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Not knowing Easter is more important than Christmas

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I'm surprised that even to this day, people still don't get Easter is more important than Christmas. Even some Christians don't realise this!

There is a reason why the cross is the Christian symbol. That's why Jesus came to Earth. Yes, there would be no Easter without Christmas, but Jesus's purpose wasn't just to be born. 

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No date is more important than any other. It’s all an illusion anyway. Wh make a part of it so important so that to become engrossed in it and even argumentative about it? Chill, it,s all you anyway.  You are projecting those people, so judging them is folly. Instead,  Ask yourself why you created them to act out that way for you.

"Whoever has come to understand the world has found merely a corpse, and whoever has found a corpse, of that one the world is no longer worthy." - Jesus

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