
Resistance to Moving to Stage Turquoise

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Has anyone faced not wanting to move to Turquoise? 

I have been working on various forms of integration for a while as well as learning how to relate to and deal with people across the spiral. I also get a lot of joy out of self education. Personally, I feel like I'm in a good spot where I am content and I feel at peace with my life so as a result, I'm not feeling this push towards transcendence.  I also feel like the parts of me that is yellow / green are manifesting in healthy ways to where I'm not really dealing with a lot of the excesses and limitations of the stage since I have worked through them already. Basically a part of me doesn't want to fix what isn't broken. 

Don't get me wrong, I'm still looking to pace myself in my self development and I see the value to moving into Turquoise. I'm just pacing myself lol. But yeah, has any of y'all felt kind of a resistance towards Turquoise? 

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I dove headfirst into turquoise years ago with over eagerness resulting in spiritual bypassing and neglect of tier 1 stages.

Take things at a pace that feels right.

It's Love.

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@soos_mite_ah Turquoise to me always felt really badly defined in the SD model. Once you hit Green / Yellow, I find it's no longer that useful to keep thinking of your growth in terms of the Spiral.

If by Turquoise you basically just mean doing hardcore spiritual work, then I'd say that's not something to force. You might just be in a phase where you want to focus on more basic human things. Or maybe you don't even want the highest levels of spiritual realization in this life time at all. 

"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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14 hours ago, RendHeaven said:

I dove headfirst into turquoise years ago with over eagerness resulting in spiritual bypassing and neglect of tier 1 stages.

Take things at a pace that feels right.

Thank you, I appreciate. I also appreciate the time you took to have a more detailed answer in my journal where I go into more depth of why I feel hesitant with Turquoise. 

14 hours ago, aurum said:

Turquoise to me always felt really badly defined in the SD model. Once you hit Green / Yellow, I find it's no longer that useful to keep thinking of your growth in terms of the Spiral.

If by Turquoise you basically just mean doing hardcore spiritual work, then I'd say that's not something to force. You might just be in a phase where you want to focus on more basic human things. Or maybe you don't even want the highest levels of spiritual realization in this life time at all. 

I agree, I always felt like Turquoise felt more vague compared to the other spiral stages since there isn't as many examples of Turquoise and because most of the examples that are there if I remember correctly had to do with nonduality, meditation, spirituality etc. while the other stages had examples in spirituality, economics, media, pop culture, etc. And that's understandable because the world has yet to evolve that much. I guess that's another thing that I'm coming up against where I feel like *let's not fix something that isn't broken* in reaction to growing from yellow and green because humans grow with their environment and influence their environment to grow and vice versa so it feels like I'm trying to adapt to something that doesn't really exist yet on a wider scale. 

I was using the spiral much more so to track my growth over the last few years and I also find myself hitting against a wall to where even though I resonate with green and yellow, I have worked through my own kinks and limitting beliefs to where I don't really resonate with the excesses and unhealthy manifestations associated with the stages, hence why to peg myself more accurately, I have been focussing on lines of development instead and taking that information loosely. 

As for the hardcore spiritual work, I guess for me it would be good to figure out what degree of spirituality works for me and that I find fulfillment in which can change as I move into different stages of my life. And if that's not what I'm authentically into, that's perfectly fine but I am seeing myself getting back into my own sense of spirituality and spiritual practices lately. As I'm writing this, I'm thinking of Leo's video on The Ultimate Guide To Happiness - How Happiness Works and how he goes into different things you should think about regarding your preferences on having a happy life. If I remember correctly, there was a part of the video where he mentioned that for most people, meditating in a cave for days and not using your mind isn't the path to happiness and that while this works for hardcore monks, for him specifically he needs more intellectual engagement and creativity than just meditating because or else it feels like he's just sitting there like a vegetable. 

13 hours ago, Consept said:

Just enjoy where you're at, at the moment turquoise is just an idea and your mind wants to 'win' by developing as much as possible, but the fact is if you didn't know anything about turquoise it wouldn't even be a concern for you. 

I agree. I don't think that I'm trying to "win by developing as much as possible." I can see the value in all of the stages and if I stagnate at yellow, that's perfectly fine by me. Moving up the spiral isn't inherently good. Hell, I think you can even stagnate in the lower stages and so long as it's healthy manifestation of that stage, it's all good. But while I don't think there is anything wrong with staying at a stage and enjoying where you're at, I just wanted to check in and make sure that it's not coming from a place of complacency or demonization of a higher stage because of biases I might have of it. 

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