
Fear of getting a girl pregnant

52 posts in this topic

4 hours ago, Raze said:

It’s pretty unlikely the condom will fail, and she’s lying about birth control / birth control fails, and she doesn’t want to take plan b or get an abortion.

Fertility rates vary among men and women. In theory it’s possible for some woman to get pregnant from the tiniest amount of semen. And especially if you’re having sex multiple times in a row, that stuff is gonna get everywhere even if you’re using condoms.

I don’t think women lie about birth control that much, but they do suck at taking it properly just like most men suck at using condoms properly.

As bad as this sounds, most women are pretty irrational when it comes to making decisions about kids. Even if they say they’ll get an abortion beforehand, when it comes down to it, the emotions involved are intense and even if having a kid is the worst possible decision for both of your lives, she may want to keep it because of motherly instincts which make no sense to us as guys.


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13 hours ago, Jayson G said:


Just be strategic man, use condoms properly, store them properly, dont have sex drunk, that's 98% effective, which should mean you never really have a problem

Now in the 2% chance the condom breaks or leaks or whatever, you use plan B within 24 hours .. I've had to give girls plan B over like 8 times, mainly because I had a bit of paranoia. You're now at 99.5% effectiveness. 

Now say after all that, the girl still gets pregnant. Then most likely she will want an abortion. I think you're fear is a bit irrational. She would most likely want an abortion, considering that you're a stranger, its unwanted to begin with, unplanned, no support and resistance from you, etc. Now you're at 99.99% effectiveness. 

Congrats, you're good for life. And honestly don't let this stop you from living. Of course don't be a madman going after every girl, but what's life without some fearless adventure?

I like your swiss cheese math approach:

Yearly risk
Condom break: 0.02 (= 2%), assumes condom not slipping off
Plan B fail: 0.05
Fertility: 0.3 (chatgpt said 20-30%)
No abortion: 0.2 (est)

0.02 * 0.05 * 0.3 * 0.2 = 6e-5 -> ok 99.994% each year.
Over a sexual lifespan of say 30 years, 0.99994^30 = 99.82%

Didn't get 99.9% but 99.82% is still pretty good :)

6 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

2) You can purchase Plan B, morning-after pills on Amazon. You should have some in your bedstand at all times, in case your condom slips off. Then you can offer your girl the pill without having to drive somewhere to buy it. This makes your life much easier and less awkward. If you have to drive out to find it, the odds are higher that she will not take it. And the sooner she takes it the better it works.

Thanks for this tip. Absolutely going to carry around Plan B with condoms from now on.

6 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

4) Sex with condoms sucks. Sex would be way better after vasectomy.

Yeah but I'd need to do new math for stds 

6 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

A vasectomy takes 5 minutes and costs $750.

Vasectomy sounds quite good in general + it's cheap.


Edited by actuallyenlightened
Bad math

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6 minutes ago, actuallyenlightened said:

Yeah but I'd need to do new math for stds

This would be for girlfriends, not one night stands. Girlfriend STD risk is very low.

Many of my pickup friends rawdog girls on one night stands. It's an insane thing to do, but they somehow get away with it.

Edited by Leo Gura

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2 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Many of my pickup friends rawdog girls on one night stands. It's an insane thing to do, but they somehow get away with it.

Yeah guess it's like getting hit by lightning vs getting hit holding a metal rod lol. Something tells me they do get sick but just never get tested

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13 minutes ago, actuallyenlightened said:

Yeah guess it's like getting hit by lightning vs getting hit holding a metal rod lol. Something tells me they do get sick but just never get tested

I don't mean STDs, I mean pregnancy.

STD risk is way lower than pregnancy risk. And many STDs are curable. I know a few PUA friends who caught an STD but cured it.

Pregnancy can ruin your life worse than an STD. Of course it all depends on the details.

Edited by Leo Gura

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1 minute ago, Leo Gura said:

I don't mean STDs, I mean pregnancy.

Not surprised, girl who feels shitty about sleeping with a PUA would probably be a lot more inclined to get an abortion

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5 hours ago, something_else said:

Fertility rates vary among men and women. In theory it’s possible for some woman to get pregnant from the tiniest amount of semen. And especially if you’re having sex multiple times in a row, that stuff is gonna get everywhere even if you’re using condoms.

I don’t think women lie about birth control that much, but they do suck at taking it properly just like most men suck at using condoms properly.

As bad as this sounds, most women are pretty irrational when it comes to making decisions about kids. Even if they say they’ll get an abortion beforehand, when it comes down to it, the emotions involved are intense and even if having a kid is the worst possible decision for both of your lives, she may want to keep it because of motherly instincts which make no sense to us as guys.


I don't know why I thought you were a female all this time. Maybe because you speak with so much sensitivity and usually make a lot of sense, especially in the dating section and you're not hating on women.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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23 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Many of my pickup friends rawdog girls on one night stands. It's an insane thing to do, but they somehow get away with it.

One of my best friends is a natural that peaked in high school. He has around 100 or more body count. This dude is oozing testosterone . Super hairy and naturally twice as muscular at me without touching weights.

He only learned from me last year that pre-seminal fluid can get a girl pregnant. Until then, he just pulled out, wore his lucky socks and washed his wiener with diet coke 

Edited by mmKay

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40 minutes ago, mmKay said:

One of my best friends is a natural that peaked in high school. He has around 100 or more body count. This dude is oozing testosterone . Super hairy and naturally twice as muscular at me without touching weights.

He only learned from me last year that pre-seminal fluid can get a girl pregnant. Until then, he just pulled out, wore his lucky socks and washed his wiener with diet coke 

Poor alpha might be infertile :ph34r:

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A real man gets a girl pregnant just by sticking the tip in.


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Sounds like a quote from " One Pump Man" Anime ( One Punch Man spin-off)


S3ks with a condom be like  eating a sandwich with the wrapper 


Edited by mmKay

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It makes sense that you'd be concerned about getting someone pregnant.

But your fear seems a bit intense, given the precautions that you're taking. And it might get in the way of you actually getting closer to a a partner since there's a lot of fears of lack of trust and the other person having power over you.

So, it makes me believe that it's more than just a concern about pregnancy... but rather a fear of powerlessness.

Definitely take contraception seriously. But is there a deeper fear of powerlessness that underlies the fear of making someone pregnant... and other non-related fears around powerlessness?

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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If you are concerned about getting your girlfriend pregnant. 

There is this plastic implant that can be inserted easily in a woman's arm. It would provide protection for 3 years with efficacy reaching 99%


Edited by LSD-Rumi

"Say to the sheep in your secrecy when you intend to slaughter it, Today you are slaughtered and tomorrow I am.
Both of us will be consumed.

My blood and your blood, my suffering and yours is the essence that nourishes the tree of existence.'"

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8 hours ago, Princess Arabia said:

I don't know why I thought you were a female all this time. Maybe because you speak with so much sensitivity and usually make a lot of sense, especially in the dating section and you're not hating on women.

Thank you :D


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5 hours ago, Emerald said:

But is there a deeper fear of powerlessness that underlies the fear of making someone pregnant... and other non-related fears around powerlessness?

Proceeding given my satisfaction with the answers I got here.

2 hours ago, Jayson G said:

@actuallyenlightened that's the spirit man, its really not so bad when we take the right precautions and stuff :)

Thanks bro! 

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Guys, you use some low-quality, unfitted condoms. I sometimes even prefer the condom over the no-condom sex. And can't imagine it slipping off during the act. Different penis' shapes I guess.

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Holy fucking shit guys Eureka

I came up with a way to absolutely avoid the risk of pregnancy  without condoms, birth control or vasectomy and having as much unprotected sex as you want 


You need to deviate the flow of seminal liquid to a different exit instead of the urethra with some simple bioengineering

Maybe that could be an idea for the useless male nipples

Or make some sort of third empty testicle where the semen gets transfused to during orgasm and we can empty out manually later . This one is more realistic ideal actually 

Work in progress . Definitely revolutionary 



Anyways aren't IUDs very effective and non intrusive or are they toxic because of the copper or whatever 

Edited by mmKay

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1 hour ago, Girzo said:

Guys, you use some low-quality, unfitted condoms. And can't imagine it slipping off during the act.

Different penis' shapes I guess.

So you mean your's isn't cone shaped??

They should make one with a rubber band that attaches to the b*alls as a safety mechanism against slipping off


Just put on two or three in case one slips off for now

Edited by mmKay

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