
Israel / Palestine News Thread

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Edited by Raze

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

You guys who are here ain't running the show. Politics is not about average people, it's about a small minority of people in power and using power.

Nazis were not a majority but they did a lot of damage. Political evil is usually done by small minorities who hijack the majority. That's how the devil works. The devil doesn't need to waste his energy on the majority of Israelis, just the right 10-20% is all it takes.

This is the conflation that takes place with people: they think because a country is democratic, it means people have choice - but they only have a choice in certain things and not others. Mostly social / cultural issues but never security / corporatist issues. Though even social and cultural causes get co-opted by security and corporate interest for their own ends. 

The majority of people only have access to periphery democracy, not core democracy, or in other words fringe politics (socio-cultural) that doesn't involve core power structures (national security, corporate dominance). The democratic majority manage the margins while the minority manage the direction of the entire system at its core. 

This is why a lot of non Westerners perceive Western democracy as fake - because for them they've only ever seen one style of foreign policy play out for decades on end (sanctions, meddling, coups, bombs and drones). So when Westerners drop the D word of democracy as if it automatically means something good, non-Westerners recoil and respond - well not for me lol.

Edited by zazen

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4 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

You guys who are here ain't running the show. Politics is not about average people, it's about a small minority of people in power and using power.

Nazis were not a majority but they did a lot of damage. Political evil is usually done by small minorities who hijack the majority. That's how the devil works. The devil doesn't need to waste his energy on the majority of Israelis, just the right 10-20% is all it takes.

Same thing is valid about Lebanon, Iran and Turkey. The difference is that in Israel you can protest. In the other they will burn you alive.

Edited by Heaven

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15 minutes ago, Heaven said:

Same thing is valid about Lebanon, Iran and Turkey. The difference is that in Israel you can protest. In the other they will burn you alive.

Zionist imperialists love to talk of human rights and “Western civilisation” when they excel at human wrongs.

Political suppressions exists but your exaggerating with burning alive lol. Israel literally burned alive a young man in a hospital bed on a IV drip.

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1 hour ago, Heaven said:

Same thing is valid about Lebanon, Iran and Turkey. The difference is that in Israel you can protest. In the other they will burn you alive.

I think in Turkey and Lebanon you can at least protest a little bit and actually have much more freedoms (also in press and speech) compared to let’s say Saudi Arabia, China and probably also Iran.

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1 hour ago, Heaven said:

Same thing is valid about Lebanon, Iran and Turkey. The difference is that in Israel you can protest. In the other they will burn you alive.


You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Edited by Raze

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On 10/18/2024 at 0:18 AM, royce said:

What do you mean by hate? Why mention Leo here? If you have something to say, just say it. If you disagree with something, speak up—we're not in school.

No. I will not speak up as in engaging with the hate and perpetuate ignorance like you wish to engage in.

Ain't cool my guy, just doesn't feel good (like stomach wrenching from taking a shit).

What I mean by hate is the feeling of intense or passionate dislike.

Mentioned Leo to take a look and rethink if this thread (not topic) is even worth it.

On 10/18/2024 at 0:18 AM, royce said:

you cant understand that fighting israel is a spirtual thing , its somthig like fighting climate change

Have you become the chairman of authority to dictate what is right and what is wrong?

Because you've subscribed deeply into some flashy beliefs about Israel, right/wrong, Freedom and Palestine.... Could you possibly be aware, just if you allow yourself to inspect, how this all leads to ABSOLUTELY NOTHINGS aside from a strong sense of injustice on your behalf - basically the emotions of revenge or anger?

Refusing to acknowledge this just continues this loop cycle

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16 minutes ago, fopylo said:


No. I will not speak up as in engaging with the hate and perpetuate ignorance like you wish to engage in.

Ain't cool my guy, just doesn't feel good (like stomach wrenching from taking a shit).

What I mean by hate is the feeling of intense or passionate dislike.

Mentioned Leo to take a look and rethink if this thread (not topic) is even worth it.

Have you become the chairman of authority to dictate what is right and what is wrong?

Because you've subscribed deeply into some flashy beliefs about Israel, right/wrong, Freedom and Palestine.... Could you possibly be aware, just if you allow yourself to inspect, how this all leads to ABSOLUTELY NOTHINGS aside from a strong sense of injustice on your behalf - basically the emotions of revenge or anger?

Refusing to acknowledge this just continues this loop cycle

Just use the ignore function it makes the forum so much nicer.

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After Ariel Sharon was named Defense Minister in ‘81, he went behind the back of senile Prime Minister Begin to run rogue terrorist operations in southern Lebanon. Dozens of bombs built in IDF facilities were given to agents to plant in civilian neighborhoods. One car bomb killed 83 people and injured 300, many of them women who got trapped in a burning clothing factory. Hundreds more were killed by these bombs, which were not directed at any military target. The goal was to make the Shi’ites, Christians, and Palestinians to think the others were planting the bombs killing their people in order to reignite a civil war. Sharon’s plan - give him credit for ambition, I guess - was that the Palestinians would expelled back to Jordan, where they would overthrow the Hashemite monarchy and turn Jordan into the Palestinian state. When Israel invaded Lebanon the next year, Sharon continually lied to the Israeli government about what he was doing, basically taking IDF Nothern Command rogue and pursuing a personal war until what he said was a minor operation to secure the border grew into an Israeli attack and occupation of Beirut. Under the watch of Sharon’s forces, the IDF sent a Christian militia allied to Israel into two refugee camps - Sabra and Shatila. Most of the men were gone, and the camps were filled with women, children, and old people. Some 1,000-2,000 people were massacred, mostly with knives and machetes. That’s how Sharon got his name, Butcher of Beirut. This is all from mainstream Israeli sources. A lot of IDF officers and political officials who were serving at the time have denounced Sharon as a war criminal. None of this was forgotten when Sharon was elected Prime Minister in 2001.


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@Raze Connected to what you just shared

By Jonathan Cook: 

''More than 20 years ago, a group of extreme ideologues known as the neoconservatives seized the foreign policy initiative during the presidency of George W Bush. They have since become a permanent foreign policy elite in Washington, whichever administration is in power. 

What is distinctive about the neoconservatives is the centrality of Israel to their worldview. They regard Israel’s unapologetic Jewish supremacism and militarism as a model for the West - one in which it returns to an unashamed white supremacism and militarism in a revived spirit of colonialism. 

Like Israel, the neoconservatives see the world in terms of a never-ending clash of civilisations against the so-called Muslim world. In this context, international law becomes an obstacle to the West’s victory, rather than a guarantee of global order. In addition, the neoconservatives view Israel as the battering ram to keep the US in charge of international affairs in the world’s main oil spigot, the Middle East. Israel lies at the heart of Washington’s policy of full-spectrum global dominance.

The neoconservatives have long been sold on Israel’s strategy for achieving such dominance in the Middle East: by Balkanising it. The aim has been to demand utter subservience to Israel, with any source of dissent not only punished, but the social structures that support it crushed into ruins.

As I documented in my 2008 book Israel and the Clash of Civilisations, Israel was supposed to carry out a central chunk of Washington’s post-Iraq plan, starting with its war on Lebanon in 2006. Israel’s attack there was supposed to drag in Syria and Iran, giving the US a pretext to expand the war.

The plan went awry largely because Israel got bogged down in phase one, in Lebanon. It blitzed cities like Beirut with US-supplied bombs, but its soldiers struggled against Hezbollah in a ground invasion of southern Lebanon.

The West subsequently found other ways to deal with Syria and Libya. 

Now we are back where we started, nearly 20 years later. Israel, Hezbollah and Iran have all been preparing for this second round. 

The western-Israeli goal, as before, is to destroy Lebanon and Iran, just as Gaza has been destroyed. The aim is to smash the infrastructure of Lebanon and Iran, their governing institutions, and their social structures. It is to plunge the Lebanese and Iranian people into a primaeval state, where they can cohere only into simple, tribal units and fight among themselves for the bare essentials.''

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Israel isn't a good example of a democracy. You ain't a democracy if you build an ethno state and ethnically clean the land of natives. It's like how Trump people think their ideology is democracy, demonize and clean the other side, then have everyone who agrees with each other vote. 

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On 10/19/2024 at 5:09 PM, zazen said:

@Raze Connected to what you just shared

By Jonathan Cook: 

''More than 20 years ago, a group of extreme ideologues known as the neoconservatives seized the foreign policy initiative during the presidency of George W Bush. They have since become a permanent foreign policy elite in Washington, whichever administration is in power. 

What is distinctive about the neoconservatives is the centrality of Israel to their worldview. They regard Israel’s unapologetic Jewish supremacism and militarism as a model for the West - one in which it returns to an unashamed white supremacism and militarism in a revived spirit of colonialism. 

Like Israel, the neoconservatives see the world in terms of a never-ending clash of civilisations against the so-called Muslim world. In this context, international law becomes an obstacle to the West’s victory, rather than a guarantee of global order. In addition, the neoconservatives view Israel as the battering ram to keep the US in charge of international affairs in the world’s main oil spigot, the Middle East. Israel lies at the heart of Washington’s policy of full-spectrum global dominance.

The neoconservatives have long been sold on Israel’s strategy for achieving such dominance in the Middle East: by Balkanising it. The aim has been to demand utter subservience to Israel, with any source of dissent not only punished, but the social structures that support it crushed into ruins.

As I documented in my 2008 book Israel and the Clash of Civilisations, Israel was supposed to carry out a central chunk of Washington’s post-Iraq plan, starting with its war on Lebanon in 2006. Israel’s attack there was supposed to drag in Syria and Iran, giving the US a pretext to expand the war.

The plan went awry largely because Israel got bogged down in phase one, in Lebanon. It blitzed cities like Beirut with US-supplied bombs, but its soldiers struggled against Hezbollah in a ground invasion of southern Lebanon.

The West subsequently found other ways to deal with Syria and Libya. 

Now we are back where we started, nearly 20 years later. Israel, Hezbollah and Iran have all been preparing for this second round. 

The western-Israeli goal, as before, is to destroy Lebanon and Iran, just as Gaza has been destroyed. The aim is to smash the infrastructure of Lebanon and Iran, their governing institutions, and their social structures. It is to plunge the Lebanese and Iranian people into a primaeval state, where they can cohere only into simple, tribal units and fight among themselves for the bare essentials.''

Partly true. US has zionist-occupied government. It's true that Israel is centrality of their foreign policy. However, it has nothing to do with white supremacism, even though they prefer you'd think that way- deflection is one of the names of their game. These wars in the middle east causes huge influx of refugees/migrants to white countries, not something so called white supremacists would want. What you are dealing here is jewish supremacists and their evangelical golems and other corrupt devilish humans/cowards . Case in point is this and the previous threads, where Leo ingeniously allows these devils to express themselves. Nothing else is needed, the arrogance, bias, paradigm lock is so strong with them that they freely put it out themselves. The likes of Gennadiy1981 would make one think that it's some sort of antisemite larping as a jew. All you need to do is read their messages to clearly see game that they are playing. Amongst jews there are certain behavioural archetypes and we have at least the main of them here on this forum. Beware, the game they all are playing is the same despite their apparent differences.

Screenshot 2024-10-20 194200.png

Edited by MrTruf

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On 18/10/2024 at 10:31 PM, Heaven said:

Same thing is valid about Lebanon, Iran and Turkey. The difference is that in Israel you can protest. In the other they will burn you alive.

I know countless people from Turkey, it is not THAT repressive. 

They jail you if you are involved with specific types of journalism but they do not kill people for protesting. The opposition party in Turkey almost won the elections last year, so calling it a dictatorship is too far fetched. In a dictatorship you have 1 guy earning 90% of the votes like Putin does.

Even Lebanon is relatively chill country for the most part. I guess in the south if you denounce Hezbollah you can get in trouble but it is complicated.

Only in Iran would you be killed for protesting and nobody will burn you alive, more like hanging or shooting you.

And even that is rare.

So please stop with the racist propaganda.

And as a bonus, this is what happened last time people in Gaza gathered in a protest to try to peacefully solve their situation.


This is what a Palestinian gets for protesting against Israel in Greater Israel



Edited by Karmadhi

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