
Why am I having such a hard time finding a job with my Bachelor's Degree?

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I graduated and got my Bachelor's Degree in Communication and Media. It's been about a year and three months since then and I still haven't been able to find a job in my field with my degree.

I didn't have any internships while I was in college.

I went back to school when I graduated and got a certificate in social media marketing to further my education to try and strengthen my resume. Also, I got a Digital Marketing Certificate online as well to build my resume.

I don't know why I can't find a job in my field. I apply everyday on Indeed, Linkedin, Glassdoor and Handshake for the newest jobs available in my field.

I have went on a lot of interviews but I still don't get offered a position.

I don't know what to do as I have applied to hundreds of positions in my field and still haven't gotten a job.

I was thinking about going back to get a Master's Degree but if I do I will probably get it in a more specialized field since my Bachelor's Degree in Communication and Media is pretty broad.

I would like some advice on what I can do to find a job in my field? Should I look at other job websites? What should I change?

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Degrees matter little to companies. Getting more degrees will not solve your problem. What you need is a good portfolio of work and demonstrate the kind of results you can deliver to employers.

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The job market is wrecked at the moment. It's not your fault. Going to do masters may not be the best idea. Degrees do not matter as much as they used to. 

You have to earn name by doing free work of some kind. This is the only solution for the moment that you could do. 

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1 hour ago, NightHawkBuzz said:

graduated and got my Bachelor's Degree in Communication and Media.

Such degrees don't mean much.
College is for degrees in science, medicine, and engineering.
Start by working with small businesses, don't aim high until you build some experience.

Edited by LSD-Rumi

"Say to the sheep in your secrecy when you intend to slaughter it, Today you are slaughtered and tomorrow I am.
Both of us will be consumed.

My blood and your blood, my suffering and yours is the essence that nourishes the tree of existence.'"

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@NightHawkBuzz please inform yourself before you start a study about average time until you find a job

I studied business administration and have even a master degree in it. The professors told us that  it takes about 1 year or more until you find a job as an absolvent in Marketing. I didn't want to wait so long so I studied parallel Computer science and got my diploma one year after finishing my master degree in business administration. As a programmer I got instant job offers (but I also had excellent grades).

Edited by OBEler

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8 hours ago, NightHawkBuzz said:

I graduated and got my Bachelor's Degree in Communication and Media. It's been about a year and three months since then and I still haven't been able to find a job in my field with my degree.

I didn't have any internships while I was in college.

I went back to school when I graduated and got a certificate in social media marketing to further my education to try and strengthen my resume. Also, I got a Digital Marketing Certificate online as well to build my resume.

I don't know why I can't find a job in my field. I apply everyday on Indeed, Linkedin, Glassdoor and Handshake for the newest jobs available in my field.

I have went on a lot of interviews but I still don't get offered a position.

I don't know what to do as I have applied to hundreds of positions in my field and still haven't gotten a job.

I was thinking about going back to get a Master's Degree but if I do I will probably get it in a more specialized field since my Bachelor's Degree in Communication and Media is pretty broad.

I would like some advice on what I can do to find a job in my field? Should I look at other job websites? What should I change?

Semen retention + autonomy lifestyle (search up "autonomous lifestyle" on youtube there are videos about it, there is a playlist with enough videos that pops up 1st, autonomy lifestyle in a nutshell is life without food, water and sleep) and somehow someway the "job" will find you instead, and same goes for everything else that needs to fall in place, i know it's not the type of response you may look for but on my life this is the best response you'll get

Edited by strika

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12 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Degrees matter little to companies. Getting more degrees will not solve your problem. What you need is a good portfolio of work and demonstrate the kind of results you can deliver to employers.

@Leo Gura Okay that makes sense. Well how do I actually get a position that way I am able to build a good portfolio of work? Do you mean getting internship?

If you don't mean by getting an internship and by getting a regular position I feel like it's difficult because to get a good portfolio of work I have to get a position but I am having a hard time finding a position right now. 

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@NightHawkBuzz No, you build a portfolio now, before you get a position.

Do small personal projects to add to your portfolio.

Do not wait for an employer to do it for you.

Spend a year building personal projects, just for your portfolio. This will be better than any degree.

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If you don't have time or are very confused about all of this, then find the best internship positions available for you.

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13 hours ago, Nemra said:


Have you applied for an internship after college?

@Nemra No I have currently just been applying for full time positions not internships yet. 

Edited by NightHawkBuzz

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3 hours ago, Nemra said:


If you don't have time or are very confused about all of this, then find the best internship positions available for you.

@Nemra Is this in responses to what Leo said about building personal projects? 

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@NightHawkBuzz Well, I'm not disagreeing. It's just that I don't think most people have enough time, energy, and space to spend one year doing that. Even if you have, internships can still be an important experience. So if you don't continue or get fired, at least you can show that you have experience (worked in a company) for others. Idk, maybe you can do both.

Edited by Nemra

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4 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

@NightHawkBuzz No, you build a portfolio now, before you get a position.

Do small personal projects to add to your portfolio.

Do not wait for an employer to do it for you.

Spend a year building personal projects, just for your portfolio. This will be better than any degree.

@Leo Gura Okay well my skills are in social media and marketing. 

So I can build a portfolio in social media and marketing by doing small personal projects to add to my portfolio? I can possibly do projects online on sites like canva to add to my portfolio then?

Is this what you mean when you are talking about building a portfolio of small personal projects?


Edited by NightHawkBuzz

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@NightHawkBuzz can you ask absolvents how long they searched for a job in this field?

It could be that most work outside of this field after they finished 

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6 hours ago, NightHawkBuzz said:

@Leo Gura Okay well my skills are in social media and marketing. 

So I can build a portfolio in social media and marketing by doing small personal projects to add to my portfolio? I can possibly do projects online on sites like canva to add to my portfolio then?

Is this what you mean when you are talking about building a portfolio of small personal projects?


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You should have been building your portfolio throughout your college years. You didn't do that, so that's why you don't have a job.

A degree is never enough by itself to entice an employer. You need a juicy showcase of your work. Why would an employer hire someone without a portfolio over someone with a portfolio? It's just common sense. All employers care about is evidence of being able to deliver quality results.

Edited by Leo Gura

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