
What phenomena you experienced and remember after fullfilling your basic needs

6 posts in this topic

As a member of the forum and community, I'm curious about your personal experiences with phenomena that are largely influenced by fulfilling basic needs and being needs . Have you encountered any significant changes or insights in your life after satisfying your needs?

Additionally, I'm interested in hearing about any mystical experiences you may have had, considering Abraham Maslow's suggestion that such experiences can emerge after self-actualization. Have you personally experienced any mystical or transcendent moments that you attribute to fulfilling your needs and progressing towards self-actualization?

I would greatly appreciate hearing about your firsthand experiences and insights on these matters. Thank you for sharing.

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I had a mystical experience and it fulfills my need of God. I'm too logical and logic without God is madness.

Edited by Hojo

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've been reading through this here forum and I can't believe the kind of sacrilegious nonsense y'all are spewing. Talking about "fulfilling basic needs" and "self-actualization" like it's some kind of holy grail. Well, let me tell you something, the only holy grail you need is the blood of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. And don't even get me started on these so-called "mystical experiences." The only mystical experience you need is the one where you're on your knees, crying out to God for forgiveness. Anything else is just a trick from the devil to lead you astray.

You know what Abraham Maslow needed? A good old-fashioned exorcism. All that self-actualization mumbo jumbo is just a fancy way of saying "I'm possessed by demons." If he had just let a priest throw some holy water on him and chant a few Latin phrases, he would have been right as rain.

But no, instead you've got a bunch of lost souls on this forum, wandering around in the darkness, looking for meaning in all the wrong places. Well, I've got news for you, the only place you're gonna find meaning is in the pages of the Holy Bible.


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Buddy, the only thing i have experienced so far is that when i solve my old problems, new once just rise up. The problems just become more and more vague and abstract, harder to find existing insight about how to solve it.

Now it's all about life purpose, finding meaning, discovering truth as a now deeply subjective thing, and wondering about what is morality, how am i actually a good or bad person, if it matters at all?

No mystical experiences so far. 

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@Abe27 Explain to us what basic needs have you fullfilled . like do you have a job , have your finances well and a house of your own and feel safe and secure as an experience . I just feel this is the question to explore more with you .

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@Past-Philosopher-562 While people i have meet in my culture often like to critizie others for only solving problems at the surface, and only treating the worst symptioms. Then they also themself largely like to take the most symptom treating apporach, and only solve the most immediate problems, something i really strongly dislike to do. It's from my viewpoint a sure way to keep having the same problems keep coming up in new and frustrating ways, therefore i have spend a lot of time the past years trying to solve my most basic needs for the fullest potential.

I spend most of my teen years learning usefull skills when i saw them needed, got really into lifting, earning money and investing, being well socially, trying to find a girlfriend, doing well in school and smaller hibbits things like cooking and cleaning decently well. This has really made me into a situation surplus today. I see lots of the people my age i know who have tons and tons of basic immediate problems they have to chip away at to survive. Something i would not like to.

From a marslows perpective it would be physioloigcal, safety, love and belonging and esteem. Well, now it's much more about self actualization, well, they are all connected. But i feel like i have achived a great amount of freedom and status, and have stopped having it as a thing to worry about, now i think much more about what to do, to have it best.


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