
Tremendous fear with 5-Meo-DMT

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When the mind gets erased I find myself unable to think or project, including an outside world or any kind of projection.

When surrender happens pure Bliss is find, being as Nothing I realize the bubble of consciousness is Literally Love/Bliss/Me. 

But to get to that one has to surrender everything, which is not easy.

After you do it is amazing, but before doing that loneliness is seeing as pure terror. Why I am scared of that? 

@Leo Gura I remember some time ago you said the whole universe was your bubble of consciousness. Is Awakening slowly accepting this in daily life to the point it becomes a living reality and you are Ok with that unpersonal 'positive' loneliness? 

Is unthinkable to open myself to the possibility of living like this in daily life. Even after suspecting this is Awakening I see the ego unable to open itself to this. Is unthinkable lol. 

Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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Tripping with the curiosity of a child, rather than overthinking the experience, is wise.


Consider this:Teror is like a beam of light attempting to crack the tough shell you've built around yourself over time. This shell prevents the light from penetrating and fully illuminating your whole world.

 Terror is love.


Also, I found working with several 2-4mg doses of 5MeO-DMT can be very fruitfull, since it can be super easy to control the energy.

I find it even more fruitfull than simply blasting myself with a high dose and being leaved with one big WTF?!?


I hope this helps.

Honoring the self I've grown to love.

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