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Books For Self Actualization - Do Some Hinder Spirituality

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Do any of you find some of the books on the list to read such as the 6 Pillars of Self Esteem, in conflict with the teachings of spirituality.  For Example, in the sample of this book it tells you to trust your mind and that it is a fundamental need of the human being.  Self Esteem is confidence in our ability to think he says.  To trust ones mind is the essence of self-esteem.  He is saying it inspires behaviour... It tells you to not dis-trust your mind.  

What do you think?  I'm trying to decide whether or not to purchase it but it seems in opposition to spirituality.  

Examine what you believe to be impossible, and then change your beliefs.

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Paths to enlightenment are infinite. 
Who knows maybe trusting your mind can lead to you and your mind working together towards enlightenment. 
To trust your mind is not necessarily to submit to its will, it can be to trust that it will work in your favor. 

it may just be a teaching that doesn't serve you if it doesn't feel right. 
I'd never read such a book,as I know I don't want to trust my mind, I don't want to hear of it. 

if you're interested I heard about this book called ''the Law of One'', apparently that one's also a gem, I'll certainly check it out soon

Edited by Arkandeus

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@Arkandeus I also do not want to put my trust in my mind because I know it is the source of all suffering.  That's what produces the thoughts that we believe in that have ruined our or tried to ruin our lives.  Attempting to trust a "positive ability" of the mind and by the same token, not trusting the "negative ability" of the mind sounds like playing with fire or maybe for those who are truly aware and can fully stand back and absolutely "see".  For the average person it sounds like a slippery slope.  I don't think I can go there either.

I have heard of the Law of One..I will check it out..thx!

Examine what you believe to be impossible, and then change your beliefs.

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@LRyan You are thinking the mind = the little movies of voices and images. Expand your mind and those little movies are but a blip. There is much more going on, much more to work with, putting those movies in perspective. And there is nothing to fear or trust in that regard. 

Trust is a goofy concept anyway.

What does it mean to trust someone?

Expecting them to act a certain way.

What does it mean to trust your mind?

Expecting it to be "right."

So...maybe that was a poor choice of words. Saying "trust your mind." But you can see the difference between someone with low self esteem and one with high self esteem in their functionality, no? A person with low self esteem, in that sense, can't trust themselves to live well. Cuz they're gonna fuck it up. We all see this. 

The 6 Pillars is in conflict with spirituality and also not. In terms of working with the ego, it's a good book. The ego may have to be around for some amount of time.

Bodhisattvas are people who teach others on the path of enlightenment before achieving it themselves. They can talk to you from your own perspective because they aren't enlightened yet. Books like the 6 Pillars can be part of the path, even though it's coming from a person who doesn't even seem like he believes in enlightenment. Maybe you need a stronger ego for a while to be a Bodhisattva. Maybe you need the contrast to learn. Who knows. Whatever. ?

Edited by eskwire

nothing is anything

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