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Weaponization of critical thinking.

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   Good example of a person with critical thinking and logic bias:

   While true that in argumentation logical framing is important, and minimizing performative contradictions and contrary beliefs within arguments is important, that isn't necessarily going to translate and convert over into the real world and in reality where it's a multiplex of moving parts and paradox and circularity. This is what ignorance of fallacies and appeals, and ignorance of one's biased worldviews leads to, that this man, the arguer/debater, assumes logic, arguing and debating can stand alone, that there's object permanence, that objectivity and science isn't biased. Yet those are deeply flawed assumptions onto reality, and ignorance of experiences and knowledge about Spiral Dynamics stages of development, cognitive and moral development, developmental psychology and personality traits, 9 stages of ego development, Architypes and shadow aspects, ideology and dogma, ideological beliefs indoctrinated by the metanarrative, metaprogramming, cultural/societal programming, information ecology, narrative warfare, information warfare, propaganda and misinformation, and ignorance of hidden assumptions, leads into falsely believing that logic is incorruptible, 'stands alone', that rationality and objectivity are supreme, which leads into appeals to reasoning and logic which is itself an appeal and fallacy!

   Be careful of critical thinking and blind belief in logic!  

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    A great example of hidden assumptions, bias and ignorance in plain sight:

   NO! Mathematics and even logic are not discovered, they're mostly HUMAN INVENTIONS! You don't slugs or even monkeys make symbols, logic, or mathematical symbols. Mathematics is not found in nature AT ALL! It's all projected and generated by the HUMAN MIND! Please guys, self actualized users here, do not fall into the trap of scientific, S.T.E.M dogma! It's all mostly human created to start with. It's tiring to deal with some intellectuals high on their appeals and fallacies to logic and objectivity yet are so ignorant of and lack self awareness that it's all fundamentally subjective and grounded in consensus reality!

   For god's sake, at least make the distinction between Mathematics and science, yet this professor has sloppy abstract thinking and overlaps Mathematics to science and scientific theories, and somewhat to technology, engineering, naturalism, physics, biology...😆🤣

Edited by Danioover9000

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I will always be the science/math geek. I'm all for humans figuring out how this "reality" works right down to the mathematical equations that govern every action, so that we can hijack the system, play God and remake it into a utopia through things like genetic engineering, rather than some esoteric philosophy that reality is what you perceive it to be, which is half truth.

I mean, when you change someone's gender, that's basically what you are doing. Nowhere in nature can any animal do surgical procedures and take pharmaceutical drugs to do these alterations. In essence, the political left are doing the same thing I propose... altering nature to suit their own needs.  That said, you can use logic to justify anything... that's it's power, and it's flaw. It should be used appropriately.

Edited by sholomar

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