
Fear of getting a girl pregnant

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@actuallyenlightened  If I wanna sleep around and live in a big city. I try being anonymous, you can give false name(or none at all) and restrain from providing contact details.

I don’t however.

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35 minutes ago, Spiral said:

I try being anonymous, you can give false name(or none at all) and restrain from providing contact details.


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42 minutes ago, Spiral said:

@actuallyenlightened  If I wanna sleep around and live in a big city. I try being anonymous, you can give false name(or none at all) and restrain from providing contact details.

I don’t however.

If it gets to this point, you really need to examine your priorities in life. You’re sacrificing every grain of integrity just to get laid.

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There should be a health fear of pregnancy. Use condoms and don't be afraid to ask if she is on the pill. Use common sense. Protect your sex. Boyooooo and there ya go

If a condom falls off, don't be afraid to have that uncomfortable conversation around something like Plan B medication. 

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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If a condom slips off you could use reverse psychology game and trigger all the turn-off  creepy beta male simp responses in her that will make her absolutely not want your child for sure and look out for birth control by her own will

Owen said he does a version of this for breakups so that he doesn't break their hearts and they want to break up with him instead. He also acts like a beta-male on purpose when around his friends girls so that they don't accidentally don't get a crush on him 

Also he if a girl wants go to exclusive with him he would frame the idea of being her "bOyfRIeNd" and doing "cOUpLe tHiNgs" ( with an absolute derp Owen voice) SO ridiculous that it would ERADICATE the idea from her mind


Basically know how to hide your rizz on command lol

- PUA manipulations , intermediate level

Edited by mmKay

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10 minutes ago, mmKay said:

If a condom slips off you could use reverse psychology game and trigger all the turn-off  creepy beta male simp responses in her that will make her absolutely not want your child for sure and look out for birth control by her own will

Owen said he does a version of this for breakups so that he doesn't break their hearts and they want to break up with him instead. He also acts like a beta-male on purpose when around his friends girls so that they don't accidentally don't get a crush on him 

Also he if a girl wants go to exclusive with him he would frame the idea of being her "bOyfRIeNd" ( with an absolutele derp Owen voice) so ridiculous that it would eradicate the idea from her mind

And you guys ask me why sex is unconscious.

This is why.

Just look at the manipulative monster it made you.

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@Leo Gura Life is a funny dance

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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@Leo Gura You don't want to have children, don't you feel as if you're missing out? Isn't raising children the happiest thing one can experience? Plus, Jordan Peterson says the wanting and not wanting children is the clear distinction between a mature and immature person.

أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وأشهد أن ليو رسول الله

Translation: I bear witness that there is no God but Allah, and Leo [Gura] is the messenger of Allah.


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11 minutes ago, Husseinisdoingfine said:

Jordan Peterson says the wanting and not wanting children is the clear distinction between a mature and immature person.

JP is full of conservative bullshit.

JP doesn't even have enough intelligence to understand why monks and saints refuse to have children.

Edited by Leo Gura

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All evidence shows the reverse opposite, as its people in less developed Nations who produce the most children

أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وأشهد أن ليو رسول الله

Translation: I bear witness that there is no God but Allah, and Leo [Gura] is the messenger of Allah.


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@something_else Yeah of course. I consider promiscuous sex unethical in general. 

Whenever you are using people as a means to an end, you’re acting immorally. 

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9 hours ago, Spiral said:

@something_else Yeah of course. I consider promiscuous sex unethical in general. 

Whenever you are using people as a means to an end, you’re acting immorally. 

It can be made pretty ethical if you’re honest.

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