
Messaging game?

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So there's this girl I've recently met in a stage, I couldn't talk to her that much but I think she's into me,

she mentioned while we were talking about our energy (water and fire) that they go well together, can be complementary.

I added her on Facebook after the stage but here I am, I have absolutely no idea about the messaging game, about what to say,

It's really difficult for me to talk to somebody online without actually seeing facial expressions and I often feel akward..

I lack informations to proceed and can't be natural,

In fact I've been rejected so many times in my life that I'm absolutely puzzled in that situation, when I'm face to face it's much better nowaday because I have lots of meditation under my belt and I can just vibe with the flow and be natural and luminous, but behind my phone, oh boy!

So yeah, I think I need guideline, if you have a map or something it would be helpfull, 

I added her a few minutes ago but I'm planning to engage the conversation tomorrow, I need more time to make a plan, 

this whole thing feels like a chess game where I need to predict multiple moves in advance in order to make her math and have an actual face to face date lmao

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Hii. I personally try to keep it simple and fun. It was worked well for me so far. 

Good luck. 

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What were the vibes in your interaction with her? Was it flirty? logical? fun/banter? friendly? To be honest I think there's only so much you can do over text, the real impact happens in person, if you made a good impression on her then you just continue the vibe you were having with her in person over text.

But anyways I think this channel has really useful videos on texting: 

I think this guy has really good videos on texting, check these out and maybe watch some more from his channel. Since you're a spiritual guy, just get a sense of the feeling behind his texts. Just keeping it light, flirty, funny, and using texting just to set up a meeting in real life, because that should be your intention right?

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Thanks I will check that out,

The interaction I had was brief, I couldn't speak too much to her as I had to listen but I definitely sensed some interest in her part,

She even asked for my age at some point.

Something I often wonder though is should I try to get to know her while texting or should I keep these questions for the actual date?

Edit: Just watched the video, this is really usefull actually, starting to see what it's all about thanks for that, I think this pretty much answered my question

Edited by Lynx

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Text game doesn't really work.

If a girl is not attracted to you, nothing you text her will change her mind.

All you can basically do with text is to find out if she's responsive to you, and ask her for a meet.

You can't use text to manipulate her into sleeping with you. Once you grok this, texting becomes quite simple.

Be ware of PUAs and coaches who try to sell you on the idea that elaborate texting techniques with get you laid.

The best form of text game would be if you had a real social life and you used text to invite girls to real social events, like parties and dinners.

Or... dick pics.

Edited by Leo Gura

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Though now in a long term relationship, my basic experience is that the purpose of texting in the dating phase is generally to set up a fun encounter that leads to sex. 

With that in mind, perhaps dont try to build attraction through text, instead, see if she is responsive by you asking her when she's free to meet up.

Waking Call The Inspiration, Music and Perspective for an Authentic Life.

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Just say this Hey(her name) i know this place____(pick some good spot) lets grab____(what they serve or what drink you like thats unique) because_____(now say why you love that place paint a picture)

so i can complement your fire energy and see how bright i can make it shine than its already shining, lets flow to see where it goes.My best time is this weekend at this time let me know whats best for you 👌.

Add something yours that you noticed face to face i just outlined it.

Edited by NoSelfSelf

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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