
Israel / Palestine News Thread

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@Raze no offense but a lot of stuff you post is pure BS. Especially the 1956 event where the Arabs dare to cross the border of a legal country, what do you think the border guards would do? And I am surprised only 6 were killed, you just don’t cross the border, especially when from that side you had terrorist constantly shoot from the hilltops, so it’s not like they were crossing the border from friendly countries.

Bit serious this conversations seems not to go anywhere and it’s just circles at the same topic. I mean if posting those things give you orgasm, then be my guest. I don’t think there is much point to get into debates at this point as you clearly show only one side. 

However, in the meantime, we have our side and we are protecting it. And by the way as an American writer George Orwell once said, “we guard our homes well and ready to deliver violence on those who want to do us harm”

If you truly love Palestinians, take them to whatever country you are from and care for them and cater to them and even allow your own home to them and for you, listen you are enlightened, you don’t need home, the entire world is home so even park or forest can be a mention for you. 

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14 minutes ago, Gennadiy1981 said:

I spent many years learning and studying Torah (Bible) you want to pick a topic to argue, we can have amazing conversation here. I can quote you any passage from Bible from my heart.

I dont follow books and Second Hand Althority. Yes of course we are trying to survive, but if rigth now the Government where I live would enter in a unfair war and genocidea againt civilians and killing kids and woman with the justification they are just reataliating the deeds of a some terrorists I would not complain with my Goverment. My commitment is with Truth. And as far as all is presented, Israel is full of Lies and Since the Foundation is full of tricks and Not keeping promises. Your Almigthy God is a Sucker. 

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@Gennadiy1981  here is the God scriptures serve us. A angry Revengefull God. That is not God. That is Man projecting his selffishnes onto God

Revelation 19 Verses 11 to 16

  1. [11] Then I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse! He who sat upon it is called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he judges and makes war.
    [12] His eyes are like a flame of fire, and on his head are many diadems; and he has a name inscribed which no one knows but himself.
    [13] He is clad in a robe dipped in blood, and the name by which he is called is The Word of God.
    [14] And the armies of heaven, arrayed in fine linen, white and pure, followed him on white horses.
    [15] From his mouth issues a sharp sword with which to smite the nations, and he will rule them with a rod of iron; he will tread the wine press of the fury of the wrath of God the Almighty.
    [16] On his robe and on his thigh he has a name inscribed, King of kings and Lord of lords.

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16 minutes ago, Rafael Thundercat said:

I dont follow books and Second Hand Althority. Yes of course we are trying to survive, but if rigth now the Government where I live would enter in a unfair war and genocidea againt civilians and killing kids and woman with the justification they are just reataliating the deeds of a some terrorists I would not complain with my Goverment. My commitment is with Truth. And as far as all is presented, Israel is full of Lies and Since the Foundation is full of tricks and Not keeping promises. Your Almigthy God is a Sucker. 

I am a bit confused of your statement unless there is a typo, so you are saying if your government would do genocide you would not complain? 

Anyways what do you define we are liars and did not hold on our promises. Look I will tell you things they way they are. I know many of my citizens are trying to appease all sides and it may look like hypocrisy and to some extent you may be right in that. But I tell you things like they are, I think, I act and I speak all in the same manner. But what promises did we made a not keeping them? The only one promise that I can see is that we were suppose to be religious observant and most of us are not. Ok that I will give it to you. 

Oh our God is definitely not a sucker and whatever was prophesied is coming true whether the entire world likes it or not. 

And you know the sad part, is that my God is same as your God and same as everyone’s else God. 

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@Rafael Thundercat

51 minutes ago, Rafael Thundercat said:

You show here you know Sh#% about God, and your idea of God is probably a sort of Land Lord that have preferences for this people and not that people. Go for some deep awakenings, you are in the wrong Forum, maybe there is a good forum for you in your Kibutz

   Jesus Christ mate!🤣 Well if you get a warning and maybe ban I will complain for you, don't worry. But man you're getting excited, maybe chill and take a break.

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34 minutes ago, Gennadiy1981 said:

@Raze no offense but a lot of stuff you post is pure BS. Especially the 1956 event where the Arabs dare to cross the border of a legal country, what do you think the border guards would do? And I am surprised only 6 were killed, you just don’t cross the border, especially when from that side you had terrorist constantly shoot from the hilltops, so it’s not like they were crossing the border from friendly countries.

Bit serious this conversations seems not to go anywhere and it’s just circles at the same topic. I mean if posting those things give you orgasm, then be my guest. I don’t think there is much point to get into debates at this point as you clearly show only one side. 

How is that BS? You aren’t denying anything I posted, you’re just saying you supported it. That doesn’t disprove what I posted. 

Things go in circles with you because you declare yourself right based on the Bible and refuse to accept any political or moral arguments because of religious reasons. 

Edited by Raze

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31 minutes ago, Gennadiy1981 said:

@Raze no offense but a lot of stuff you post is pure BS. Especially the 1956 event where the Arabs dare to cross the border of a legal country, what do you think the border guards would do? And I am surprised only 6 were killed, you just don’t cross the border, especially when from that side you had terrorist constantly shoot from the hilltops, so it’s not like they were crossing the border from friendly countries.

Bit serious this conversations seems not to go anywhere and it’s just circles at the same topic. I mean if posting those things give you orgasm, then be my guest. I don’t think there is much point to get into debates at this point as you clearly show only one side. 

However, in the meantime, we have our side and we are protecting it. And by the way as an American writer George Orwell once said, “we guard our homes well and ready to deliver violence on those who want to do us harm”

If you truly love Palestinians, take them to whatever country you are from and care for them and cater to them and even allow your own home to them and for you, listen you are enlightened, you don’t need home, the entire world is home so even park or forest can be a mention for you. 

   What do you mean? It has been circular since the original thread on this topic of Israel/Palestine been locked, few more like it opened and then locked. Now this thread maybe on the way to get locked.

   And what do you expect from @Raze? Him, @Karmadhi, @Twentyfirst, sometimes @zazen, sometimes @Scholar, maybe even @Merkabah Star have posted and shared some terrible news from Twitter and some news outlets. Likely they won't be posting about the beach or tourist sites in Israel like @Nivsch was, as they are representing the pro Palestinian side here, and you the pro Israel side. So it's reasonable there's some communications here that'll be charged and a bit stark between you 2 sides. It might be a nice change of pace if one of them posted a vacation site in Palestine or something, but overall they're not happy with the situation, comparable to your side feeling unhappy too, so it's a bit unreasonable to expect their posting style to change now.

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   Now not to get outdone by @Nivsch posting pretty images, here are a few videos of Palestine before all hell broke loose:


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   Just 5 years ago, even though they have been through a lot as a people, did have some good places to go:


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@Danioover9000 ok point taken. And by the way I can also post a lot of atrocities that Arabs are doing to Jews, I can post tremendous articles from IsraelNationalNews.com but I am not doing that, I am not looking for sympathy from you guys, we are taking it as a men. There are a lot of rock throwing and stabbing from the so called Palestinians, but then don’t blame us when we shoot at them. I just don’t like this idea of forwarding one side and expecting to feel sympathy. 

But ok I will take your point that it’s a forum where people like to post but so you should know I have tons of info to post and I am not doing that, in my opinion it’s a cheap way of just propaganda. 

@Rafael Thundercat I like your Bible post, now we have a common point where to pick up. See I took the chat to my level now. I am proud and impressed of you. 

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20 minutes ago, Danioover9000 said:

@Rafael Thundercat

   Jesus Christ mate!🤣 Well if you get a warning and maybe ban I will complain for you, don't worry. But man you're getting excited, maybe chill and take a break.

I will chill now because I will not answer for people who obviously show traces pf never having going deep yet. 

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@Gennadiy1981 watching the Movie Ellysium now and asking Myself why Israel is not taking the kids and women hurted by soldiers to be treated in Israeli Hospitals. Is not the case that Israel just want to Eradicate Hamas? So whu not demonstrate compassion for the inocents? Where is the God of Torah now? Is not God a coherent and good of Justice? 

I ok with combat the ones who attacked in October 7. But dont you think Israel gone to far? Come on. The whole world is watching this. 

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@Rafael Thundercat

58 minutes ago, Rafael Thundercat said:

I will chill now because I will not answer for people who obviously show traces pf never having going deep yet. 

   Never having gone deep? WDYM? The deep end of name calling, insults, cursing, being too emotional and offended? Or you mean the deep end as in first hand experience of a violent event? I mean @Gennadiy1981 has demonstrated in this whole thread he was willing to write lengthy posts.

   I may have figured out what you meant but I'll wait for response.

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@Rafael Thundercat

11 minutes ago, Rafael Thundercat said:

@Gennadiy1981 watching the Movie Ellysium now and asking Myself why Israel is not taking the kids and women hurted by soldiers to be treated in Israeli Hospitals. Is not the case that Israel just want to Eradicate Hamas? So whu not demonstrate compassion for the inocents? Where is the God of Torah now? Is not God a coherent and good of Justice? 

I ok with combat the ones who attacked in October 7. But dont you think Israel gone to far? Come on. The whole world is watching this. 

   Wait, Ellysium is that movie with the aliens that visited the earth, then their ship broke down, then they integrated into the ghetto culture? Or is it the other movie with Matt Damon, that actor in the Borne Identity movies right?

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13 minutes ago, Danioover9000 said:

@Rafael Thundercat

   Wait, Ellysium is that movie with the aliens that visited the earth, then their ship broke down, then they integrated into the ghetto culture? Or is it the other movie with Matt Damon, that actor in the Borne Identity movies right?

Distric 9 also have some connection with the act of Dehumanising some being in order to oppres and segregate it. But Ellysium is about a porcentage of Humans Living in Space with High Tech Healing Machines while all the rest live on Earth working in behalf of the Elisyans. Matt go there and grant to all the earthlings acess to the healing machines. 

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3 hours ago, Gennadiy1981 said:

however, if I would be a prime minster of Israel, no Palestinian would be hurt, because I would transfer them all out and let them live happily with their Arab brethren and we would live happily in our state, and there would be no war. 

ahahahahhaahahahahahahahahha i love this

But what if the Arabs refused to take them?

Would you declare war on them?

You know Israel wanted to do this from the start but the Arabs refused so the Gazans were stuck there.

How would you solve it?

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3 hours ago, Gennadiy1981 said:

They attack us first, they penetrated our borders and kidnapped my people, so they have to suffer the consequences.

To be honest you attacked them first and you kidnaped them first.

You started it.


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