
What A Blog Post! Amazing. Clarification, Though, Leo (or Others)?

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Leo, I am LOVING your blog posts. I know you've mentioned before that blog posts aren't your forte, but I think you've underestimated yourself!

From Understanding Karma: 

"When you get into a fight with your Mom, when you get into a financial difficultly, when you fail at school, when you get into a car accident, when your spouse cheats on you, when you get a health problem, when you feel like quitting your meditation practice, when you distract yourself from self-inquiry — these are all messages of growth, calls to adventure, calls to your highest self. Guess what? The universe is not going to send you an email or text message saying, "Wake up!" It's much more elegant than that. It embeds the message straight into your life. How can you tell you have a message? Your suffering is the universe's "you've got mail"."

Could you please clarify, what could the messages be? For instance, I'm having a rocky time in university, "suffering", if you will. I have an inkling that I'm off-course, and I know the universe is trying to send me a message but I can't decode it! I always ask, "send me a sign, show me what I need to do", but I never feel confident that I've received a sign in any answer. How do I work through the suffering to become polished? How should I interpret the "messages" into action? 

I hope my question makes sense...

On an interesting note, I once wrote: "the universe gives you what you really want, not what you think you want", after having the most synchronistic turn of events. 

It sounds like Law of Attraction semantics, but really it's some crazy mysterious stuff. 

Thanks in advance :)



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in my opinion if you're looking to understand a message from the higher self always look straight into your heart. 
what your heart tells you is your answer

Edited by Arkandeus

Stellars interact with Terrans from ÓB (Earth’s Low Orbit).!

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I can never tell whether it's my heart speaking, or my lazy ego. For instance, if I am having a hard time in school, and I hear the message "quit, do something else", is that my lazy ego talking, or my heart guiding me in a different direction? @Arkandeus

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1 hour ago, Saba said:

I can never tell whether it's my heart speaking, or my lazy ego. For instance, if I am having a hard time in school, and I hear the message "quit, do something else", is that my lazy ego talking, or my heart guiding me in a different direction? @Arkandeus

amazing question. 

Sometimes your thoughts translate your heart, sometimes they don't have it right.
feelings are always true, but we misunderstand our feelings very easily, with the ego in the way. 

our heart might be pointing towards one direction and the ego in the other which brings up mixed feelings, mixed thoughts, and confusion. 

I basically just repeated what you already's something very personal I guess.  
If I were to give you advice is to first ask your higher self this : 
''I want to be able to understand the feelings of my heart better'' 

Even if asked just once, the intention is set, and in the following days or weeks you will get better at it. 

A spiritual law I read about is what you ask, you get, but you have to ask. 

I guess for more deep advice when making a decision, pay careful attention. 
heart feelings tend to be quite grounded, the ego jumps all over the place, it's not certain.  
The heart follows excitement and joy, the ego runs away from fear and discomfort. 

How does it make you feel the idea of quitting school? does it excite you?do you think you'll be able to do something more interesting and authentic?
The ego likes to do keep doing things that don't work, the ego would rather stay 'secure' in comfort then change what doesn't work. 

Is school working out for you? If you give something a decent try and it doesn't work out, then change and try something that might work. 
If you make a decision out of a place of fear it's most likely the ego. 

''If don't go finish this school, I won't have a job,I'll end up on streets''..... that is the ego. 

I'll tell you this, you have a higher self that oversees millions of parallel realities, that sees into the future and the past, that attracts events and people
in your life for your benefit and joy....all you need to do is trust your heart, you are amazingly powerful. 

Don't let fear guide your life. 
It's really a matter of trust, if you feel like you're ready to trust your higher self, that everything will work out if you quit school then do it, if you're not ready yet don't do it. 
till you feel that confidence.

Once you start trusting, once you start living your life this way and you see results, you see that the universe has your back you will never to go back to not trusting again. It just feels so good to trust and just follow your excitement!




Edited by Arkandeus

Stellars interact with Terrans from ÓB (Earth’s Low Orbit).!

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@Saba I cannot tell you that. Therein lies your work. The universe gave you a brain and consciousness so you could puzzle it out.

Contemplate, Why am I creating this suffering?

Don't just think about it once or twice casually. Sit down and seriously contemplate it for an hour straight, with focus.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Saba Whenever you feel "bad", aka getting a message ask yourself the following question:
What do I believe to be true, that is causing me this feeling?
And then shift your perspective, and change your belief about the situation.

Follow me on Instagram for quantum and energetic healing.

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@Saba Because inherently, what karma is, is a very intelligently set-up system to unwire all your negative lack-beliefs, to allow you to expand to your highest potential.
The fun part is when you resolve your life's Karmic beliefs, and then you are presented with new challenges, of different nature. That is one of the most joyful privilleges of being human.

Follow me on Instagram for quantum and energetic healing.

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The message is an analogy. the suffering is an illusion.


we learn and we grow - the "message" is a reminder that there are places to go. we never reach the maximum - we have infinite potential. It is very often we do not know the future - we do not know what "should" be done - we are uncertain. But uncertainty is nothing bad - we do not need to know, we just need to grow - by taking action we increase our opportunity to do so. Take action in order to test. to explore. sometimes it turns out the action we can grow into a plan, and solve the problem. 


There are three things needed to grow - the one is to look inward with reflection, to find with our abilities what is happening that helps and what is happening that deters. the second is to look outward - to learn from the example others set forth - or even to learn from a mentor. The third is to do - to take action - because without change that happens, then there is no change at all - and change occurs in the action. But not only this - action is its own form of reflection. 

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