Losing that spiritual connection

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So, I have always had a deep metaphysical connection. I have had mystical experiences, lived seeing beauty everywhere, and had a lot of deep love and joy in life. 

But ever since I have started a job (Youtube scriptwriter/ manager) I can feel myself losing that and it’s kinda sad. I try my best to hold on to that connection but I just can’t get myself to get to the level of consciousness I used to be at. 

Do you have any tips or suggestions that would help in getting back? 

"The wise seek wisdom, a fool has found it."

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Do you find that you’re overworking yourself? Do you have enough time to take breaks? 

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Posted (edited)

@Yimpa I work 9-5, but yes the nature of work is such that I find myself thinking about problems I am facing at work and how can I overcome them. This produces stress and to relieve the stress I try to socialise with friends via call or playing video game together. So in that sense I am working even when I am not working which I would tag as overworking. 

We have a 40 minute break at work, which gives me some time to sit with myself. But again I have found that I tend to think about work related problems during the break and how to solve them (being a manager comes with plenty of em). 

Edited by HMD

"The wise seek wisdom, a fool has found it."

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Try to find some time to centre and polish your blade throughout your week. 

Perhaps try doing some yoga, Qigong, or breath work. Spend time in nature, and read a spiritual book.

The Tao of Personal Leadership is a good book I think for solving this.

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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8 minutes ago, Thought Art said:

centre and polish your blade

@Thought Art That’s a great metaphor. Your consciousness or spiritual connection as a blade or katana that you keep sharpening and care for. Thanks for the input, I’ll try the methods you outlined. 

"The wise seek wisdom, a fool has found it."

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Posted (edited)

@HMD Yea, the Samuri had to polish to blade each day. Because they lived by the sea, the blade would easily rust. By polishing they would keep their blade fresh.

The same is for our mind and metaphysical connection.

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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@Thought Art yeah that’s a decent way to conceptualise and maintain your relationship with your mind. Also, do you have any pdf source to the book you mentioned? 

"The wise seek wisdom, a fool has found it."

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@HMD No, I bought it. They had to print it.

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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It’s tough but you could admit the job is not the right fit for you. It could be your subconscious telling you something. Ignore money and find another job. Or become a sadhu.

Or see the job as your dharma or duty.

Be well. 

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There is no grasping the ungraspable. 

Edited by Princess Arabia

Know thyself....

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30minute meditation in the morning and 30 minute meditation in the evening is an absolute minimum to keep the mind sharp enough to perceive magic imho. No other way around it.

In the Vast Expanse everything that arises is Lively Awakened Awareness.

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Finding that balance between your inner spiritual world and the physical world could be tricky, reading spiritual texts, quotes, participating in spiritual conversations, spiritual practices helps to balance it out, if not your consciousness will continue it's subtle shift that probably is happening by maybe overworking and engaging too much in worldy stuff.


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The Key to establishing any sort of Spirituality (non physical aspect of who you are) in life is establishing a baseline Experience within Yourself that is always there no matter what is going on around You, its better to be a master of ones self than a slave to situations which is the worst form of slavery, allowing outside situations to determine Your inner nature/experience.

How to establish Ease no matter what? Accept Now as it is absolutely (this doesn't mean You want it that way, it just means you accept it that way), Live Now completely, use past to become Wise from, Use future to plan and create, but don't live there! If Your Anxious (fear of future), or Depressed (bitter/sad/angry about Past), then that means Your living in those mental spaces, which blinds You from where Life is, right NOW!  Learn to Respond rather than React, Responding corresponds with Beingness/Consciousness, Reacting is anti Beingness/Complusiveness, this is more than an Intellectual thing,,all of these tools will make the Stress Response mostly Impossible for You to experience, when that happens Peace is Your inner nature, which will lead to Bliss eventually.  

Then find a everyday practice, Isha Kriya is a good one, its 12 mins and easy to do, check it out!! 

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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@Soul Flight Yes I have to admit, it is not the best job for me. But it’s an important part of my journey as I make my way to my ultimate destination of doing what I love most. So, I have to stick to it for at least an year. 

@Princess Arabia we can’t grasp It. But just to have a peripheral view of It is enough at times. Is that too much to ask? 

"The wise seek wisdom, a fool has found it."

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@Arthogaan Yeah, I am realizing that just meditating here and there for a while won’t cut it. What meditation technique(s) do you often find the most effective, and use most frequently? 
@TheSelf 100%. It's overwhelming to balance the two. And the worst part is when the balance is more toward the physical realm you stop caring for truth ans all the tecniques start sound like bullshit. 

@Ishanga I try to practice that present-moment meditation, and I usually reach a pretty stable inner state in the moment I practice is. The problem I am having is carrying it over throughout the day (or at least most parts of the day). Can you share a video/link for Isha Kriya you mentioned? 

"The wise seek wisdom, a fool has found it."

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6 hours ago, HMD said:

This produces stress and to relieve the stress I try to socialise with friends via call or playing video game together.

I was playing an online video game earlier and I intuitively said in my mind, “there is no point to any of this”. Then I repeated the phrase, except out loud.

That phrase alone lifted a huge weight off my shoulders, because I admitted this honestly and without hesitation. I realized in that moment that meaning is able to play without taking it so seriously.

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@Yimpa So what’s the implication here? Acceptance/Surrender? 

"The wise seek wisdom, a fool has found it."

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1 minute ago, HMD said:

So what’s the implication here? Acceptance/Surrender? 

The irony is that there is no conclusion to reality, at least, not in the way the human intellect wants to view it. For example, science will never come up with a definitive conclusion to what God is that’ll be agreed upon by every single human being. I mean, we can’t even do that with basic human shit!

Anyhow, the realization that life has no beginning and no end is freeing, beyond words and descriptions. Of course, this can also lead to existential fear and paranoia if one is confused and simply not ready to question reality any further.

I tend to fluctuate between feeling free and restricted. The important thing is I don’t hold myself to such silly spiritual standards anymore. For example, the idea that I need to be blissful or loving 24/7. Or be like Jesus or Leo or Mooji or anyone else I have looked up to throughout my life. It is always a losing game to be something that you are not.

How does this tie in with work? Imagine how beautiful work could be if we also don’t hold ourselves to such unrealistic standards. Are we working in an environment that sets unrealistic standards for ourselves and others? 

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Posted (edited)

9 minutes ago, Yimpa said:

It is always a losing game

@YimpaBut sometimes losing is the right way ahead. Sometimes you have to give up what you are to become a better person. That's the whole concept of sacrifice. And sacrifice is much more difficult than getting complacent and not sacrificing. 

But I digress. Regarding unrealistic expectations, they are almost always there in the corporate world. Your employers always have certain expectations (which can be unrealistic). But what is to be done about them? In their eyes, you’ll either be a success or a failure. And often quitting is not an option, so you are only left with the option to ensure success. 

Edited by HMD

"The wise seek wisdom, a fool has found it."

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5 minutes ago, HMD said:

But sometimes losing is the right way ahead. Sometimes you have to give up what you are to become a better person. That's the whole concept of sacrifice. And sacrifice is much more difficult than getting complacent and not sacrificing. 

Agreed. I am personally in the process of changing my Texas license from M to F. This is a decision I would have never considered even just a few months ago, but serious contemplation and questioning yourself leads to radically freeing decisive decisions.

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