
Sadhguru undergoes emergency brain surgery after ‘life-threatening bleeding’

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@Princess Arabia

32 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

oh my, no need to go there. Now you're unnecessarily doing the same thing you're accusing him of which I see no wrong doing on his part. Expect these conversations to happen with a famous individual and I don't see anyone here taking Sadhguru's health condition lightly. 

   Yet there are some users here taking his health condition making light of his situation while sneaking in their bias and hate for spirituality and Yoga/psychedelics. I just find his title misleading from his post. He should have titled it like 'Are Gurus really immune to health issues? The case of Sadhgurus situation', and appropriately context it that way formally and tried to frame it without being so triggering, but there's this misleading relationship between his click bait title to his framing of the post. It's logical that his first post sets the tone and conversation forwards which increases the probability of insults, name calling, low quality threads, derailing, and so on bad forum behavior, inviting unnecessary drama, as evidenced by how many mods and the admin himself being here. But I'll back off and leave this thread as it's clear this'll not last the distance. 

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39 minutes ago, Yali said:

The point I’m trying to make is that even enlightened individuals are vulnerable to suffering if they lose their health. Nothing about that argument is of bad faith, but you seem to think so. @Danioover9000

   Because of the difference in how you worded your title to your post. Please reflect on those differences.

38 minutes ago, Yali said:

No one is. @Danioover9000 is simply projecting.

   If I'm simply projecting? Again, look at how you titled your post to your post. But I'm done, this thread won't last.   

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Posted (edited)

Can Enlightened Ppl get in Car Accidents? Yes.  Can they have things happen to them like in Sadhguru's case? Yes. Maybe he knew this was happening and let it happen anyways to keep his commitments? Maybe not, I don't know, but it seems to me that he is a person that likes to keep his commitments at most any cost.  When he was building and consecrating the Dylanalinga, his Wife was involved with the process, she took Mahasamahdi just before they were completed with it, they had a 6/7yr old daughter at the time, he went on and finished it (there were 3 ppl involved, him, his wife and another person), so that is his level of commitment, although I did hear he did take her passing very hard on certain levels..

I also think, even though he says allot of miraculous things, like you can have 100% of Your destiny in your hands, its a "don't do what I do, but do what I say" sort of situation, his life obviously is not the same as most of ours, he's obviously on a grand mission or plan on a large scale, so I wouldn't spite him for saying somethings and not doing it like that for himself..He can access most any dimension of existence that he wants, but as with anything it takes practice and intention, if that is not his intention then it is not available to him at all times, if he makes it his intention then it is. His intention is pretty clear, to help as many ppl (like You and Me, regular folk) live higher quality lives, and if one want to go beyond that and live to their highest possibility in this lifetime rather than many, its that simple!


Some of the talk here is pretty petty, shows allot!

Edited by Ishanga

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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56 minutes ago, Ishanga said:

Can Enlightened Ppl get in Car Accidents? Yes.  Can they have things happen to them like in Sadhguru's case? Yes. Maybe he knew this was happening and let it happen anyways to keep his commitments? Maybe not, I don't know, but it seems to me that he is a person that likes to keep his commitments at most any cost.  When he was building and consecrating the Dylanalinga, his Wife was involved with the process, she took Mahasamahdi just before they were completed with it, they had a 6/7yr old daughter at the time, he went on and finished it (there were 3 ppl involved, him, his wife and another person), so that is his level of commitment, although I did hear he did take her passing very hard on certain levels..

I also think, even though he says allot of miraculous things, like you can have 100% of Your destiny in your hands, its a "don't do what I do, but do what I say" sort of situation, his life obviously is not the same as most of ours, he's obviously on a grand mission or plan on a large scale, so I wouldn't spite him for saying somethings and not doing it like that for himself..He can access most any dimension of existence that he wants, but as with anything it takes practice and intention, if that is not his intention then it is not available to him at all times, if he makes it his intention then it is. His intention is pretty clear, to help as many ppl (like You and Me, regular folk) live higher quality lives, and if one want to go beyond that and live to their highest possibility in this lifetime rather than many, its that simple!


Some of the talk here is pretty petty, shows allot!

   I agree. If we hold spiritual masters, Zen monks, Buddhists, Gurus, and so on on a higher standard, or a high standard, we should respect them to some degree. If we respect @Leo Gura and his work here, then we should extend that same standard to Sadhguru and other spiritual masters that have their higher calling. Tangent but this whole thread is like this due to how it's setup from the beginning so no surprise it's this petty.

   I don't even know why this is in the society/political/government sub forum, this SHOULD BE IN THE HEALTH FORUM!🤦‍♀️ 

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I haven’t read through most of the replies on this thread, so I’m not really sure what drama you’re speaking of. All I know is that I copied the title of the linked article and made that the title of this thread.

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17 hours ago, ZenAlex said:

He was in such incredible pain that none of his techniques would suffice and he needed the help of science and technology.

Due to his heavy work schedule he did not want to waste time resting and recuperating, and that's why he used sedatives and painkillers. It actually showcases his commitment to his vision and ideals.


This should enlighten everyone as to why it is compassionate to allow assisted suicide at times because there's only so much anyone can bear, regardless of there level of mental discipline.

A yogi can leave his body at will. Yogananda and Lahiri Mahasaya left their bodies at will. It is known as Mahasamadhi  (a yogi's conscious exit from the body).

If Sadhguru wanted to leave his body he can do so any moment considering his abilities in this regard. He has no need for 'assisted suicide'.

There is a tradition of  voluntary suicide in eastern religions known as Sallekhana, but this is something that should be attempted only in extreme old age or highly diseased state of an irreversible nature, when there is no other option for healing and attaining proper health . 

The young and healthy are forbidden from Sallekhana, as it would amount to cowardice and unconscious action on their part.

Self-awareness is yoga. - Nisargadatta

Awareness is the great non-conceptual perfection. - Dzogchen

Evil is an extreme manifestation of human unconsciousness. - Eckhart Tole

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Posted (edited)

From personal experience. Meditation relieves a lot of issues, and allows increased healing, (focused attention on the area and intent) especially in the deep states someone like this can reach. It affects the internal and external events you'll experience.

Sometimes though life teaches you a hard lesson no matter who you are.

Ignoring your health is a lesson lots of people experience for different reasons. If you've got a concern go get it checked, don't invent reasons why you are not doing, even if you were there last week, go again. Listen to your body, its how you are in this life. I just went yesterday for a minor thing which the nurse said could have been major, so we did a few tests.

Edited by BlueOak

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Posted (edited)

17 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

This shows the fantasies you guys have about this work.

There should be nothing shocking about this.

@Leo Gura Fantasies? Now you are not making sense. So you basically are saying Yogis have the same state of being that your cashier at Walmarts or what? Is all fake for you? 

Maybe this tools do not work, maybe humans constructed a lie, but the point of it very clear. Nobody is doing Yoga to just be peaceful as someone that comes from a SPA or a relaxant massage. 

For that...yeah, you might better just go to a Spa which is easier and faster.

What you saying about projecting responsibility to the 'imaginary' genetics you once said they were, seems incredibly simplistic and derrotist.

We might as well just stop doing anything, if you basically saying no matter if you do psychedelics or consciousness practices your states of consciousness will not change.  

Edited by Javfly33

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Posted (edited)

1 hour ago, Javfly33 said:

@Leo Gura Fantasies? Now you are not making sense. So you basically are saying Yogis have the same state of being that your cashier at Walmarts or what? Is all fake for you? 

Maybe this tools do not work, maybe humans constructed a lie, but the point of it very clear. Nobody is doing Yoga to just be peaceful as someone that comes from a SPA or a relaxant massage. 

For that...yeah, you might better just go to a Spa which is easier and faster.

What you saying about projecting responsibility to the 'imaginary' genetics you once said they were, seems incredibly simplistic and derrotist.

We might as well just stop doing anything, if you basically saying no matter if you do psychedelics or consciousness practices your states of consciousness will not change.  

Consider it's a teacher's role to make belief systems more flexible. So if we put Sadghuru up on a pedestal for example, that isn't healthy. Leo is often going to tap at any absolute view you hold. 

If we consider anything absolute, it misses the point of experiencing life or infinity (from every conceivable perspective)

If I were pushing the opposite way, fantasies can cause wars, death, and marriages to fall apart, great loves, joys, you to breathe and be born. The power of understanding Genes can unlock some of the most extreme fantasies imaginable. Even if it's due to human consciousness raising to the point where identities are no longer absolute or fixed. People are more able to choose their life's trajectory, selecting healthy genes before birth to eliminate unnecessary suffering as part of the manifestation of that reality.

*Also you are the guru and the shop clerk.

Edited by BlueOak

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6 hours ago, Javfly33 said:

@Leo Gura Fantasies? Now you are not making sense. So you basically are saying Yogis have the same state of being that your cashier at Walmarts or what? Is all fake for you? 

Maybe this tools do not work, maybe humans constructed a lie, but the point of it very clear. Nobody is doing Yoga to just be peaceful as someone that comes from a SPA or a relaxant massage. 

For that...yeah, you might better just go to a Spa which is easier and faster.

What you saying about projecting responsibility to the 'imaginary' genetics you once said they were, seems incredibly simplistic and derrotist.

We might as well just stop doing anything, if you basically saying no matter if you do psychedelics or consciousness practices your states of consciousness will not change.  

   I agree there were a few fallacies made here like the projection argument and ad hominem/begging the question, which once again it all started with a bad framing for this discourse.

   Also yes, some spiritual communities are similarly guilty of ad hominems and question begging, and circular logic, but IMO that is insufficient justification to be demeaning to Sadhguru when he's in this emergency health situation. As far as my guess with Leo's take here? I think he's trying to state there are many degrees of awakening and spiritual experiences, while stating that no matter your genetics for spirituality, your body is still finite and limited, and is still being effected by causes within this world's physicality logic. I'm guessing he's just saying there are hierarchies and orders to these spiritual experiences, in kinds and degrees. I don't think he's triyng to downplay or demonize Sadhguru, dunk on him to prop up his psychedelic spirit methodology or be nihilistic. I could be wrong.

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15 hours ago, BlueOak said:

From personal experience. Meditation relieves a lot of issues, and allows increased healing, (focused attention on the area and intent) especially in the deep states someone like this can reach. It affects the internal and external events you'll experience.

Sometimes though life teaches you a hard lesson no matter who you are.

Ignoring your health is a lesson lots of people experience for different reasons. If you've got a concern go get it checked, don't invent reasons why you are not doing, even if you were there last week, go again. Listen to your body, its how you are in this life. I just went yesterday for a minor thing which the nurse said could have been major, so we did a few tests.

There's really no such thing as "Meditation", in Yoga and Indian Spirituality, there are many forms of Sadhana or Spiritual Practices, Shiva/Adi Yogi is said to have said there are 112ways for a human being to become Realized/Enlightened, Buddhism is just 1 of those methods... What You want is to be Meditative, which is a basic state of Ease within Yourself, when this happens the natural Intelligence that is a part of You and the entire Universe comes more into Your Awareness, there are many methods to make this happen..

For the Avg person, yes if something feels wrong go see a doctor or health specialist, for other sorts of ppl maybe this is not what is the right thing to do..,Stallone has said many times that after he is done with a project (mostly when directing) he usually gets sick, its like it was being held back then it comes after the goal is achieved, its the same for ppl like Sadhguru, he probably knew exactly what was happening but put his commitments before his health, this is the way he is, others may not want to do it like this, that is their choice, there is no right or wrong here, but when on a mission of sorts, and your determined to get something done, the body has a way to make itself alright until the mission is over...

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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9 hours ago, Danioover9000 said:


   I agree there were a few fallacies made here like the projection argument and ad hominem/begging the question, which once again it all started with a bad framing for this discourse.

   Also yes, some spiritual communities are similarly guilty of ad hominems and question begging, and circular logic, but IMO that is insufficient justification to be demeaning to Sadhguru when he's in this emergency health situation. As far as my guess with Leo's take here? I think he's trying to state there are many degrees of awakening and spiritual experiences, while stating that no matter your genetics for spirituality, your body is still finite and limited, and is still being effected by causes within this world's physicality logic. I'm guessing he's just saying there are hierarchies and orders to these spiritual experiences, in kinds and degrees. I don't think he's triyng to downplay or demonize Sadhguru, dunk on him to prop up his psychedelic spirit methodology or be nihilistic. I could be wrong.

The simple fact is the Leo has no idea what Sadhguru is about or what he is trying to do, he thinks he does on a Intellectual level looking from afar, but he really doesn't know what is what in this regard, so he make assumptions which have no credibility!

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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46 minutes ago, Ishanga said:

The simple fact is the Leo has no idea what Sadhguru is about or what he is trying to do, he thinks he does on a Intellectual level looking from afar, but he really doesn't know what is what in this regard, so he make assumptions which have no credibility!


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52 minutes ago, Bandman said:

isn't the whole idea of yoga to engineer your own inner system?

Are you being cynical about being able to learn to control your own state and body?

Yoga can orient and guide your body's existing systems and structures toward a state of bliss, but it doesn't reconstruct or re-engineer those systems and structures. It doesn't grant immunity from the world. 

The focus shouldn't be on magnifying such assertions to the point they hinder practitioners. Especially if many of them already harbor superstitions, belief in miracles, and a mythic interpretation of religion. 

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Posted (edited)

"About volunteers not being payed"

The thing is. Sadhguru himself is not being payed. All the resources are being invested in to fulfill the Vision that includes a better life for All on the planet. The ones that are being payed and benefited by their work are us actually. The lazy grumpy people complaining on the internet. 

Edited by Salvijus

You cannot love what you need.

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14 hours ago, Ishanga said:

The simple fact is the Leo has no idea what Sadhguru is about or what he is trying to do, he thinks he does on a Intellectual level looking from afar, but he really doesn't know what is what in this regard, so he make assumptions which have no credibility!

   Careful, you also are committing those fallacies yourself with your claim's of @Leo Gura's character, assuming Leo has no idea and knowledge about Sadhguru and his actions. It's true that most users here are belittling Sadhguru and his spiritual methods despite knowing from OP the health issue he's currently facing, but Leo seems less guilty of those fallacies...other than when he brings up psychedelics. and ranks spiritual experiences. 

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3 hours ago, Bandman said:

isn't the whole idea of yoga to engineer your own inner system?

Are you being cynical about being able to learn to control your own state and body?

   I would claim that Yoga, just like Chinese medicine, alternative medicines, is great for dealing with soft/subtle issues of the mind/body that western scientists and western medicine today struggle with, yet Yoga and alternative medicine is bad when dealing with hardcore/obvious physical damages to the mind/body that western medicine can treat for. Main issue here is people on the other side blindly believing that yoga can help you regrow your lst arms, or bones, or replace your legs magically, yet that's a dangerous assumption and belief to make.

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2 hours ago, Salvijus said:

"About volunteers not being payed"

The thing is. Sadhguru himself is not being payed. All the resources are being invested in to fulfill the Vision that includes a better life for All on the planet. The ones that are being payed and benefited by their work are us actually. The lazy grumpy people complaining on the internet. 

It seems that sadhguru has noble and authentic intentions, but that does not mean that he is not deluded. I would say that he has become deified. He has become a world celebrity, and he is still human. Lately he was saying strange things and with a false touch. Any human is susceptible to corruption, even without realizing it. People thought sadhguru is a demigod on earth, and I see a smart and ambitious guy with a normal level of awakening 

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Posted (edited)

22 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

People thought sadhguru is a demigod on earth, and I see a smart and ambitious guy with a normal level of awakening 

It is good that you have your own perception. Everyone is free to have their own opinion of a person based on their level of understanding and perception. This is good. And I'm not interested in interfering with that.

However there some topics that I find interesting that have potential for exploration and new insight. Like: the differences between slavary and volunteering, or the beauty of a devotee and surrender, the role of a shepherd on one's path and its depth and possiblities etc. This is where the gold of discussion is to me. 

Edited by Salvijus

You cannot love what you need.

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Posted (edited)

57 minutes ago, Salvijus said:

However there some topics that I find interesting that have potential for exploration and new insight. Like: the differences between slavary and volunteering, or the beauty of a devotee and surrender, the role of a shepherd on one's path and its depth and possiblities etc. This is where the gold of discussion is to me. 

The question is where the true will to serve ends and where the ego begins. It is very difficult to say, sadhguru seems authentic on the one hand, but on the other hand he treats people like children, he automatically places himself in a position of superiority, which many see justified, since he is an enlightened being, etc., but perhaps it is not so enlightened and has a big ego that is fueled by gratitude and admiration. is this impossible? For believers it is sacrilegious, but seeing how human nature is, it is quite likely. What I know is that he says a lot of strange statements, and seems that he tries to do paliative care for people, not real awakening, because they are kids not capable to reach so high lever, reserved for him

Edited by Breakingthewall

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