
Israel / Palestine News Thread

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27 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

When you come in here acting defensive, it's clear there is no interest in you for understanding this issue in any depth, or unraveling the web of self-deceptions at the heart of Israeli society.

It's like you guys learned nothing from my work.

If I may share my position.

Every disagreement, argument, investigation, deepening etc is totally OK, interesting and desirable as long as the game is fair and there are no generalizations nor dirty demonizing tactics like the last youtuber did (just an example not that he is so important).

Except this, everything is fine to me.

Edited by Nivsch

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None of us are immune from the web of self deception. Only a select few can truly "undo the cultural programming" and for whatever reason the actualization this forum represents will only ever apply to a % of our lives/behaviors. Vast majority of humanity will inevitably fall into outrage, bias, idiocy especially when talking about culture war topics.

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5 hours ago, Nivsch said:

Where does this guy live?

Lets assume randonally (since I don't know at this moment) France?

Ok, then French people do terrible things like rape.

How do I know that?

Because statistically every day there must be at least one case of rape there.

Thats it. I made the case.

When use this kind of tactics, I can claim infinitely, to the negative or positive direction, about any country or group of people just however I want and it will be true.

After that, those people like this guy will not have to be surprised when Israelis in the media (AKA propaganda) will say only the good things about Israel, because this is the only way they feel they can take action to balance the situation and achieve a fair outcome.

It happens in the media as well as here.

What about this?



Multiple released Palestinian detainees have testified they and others, including children, were subjected to rape, gang-rape, other forms of sexual violence as well as psychological and physical torture by both male and female Israeli soldiers and medical staff.[4][5][6][3] Multiple reports also speak of prisoners who suffered from medical neglect for injuries sustained, which led to cases of arm and leg amputations. Their testimonies have been corroborated by whistleblowing Israeli staff and a CNN investigation.[1] The mistreated detainees also included Palestinian healthcare workers who had been captured during Israeli raids on Gaza's hospitals.[7]


Edited by Raze

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6 minutes ago, Thought Art said:



I mean it’s very fair to ask for proof for those beheadings and such

It‘s also fair to adk wtf the  IDF was doing that day.

It‘s fair to throw Bibi in jail.

It‘s fair to criticise Zionists and their project.

It‘s fair to criticise Islam and call it backwards.

But the guy is seemingly also supporting a regime who oppresses women and disapears people and dissidents.

So it’s whatever, just muppets arguing.

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8 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Israel is only 75 years old as a nation. There are human beings alive who are older than Israel. That puts their development a bit into perspective for you.

I do not see how that justifies their inhumane barbaric actions to be honest.

Edited by Karmadhi

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