Princess Arabia

When We Die.......?

51 posts in this topic

When we die do we realize who we were when we were alive. I don't need the "we don't die" or the "we are already dead" comments. For example: When I die, and go back to the void, will I remember my life now. We say we will recognize ourselves as the Creator/Source/God, whatever the name is, but will I realize that I was living as a human with an ego and a regular life even though we say it's a dream. Will I awaken and say something like, "wow, that was a fucking ride, or wow what a nightmare, or wow thank God i woke up, or whatever the hell i'll say.

Bottomline, will I know myself as who I thought I was with all the stories and all. I understand the no-self stuff and the I am everything stuff, but how does that work when I die, does anything remain as in the Universe and "others"? 

Edited by Princess Arabia

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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11 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

When we die do we realize who we were when we were alive. I don't need the "we don't die" or the "we are already dead" comments. For example: When I die, and go back to the void, will I remember my life now. We say we will recognize ourselves as the Creator/Source/God, whatever the name is, but will I realize that I was living as a human with an ego and a regular life even though we say it's a dream. Will I awaken and say something like, "wow, that was a fucking ride, or wow what a nightmare, or wow thank God i woke up, or whatever the hell i'll say.

Bottomline, will I know myself as who I thought I was with all the stories and all. I understand the no-self stuff and the I am everything stuff, but how does that work when I die, does anything remain as in the Universe and "others"? 

When you die, you completely surrender till / only "nothing" left as before birth. Basically, you will go where you come from. Just Being. 

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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Well, why don't you ask a dead person? Aaahh right, the communication barrier... bummer.


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My experience with death is this. Not actual physical death but death of the attachment to self-identity.

So, here's the story-

A few years ago, I was into a serious meditation practice. Like 3 times a day for 30-40 min. ea. session for 3 years straight. To be honest not much was happening until I added cessation of the self to the practice. I was practicing no-self.

That's when things started to get interesting.

The first thing that started happening was consciousness was beginning to become liberated from the body. It felt sort of like an out-of-body experience, but I wasn't floating above myself or remote viewing or anything like that. But it was more like we normally experience conscious- awareness as projecting outward from the self. But that is what changed. Consciousness started to feel like it was outside the body location filling the room I was sitting in. When it first happened it was a bit of a surprise b-c I wasn't expecting that. So, I pulled back and consciousness returned to the usual experience of being projected outwardly from my body/mind's location. 

Then I thought something here is presenting itself and if I don't muster up the courage to go with it then all the meditation practice will have been for nothing.

So, I surrendered to it and just let whatever happens come.

What happened next is hard to explain but I was no longer aware of the room I was in. I wasn't even in the body I was in.

I became (and I use the word "I " loosely) what I can only describe as being the very fabric of all of reality. Pure Love, potential and intelligence.

Suddenly there were no questions. Questions became totally irrelevant b-c everything was already answered and complete within itself. How else could it be?

Since that experience, I know exactly where I'm headed when the body falls away.

 I will be (and I am) the Love and intelligence and pure potential for everything regardless of whether it is manifest or not. 

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1 hour ago, cetus said:

Suddenly there were no questions. Questions became totally irrelevant 

Exactly, existence recognizes itself and all questions have only one answer: existence is. There are no limits and that is what we are, the practices, whether meditation, psychedelics or whatever, must be oriented towards that realization because it is freedom. To realize the unlimited existence that we are, you only have to do one thing: eliminate all barriers. 

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@Princess Arabia death is the ultimate existential fear . Anything might happen when you die . Anything.  All you can do is becoming religious /spiritual. 

Meditation to find what is it that dies and what is it that does not die.

It seem possible this question is coming from a deeper source to stir your soul to a new search. A search for meaning and truth.

It is all contained within you.. look inward

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1 hour ago, Breakingthewall said:

To realize the unlimited existence that we are, you only have to do one thing: eliminate all barriers. 

I have an extensive collection of seashells. I keep them on all the world's beaches.

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The best question you can ask not only about death but also about suffering and positive experiences from a human perspective is - to quote Ramana Maharshi: "who/what dies; who/what suffers; who/what enjoys?"

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@Princess Arabia 

7 hours ago, Princess Arabia said:

When I die, and go back to the void, will I remember my life now.

Remembering in a mechanism of the mind to create a sense of time and past and future illusion in the present moment, because past and future doesn't exist in the now, that's something consciousness made up, so no.

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2 hours ago, Someone here said:

death is the ultimate existential fear

Not mine. Bear in mind, mist people aren't afraid of death, their mostly afraid of what happens after but they're not conscious of this.


2 hours ago, Someone here said:

All you can do is becoming religious /spiritual. 

That's fear-based. I don't do this stuff out of fear but for the love of it. I didn't go seeking for it, it found me and i cannot go back now even if I wanted to. 


2 hours ago, Someone here said:

It seem possible this question is coming from a deeper source to stir your soul to a new search. A search for meaning and truth.

A lot of my questions on here are curiousity-based. I have a child-like curiosity within me that loves to wonder about things in a way that's not related to searching or seeking anything. I've already developed and still am cultivating a deep trust and faith in the Divine Source or whatever the name, Intelligence or whatnot; and I know that whatever happens i will be fine, even if I have any suffering. All of this comes down to a decision.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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33 minutes ago, m0hsen said:

@Princess Arabia 

Remembering in a mechanism of the mind to create a sense of time and past and future illusion in the present moment, because past and future doesn't exist in the now, that's something consciousness made up, so no.

ok thank you.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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1 hour ago, Kuba Powiertowski said:

The best question you can ask not only about death but also about suffering and positive experiences from a human perspective is - to quote Ramana Maharshi: "who/what dies; who/what suffers; who/what enjoys?"

I ask my own questions. There are no best questions when it's coming from a place of curiosity and not fear and even from a place of not needing to know. But I do understand where your statement is coming from and I've heard it time and time again. I want to get to that place automatically and genuinely, not forced or through the mind because I still do have a sense of self and no amount of who this or who that will come into play if I'm not actively living from a place of a fully enlightened being. 

A lot of stuff I know intellectually, and I'm slowly embodying and practicing certain things. When I first came into this work, my body went into a slight shock and it remained for quite some time. I've found that all these Spiritual teachings means nothing if it's not being embodied, and I can only do that at my own pace. As far as who or what suffers, I'm starting to see on my own accord how that is a construction of the mind and how the mind is doing it and that came through observation, not just what some guru told me, even though I learnt how to notice it through them. 

So this is why I said I ask my own questions because they are sparked from within and not because I've been programmed to ask particular questions that i'm either not ready for the answers to or will mean nothing to me once answered.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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1 hour ago, cetus said:

I have an extensive collection of seashells. I keep them on all the world's beaches.

Lol, good one haha

Words can't describe You.

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4 hours ago, cetus said:

My experience with death is this. Not actual physical death but death of the attachment to self-identity.

So, here's the story-

A few years ago, I was into a serious meditation practice. Like 3 times a day for 30-40 min. ea. session for 3 years straight. To be honest not much was happening until I added cessation of the self to the practice. I was practicing no-self.

That's when things started to get interesting.

The first thing that started happening was consciousness was beginning to become liberated from the body. It felt sort of like an out-of-body experience, but I wasn't floating above myself or remote viewing or anything like that. But it was more like we normally experience conscious- awareness as projecting outward from the self. But that is what changed. Consciousness started to feel like it was outside the body location filling the room I was sitting in. When it first happened it was a bit of a surprise b-c I wasn't expecting that. So, I pulled back and consciousness returned to the usual experience of being projected outwardly from my body/mind's location. 

Then I thought something here is presenting itself and if I don't muster up the courage to go with it then all the meditation practice will have been for nothing.

So, I surrendered to it and just let whatever happens come.

What happened next is hard to explain but I was no longer aware of the room I was in. I wasn't even in the body I was in.

I became (and I use the word "I " loosely) what I can only describe as being the very fabric of all of reality. Pure Love, potential and intelligence.

Suddenly there were no questions. Questions became totally irrelevant b-c everything was already answered and complete within itself. How else could it be?

Since that experience, I know exactly where I'm headed when the body falls away.

 I will be (and I am) the Love and intelligence and pure potential for everything regardless of whether it is manifest or not. 

Nice. My question though wasn't where am I headed, but if I will know about the life I'm living now. If I'll be conscious that I lived a human life. I enjoyed reading about your experience, though, it gave me a little chill.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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7 hours ago, Bazooka Jesus said:

Well, why don't you ask a dead person? Aaahh right, the communication barrier... bummer.


I say hi to my mom all the time, but she never answers. Maybe it's me saying hi to me.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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8 hours ago, James123 said:

When you die, you completely surrender

To surrender is a verb. How can one surrender after death. You probably mean it happens automatically and naturally even though the word surrender doesn't seem applicable here in this context.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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1 hour ago, cetus said:

I have an extensive collection of seashells. I keep them on all the world's beaches.

That flew over my head. Btw, how's your progress.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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2 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

To surrender is a verb. How can one surrender after death. You probably mean it happens automatically and naturally even though the word surrender doesn't seem applicable here in this context.

What you gain since your birth from nothing, you will give up everything till nothing. So you will go back where you come from. 

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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@Leo GuraIs your, "What is death" video still valid, as in everything you said there; is anything different or changed about this topic since you recorded it. I don't recall it mentioning anything about my inquiry here as to if we will know that we lived a human life or not.

P.S. Edit: Never mind. Doesn't matter. It's irrelevant to what is. 

Edited by Princess Arabia

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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