
Israel / Palestine News Thread

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12 minutes ago, Raze said:

You said you support Israel ethically cleansing all Palestinians. Supporting war crimes is worse than denying them. 

@Raze I still didn’t had a chance to answer your question about religion but I will.

To answer this new question, the reason why I support a peaceful transfer, is not because I hate Palestinians, it’s because I do not see a viable way for two people who pretty much do not share anything in common, who are different in religion and race and culture and lasagne and believe, but most importantly they view that entire land of Israel is theirs. And the major reason why I advocate for such is because by keeping two people next to each other will only prolong killing. And in my prior thread I did indicate historical transfer of population that did happen. But I advocate for the most humane one, where all the money instead of going to either PLO or Hamas would go into building of their homes and schools and institutions somewhere else and I specifically pointed Saudi Arabia as one of the most under populated countries in the world. But that just as an example. I know that unfortunately the two people cannot and will not coexist so for political purposes why keeping them together? It will only lead to bloodshed.

And I want to make something clear, I am not against any people. I personally love all people and I want everyone to be happy. And that’s why places like USA I think are truly blessed but you don’t have two major people there rivaling, hence everyone is really equal and you don’t have one ethnicity dreaming of over throwing the other. For example, especially if you watch American news at the time of BLM movement, they portrayed like most blacks were against the cops, but in reality, even in the most black neighborhood, an average person wants to be a good citizen, he recognizes the laws, but if breaking them, he would not do out of ideological reason but maybe to buy a dope or maybe to hide a bit on taxes and so forth, but that’s with every ethnicity in USA. In Israel, the Palestinians would never recognize Israel nor its laws.

And with a heavy heart, I do believe that this is the only solution to save lives on both sides, everything else will only bring to blood shed.

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3 minutes ago, Danioover9000 said:

@Gennadiy1981 @hundreth

   Excuse me? I'm a holocaust denier and anti-Semite? Bring proof here that I've denied the holocaust in this thread, or am actually anti-Semite here. If not, then you guys are even more petty then me or @zazen, @Raze, @Twentyfirst, even @Merkabah Star. Like low low low, but at least you guys aren't as bad as ancestors that burn children for Moloch worship in Gehenna so...

What’s with you with Moloch and Gehenna, I saw you keep mentioning this so many times. I would rather speak about tbt topic than about Israel. I don’t know so much, but from what I recall those were the ancient Canaanites who lived before the Israelites came in to kick them out of the Land. Unless I am missing something, but so you should know Canaanites were not Israelis, indeed they made a fight with Israelis. 

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WW2 was the greatest pivotal moment in all of human history! Events happened that shaped the modern world we live in today. The most historic event of WW2 was the holocaust!


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7 hours ago, Merkabah Star said:

When are the landscapers coming to finish it? Looks like a post apocalypse, hell hole. 😳

Just a side walk. You have Israelxiety 😝

🏔 Spiral dynamics can be limited, or it can be unlimited if one's development is constantly reflected in its interpretation.


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45 minutes ago, Nivsch said:

Just a side walk. You have Israelxiety 😝

I thought it was a mad max film set. 😎

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The Germans were normal people. Then they all wore costumes and started killing Jews FOR NO REASON. Then they were stopped and went back to being normal people

The Jews were completely INNOCENT and were VICTIMS of anti semitism. Those same poor sweet INNOCENT Jews immediately without waiting went on to lie, rape, pillage, and steal an entire freaking COUNTRY that wasn't theirs. They also went on to occupy and oppress the natives of that country for 75 YEARS. They kill women in children in the most BRUTAL WAY POSSIBLE

And I am not allowed to question that? Screw off

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1 hour ago, Twentyfirst said:

WW2 was the greatest pivotal moment in all of human history! Events happened that shaped the modern world we live in today. The most historic event of WW2 was the holocaust!


You are taking it a bit far, man. Your previous comment about oct 7th being awesome was also low end. 

haven’t you got meds to take? 
asking for a friend. 😁😁

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7 minutes ago, Merkabah Star said:

You are taking it a bit far, man. Your previous comment about oct 7th being awesome was also low end. 

haven’t you got meds to take? 
asking for a friend. 😁😁

One mans trash is another mans treasure 

Don't forget how asymmetrical Oct 7th was

No meds but I am looking for some

Edited by Twentyfirst

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7 minutes ago, Merkabah Star said:

You are taking it a bit far, man. Your previous comment about oct 7th being awesome was also low end. 

haven’t you got meds to take? 
asking for a friend. 😁😁

So who is more brutal today than Israelis?

How can a society go from poor and oppressed to the most barbaric regime of all time?

Edited by Twentyfirst

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15 minutes ago, Twentyfirst said:

One mans trash is another mans treasure 

Don't forget how asymmetrical Oct 7th was

No meds but I am looking for some

We could all use some meds. 😁😁😁

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14 minutes ago, Twentyfirst said:

So who is more brutal today than Israelis?

How can a society go from poor and oppressed to the most barbaric regime of all time?

Yeah, the whole conflict is triggering, I get pissed off by it too and how it’s allowed by the world powers. I’ve been triggered by it long before oct 7. 

it’s a good study on the human psyche and cult behaviours. Cult in their religion and cult in their country. 

you don’t get anywhere saying oct 7th was awesome. I have my own views on oct 7 that I don’t share because conspiracy talk isn’t allowed here. And you don’t get anywhere being a holocaust denier. It’s proven it happened. Numbers may be less than reported but it still happened.  

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2 minutes ago, Merkabah Star said:

Yeah, the whole conflict is triggering, I get pissed off by it too and how it’s allowed by the world powers. I’ve been triggered by it long before oct 7. 

it’s a good study on the human psyche and cult behaviours. Cult in their religion and cult in their country. 

you don’t get anywhere saying oct 7th was awesome. I have my own views on oct 7 that I don’t share because conspiracy talk isn’t allowed here. And you don’t get anywhere being a holocaust denier. It’s proven it happened. Numbers may be less than reported but it still happened.  

Numbers could be 100,000. And why did it happen

Just forget about everything for a few minutes and then you can go back to everything you were told. How possibly on Earth could just poor oppressed people become so barbaric and violent? Does that make any sense to you?

Also I am not denying it. Just questioning it. We see how every crime Israel takes today when questioned is just called anti semitic even though its fair questioning 

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3 minutes ago, Twentyfirst said:

Numbers could be 100,000. And why did it happen

Just forget about everything for a few minutes and then you can go back to everything you were told. How possibly on Earth could just poor oppressed people become so barbaric and violent? Does that make any sense to you?

Also I am not denying it. Just questioning it. We see how every crime Israel takes today when questioned is just called anti semitic even though its fair questioning 

I’m big on conspiracies. I’ve delved into most of them.

100,00 is low balling it man. I’ve known too many people who were directly affected by it and one of them had numbers tattooed on her wrist from the camp she was in. 

This question about why did it happen to them in the holocaust is going back pages now. You just wont let it go. Why dont you just say why you think  instead of pussy footing around it. 

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8 minutes ago, Merkabah Star said:

I’m big on conspiracies. I’ve delved into most of them.

100,00 is low balling it man. I’ve known too many people who were directly affected by it and one of them had numbers tattooed on her wrist from the camp she was in. 

This question about why did it happen to them in the holocaust is going back pages now. You just wont let it go. Why dont you just say why you think  instead of pussy footing around it. 

Obviously they did something to deserve it

Why did Hamas attack Israel? Because they deserved it

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18 minutes ago, Merkabah Star said:

@Twentyfirst just say it. What did they do?

No idea. Thats what I am questioning 

Probably something super terrible that warranted a huge punishment. Why else would someone attack them 

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4 minutes ago, Twentyfirst said:

No idea. Thats what I am questioning 

Probably something super terrible that warranted a huge punishment. Why else would someone attack them 

Study hitler and the psychopath mind. 

stop asking that question now. It’s old. 

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You’ve been asking the question as if you’ve had the answer the whole time lol

What you’re questioning isn’t the Holocaust itself but the narrative around it. Your contention is that questioning this narrative shouldn’t lead to being called a holocaust denier or an anti-Semite.

It’s possible for groups and empires to gain and lose power, just as it is for people to gain and lose power within their own lifetime.

In an oversimplified way the motivations for it could be racism amplified by conditions not entirely the fault of the race in question. Although a few influentials among them may be blamed for contributing to negative conditions, that doesn’t justify racism and hatred towards them as a group - same way the Palestinian collective shouldn’t suffer for the actions of Hamas. A few influential Jewish bankers and bolsheviks doesn’t make a whole race responsible.

You could break it down as pre-existing racism along with economic hardship and national humiliation (losing WW1) + fear of anything getting in the way (ideologies or individuals) of rebuilding their pride and profits needed to pay WW1 reparations imposed on them via the Treaty of Versailles.

1. Racism: Deep-rooted racism already existed which wasn’t unique to Germany or towards Jews.
2. Red Terror: Fear of communism and its association with Jews who were amongst prominent leaders of it. During unstable times stability is demanded not revolutionaries.
3. Reparations: Economic hardship and national humiliation post-WWI. Connected to the above point - a ideology focused on redistributing wealth rather than building it would be seen as a threat to a nation burdened with debts and economic trouble thus leading to the demonisation of such a ideology including it proponents.
4. Resentment and rage: General public discontent and a search for scapegoats.

Edited by zazen

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