the details.

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