
Leo you misunderstand Hitler completely

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The opposite of a conservative Nazi would be a liberal social justice warrior. Which was communist USSR.

Just because they didn't paint their hair blue does not mean they weren't fighting for social justice. Atleast in their minds, they were fighting against the evil capitalism and wrecked havoc on the world doing so killing 100 million people. These countries can't still free themselves from the clutches of communism despite ending it decades ago. 

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5 hours ago, OBEler said:

@Leo Gura

It's not accurate to reduce the complex dynamics of Nazi appeal and enmity to simple contemporary political labels like "conservatives" and "liberals." The Nazis drew support from various segments of German society at the time, especially the intellectual elite, scientists. They all were 100% in it.

   Not to mention borrowed a bit from Buddhism and spiritual traditions, the windmill symbol for peace they took, even from Judaism's Kabbalah and qlippoth they took As well, so I agree argumentatively this is a false dichotomy and false dilemma being set here.

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6 minutes ago, OBEler said:

@Leo Gura

While the categorization of political movements can be influenced by perspective and semantics, recognizing the foundational differences in ideology, goals, and methods is key to a thorough understanding and discussion of these topics.

Maybe that's the difference why Germany was so successful in philosophy,science and engineering compared to the rest of the world. We value precision and nuance in our native language when we talk about a topic.


   Have you made this thread in response to this blog?



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Posted (edited)

5 minutes ago, Mormegil said:

Only because the Nazis were stopped before they could cause harm (which they most definitely would have).

You don't know that. It's not like he was stopped from killing people.

He simply lost the war. History could have been very different. Either way, the numbers speak for themselves. Leftists are capable of greater harm that the most evil fascist right wing extremists dictators in history. 

5 minutes ago, Mormegil said:

Why are they the "bigger" fascists?

Ummm.. because they kill 10x more people?

No one is defending the Nazis. It's simply the case that leftism has done bigger damage that the damage done by Nazis look tiny in comparison. 

It's a fact of history. 

Edited by Bobby_2021

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@Danioover9000 Yes. I didn't watched the video but read about Leos opinion and needed to address how wrong it is to even consider a Nazi as ultra conservativ. Even if there is a semantic spectrum around these categories, there is a foundational difference between a Nazi and an (ultra) conservative man. You cannot put a Nazi in this category.

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   Also, I have to point out to @Leo Gura in his blog this statement: 'It's a shame that Destiny let JP get away with such trash.'.

   If you consider Jordan Peterson disqualified for making this Nazi/conservative ahistorical, associating Nazis as a left-far left ideology, does that also cover Destiny as well?


   Seems Destiny is buddying up with Nick Fuentes, a neo nazi. Should this also disqualify Destiny as well as Jordan?

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2 minutes ago, Mormegil said:

If you lose a war how do you want to continue your fascist regime, expand for more territory or continue the Holocaust? Of course they would have continued their insanity. Don't be naive. Mao and Stalin didn't start a war with the entire world (and Stalin was on the winning side of WW II anyway) that's why they could continue their bloody regime and more people died to it. Why the need to compare them to each other?

I can accept all that. But the Soviet communists killed more than 100 million people. I don't think anything could excuse that away.

I am not here to speculate what could happen and what could not. That's too long and complicated of a discussion to take place here. Let's talk about the concrete numbers. 

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22 minutes ago, OBEler said:

Maybe that's the difference why Germany was so successful in philosophy,science and engineering compared to the rest of the world. We value precision and nuance in our native language when we talk about a topic.


Be careful that your German precision doesn't make you miss the forest for the trees.

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2 minutes ago, OBEler said:

@Danioover9000 Yes. I didn't watched the video but read about Leos opinion and needed to address how wrong it is to even consider a Nazi as ultra conservativ. Even if there is a semantic spectrum around these categories, there is a foundational difference between a Nazi and an (ultra) conservative man. You cannot put a Nazi in this category.

   That's true, furthermore in reality it is possible that a person is so far right extremist that in some situations they become far left extremists too, AKA the strange loop effect. Anarchists/libertarians or even communists are so far left that they can be so far right in certain issues, for example looking at the concentration camp in China's country with the Ugyers.

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3 minutes ago, Danioover9000 said:

Seems Destiny is buddying up with Nick Fuentes, a neo nazi. Should this also disqualify Destiny as well as Jordan?

Talking to a neo-Nazi is not the same thing as not knowing that Nazis are conservative.

I don't see a serious risk of Destiny becoming a Nazi. Precisely because he is left-wing.

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Leo's assessment is correct. It's hard to deny that Nazis had a conservative appeal. The structural similarities that Nazis has to conservatisms is pretty much in your face.

But he is wrong in trying to equate conservative Nazis to liberalism in the Soviet communists.

The communists are more akin to social justice warriors. That's what they are. SJWs with more muscles and less blue hair. They are war with the fundamental injustice in society. The divide between the worker class and owner class. 

And that led to them killing 10x more people than the evil Nazis.

Also Fascism is not a right wing exclusive thing. Leftists can as easily be fascists as much as right wing.

In fact there are more left wing fascists in the world right now than right wing ones. 

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10 minutes ago, Mormegil said:

If you lose a war how do you want to continue your fascist regime, expand for more territory or continue the Holocaust? Of course they would have continued their insanity. Don't be naive. Mao and Stalin didn't start a war with the entire world (and Stalin was on the winning side of WW II anyway) that's why they could continue their bloody regime and more people died to it. Why the need to compare them to each other? Why the need to defend and downplay Hitler?

   He lost the war because Hitler was known to not listen to more experienced generals in warfare. If he did so much as take in 30% of advice more, then the outcome would be drastically different. Due to Hitler dismissing 95% of general's advice in war, he lost the war. Instead of trying to recruit Spain which at the time was in major debt to Germany, he ignored that advice. Instead of focusing on one side of the war, he divided his troops everywhere, westwards and eastwards. Instead of delaying the holocaust at least until he won and conquered much of Europe, he made the holocaust happen too early and lost 40% of Germany's workforce. Instead of working more closely with Japan against Russia, he didn't.

   Due to Hitler's egotism and not listening to general with good experience in war, he lost the war. 

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Posted (edited)

What you guys are missing about leftist dictators is that they use leftist ideology as a cover for a ruthless authoritarian power grab. None of those leftist dictators had the level of development necessariy to actually govern in a democratic, progressive, or even neoliberal manner.

There is a deep asymmetry between right and left governance. Left governance is much harder because it requires higher levels of development. Right governance does not. Therefore someone who wants power can use left ideology as a smokescreen to get it. But in practice these people are still quite conservative in their manner. It's like an ape who tries to act like a saint.

The reason these issues are so complex and messy is because all ideology is overridden by survival, unconsciousness, and lust for power. So people claim to be one way, or believe one thing, but then act the opposite when things get tight.

Soviet Russia did have genuinely progressive people, but they were all quickly purged even before Stalin took power. In reality the Soviet system was run by criminals and thugs.

Stalin was a bank robber. So him professing progressive ideals was always a load of shit.

Do not confuse Stalin and Mao for stage Green SJWs. Those are very different beasts. Soviet and Chinese Communism is not stage Green. It never could be. Which is why it failed so badly.

Edited by Leo Gura

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5 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:


Be careful that your German precision doesn't make you miss the forest for the trees.

Fair enough. But your big picture thinking could sometimes also include some more focus for details. 


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@Leo Gura

3 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Talking to a neo-Nazi is not the same thing as not knowing that Nazis are conservative.

I don't see a serious risk of Destiny becoming a Nazi. Precisely because he is left-wing.

   The main problem is that at that time Destiny willingly platformed Nick Fuentes who was known as a Neo Nazi, he allowed this osmosis between their 2 fanbases knowing who and what he stood for! It's not just talking or even debating a Nazi, Destiny was BEFRIENDING a Nazi! Therefore in this discussion and debate with Jordan Peterson, would this equate and count as a disqualification as well? Both arguers here are equally guilty of misrepresenting this Nazi ideology in their talks, so would you also consider disqualifying Destiny as well as Jordan?

   At least IMO both Destiny and Jordan sold their souls to the devil in this mistake. 

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1 minute ago, OBEler said:

Fair enough. But your big picture thinking could sometimes also include some more focus for details. 


   Now on this point he's fine to have his big picture takes. Just when it comes to argumentation he has to be wary of performative contradictions and false dichotomies. Yes reality is complex and got a lot of combinatory moving parts, but in logical debates and arguments you gotta be careful of those appeals and fallacies.

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Posted (edited)

30 minutes ago, Danioover9000 said:

@Leo Gura

   The main problem is that at that time Destiny willingly platformed Nick Fuentes who was known as a Neo Nazi, he allowed this osmosis between their 2 fanbases knowing who and what he stood for! It's not just talking or even debating a Nazi, Destiny was BEFRIENDING a Nazi! Therefore in this discussion and debate with Jordan Peterson, would this equate and count as a disqualification as well? Both arguers here are equally guilty of misrepresenting this Nazi ideology in their talks, so would you also consider disqualifying Destiny as well as Jordan?

   At least IMO both Destiny and Jordan sold their souls to the devil in this mistake. 

Well, I don't like Destiny platforming Nick Fuentes. But what I really care about is whether Destiny has a fundamental misinderstanding of what Nazis are.

Also, Destiny does not portray himself as an academic.

Should Destiny be disqualified from talking about Nazism? I don't see why. Does he endorse Nick Fuentes? I doubt it.

The issue isn't who you talk to, the issue is what ideas do you promote and want to see in office. We know who JP wants in office: Mike Pence.

Edited by Leo Gura

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14 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Do not confuse Stalin and Mao for stage Green SJWs. Those are very different beasts. Soviet and Chinese Communism is not stage Green. It never could be. Which is why it failed so badly.

I didn't say they were stage green. Simply that they were social justice warriors.

They were real warriors. They were capable of ruthlessness. They were fighting against social injustice. They were true believers in their cause. 

From their perspective, only them being in power would deliver justice to society. Again they were "warriors" by the real definition of the term. 

I specifically mentioned that they were not the fake warriors with the blue hairs. I know they are different. But they are fighting for the same cause.

Hitler was fighting for his race to be the best and be in power to run the society. Communists were fighting for their class to be the rulers of society.

Blue hair SJWs in the US and Soviet communists have the same motivations.

Just like conservatives in the US and german Nazis had the same motivations.

You simply can't unsee them or even worse, see one and ignore the other. That's just blatant bias. 

One is fighting for their class while the other is fighting for their race. 

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6 hours ago, OBEler said:

Hitler was not conservative. You probably consumed propaganda. Just hear original Hitler speeches like this one


Hitler said you should have respect of the past but you should not identify with it (big difference !!). You should respect their achievements but that should not mean that what they did is still good.

Hitler said, It is good to build up from ancestors achievements but then put your own will into it. So just copy what the ancestors did is utterly stupid.

A conservative would never said that.

Hitler: Nationalsocialism is based on biological insights and not on ancient tradition.







Which conservative? And in which country? 

You're splitting hairs and mischaracterizing things. Quite a number of social conservatives would say that older forms of morals and norms should be adapted to changing times. 

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