What is the best everyday practice to boost your psychedelic trips?

By Davino in Psychedelics,
I noticed that the biggest bottleneck in my trips are what I call the energetic tensions of the psychosoma. Let me explain it, in trips your body becomes vibrant and alive, you can feel through it and you notice there is a lot of unprocessed material there. The higher the consciousness you abide in, the bigger the energetic release will have to be to allow that. I usually experience some kind of energetic cleansing in the initial parts of every trip or throughout the experience. What I noticed is that Kundalini Yoga aims to help with that. So, I have found that kundalini yoga before a psychedelic trip eases things out a lot, as you have done some of the heavy lifting before and consciousness can flow through you more efortlessly. Kriya Yoga also addresses this, but I found it a bit boring in my experience. Kundalini is more dynamic, vibrant and engaging for me. This channel has become my main source of practice for Kundalini: She has lots of videos. For example, after many trips I was able to open fully the head and the heart but the belly keeps resisting. So she has videos where she focuses on dissolving particularly the energetic blockages I'm struggling to release in my trips. This way you take out work from the trips so that you can focus on your Awakenings & God-Realizations.
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