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E-waste was terrible in the 2000s

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I have just realized how much e-waste originating from 2000-2010 I still own. I have already disposed multiple computers, mobile phones and other devices from that era (walkman, disc man, DVD player, ect.) but there are still hundreds of CDs/DVDs and plastic cases left, even though I have already disposed one large box full of CDs/DVDs/cassettes tapes etc.

It was ridiculous compared to the 2010-2020s era as everything had to be made as a physical copy to be useful and practical. And you needed many different devices to be able to play the media.

Nowadays you literally just have to own one or two devices with an SSD/SD card and you are good to go. Electronics are now much more ecological than before. It's a huge progress.

Edited by FourCrossedWands

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