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Keryo Koffa

Heroic Doses Sensory Input Lag

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I don't seem to hallucinate or get out-of-body experiences the same way I hear it described in reports and portrayed in videos but when I move and leave my current environment on heroic doses, I seem to lose my train of thought, sense of self, environmental awareness, and experience an increasing sensory disconnection. That is to say, my vision seems to reset and lag behind in a way, that I do not know if I'm experiencing the present, past or future. I get the feeling that past senses overlap my vision, that my mind is simulating the future and overlaying it and that I do not know what is actually happening in the present. Maybe all I see is just precognition simulated by my mind while I am actually somewhere else, maybe I lag behind when I close my eyes and appear somewhere else and this false simulation will crumble and I was actually somewhere else, maybe I walked somewhere different and this is overlaid imagination.

Maybe my mind is always simulating the future to an extortionary degree without my awareness to prevent terrible outcomes, maybe when something bad does happen it resets to a previous configuration and induces amnesia. At this point I have to use my phone camera to see more linearly even though it is still part of my vision, it seems more consistent. I have to kick the ground or grass or step hard and even when I see or feel that movement, I am unsure how real it is.

I see tracers on moving objects and sometimes am not sure if an object passed twice or just a similar looking one behind it. I also get an almost 360 vision and everything in front of me is clear and the detail is maintained no matter the angle, objects look very distinct and contrast well against the environment, trees look more alive than ever, more sleek and organically colored, the branches having eyes and looking like alien antennas, trying to point to something, though I can't tell what, I just get the feeling they're like machines with the purpose of transmitting love like a radio in a radial fashion. The forest floor is made of clearly distinguishable geometrically related clearly identifiable pieces of branches, leaves etc.

Well, weirdly enough I don't actually seem to be running into any objects despite the lag and even the back and forth lagging is reset to the present, which is weird because that includes going from future back to the present, like my intent is seen before its materialized. When I gaze long enough at a spot, my vision fractals, at some point my whole vision becomes spherical and I get the feeling that I am the center and cause of my environment, a self-projected reflection and the epicenter of experience.


The whole inter and intra-sensory disconnect, past, future, present separation, geometric recreation, vision singularity, it all really feels like my mind is making it all up on the go independently creating and choosing the world it is apart of and which changes to accept and bend to, phasing through existence and experience, like it's not just identifying an external world but actively creating the dimension in which it exists and is then willfullingly changed by. It's a lot to take in.

    Iridescent       💥        Living Rent-Free in        🥳 Liminal 😁 Psychic 🥰 
❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🖤      Synergy     Your Fractal 💗 Heart     Hyper-Space !  𓂙 𓃦 𓂀

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