
How’s Weed Affected Your Life Overall?

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This year I did a comeback to weed and it’s been interesting the results. I do it like once or twice a month if I’m with a friend but later I stay alone, the way it’s been impacting me it’s like forcing to meditate. I don’t mind socialize but I also get so curious of how this plant is affecting me. Today I did a workout and it was “meh”, at least with indica. 

How’s weed had affected your life guys? (Positive or Negative)

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When I said forcing me to meditate it’s when I’m thinking in a lot of stuff and fast, I feel like my subconscious is bringing out stuff that I should pay attention. Also times goes slooow with me, like I feel 2 or more minutes has passed but actually it’s been only one minute lol.

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Used medicinally and with proper guidance it has been a lifesaver. 


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3 hours ago, Yimpa said:

Used medicinally and with proper guidance it has been a lifesaver. 

Like a therapy session? So weed saved your life? 

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In my personal experience weed helps me connect dots very well. I just start to understand things very deeply to the point of mystical experiences. It just sort of helps me to see the little things that I haven't consciously seen/understood. I found that if I smoke weed once every week or once every two weeks it works the best. Buuuuuuut if you smoke it every day it's just stupid. And I'm guilty of that for so many times. The thing I dislike the most about weed is the brain fog that you get after it. If you do it like I mentioned once every week/two weeks then it's manageable, the next day you do some cardio and it sort of goes away. But if you do it on a daily basis you just "kill" yourself, you become so numb. Not interacting with other people in 100%. Actually I can see people who do smoke a lot and just know that they do just by looking at them. And in a way I don't want people like that near me LOL.

Actually by smoking weed I fixed a lot of shit in my life. In the early days it sort of helped me open my mind. Some people just need that boost to open their mind, some people don't.

I don't advocate that anyone SHOULD smoke weed.


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I never smoke, but when I do it's like an LSD high for me.

Nothing will prevent Willy.

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Weed made me paranoid, anxious, depressed and negative. 

I'm glad that I finally quit it. 

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40 minutes ago, TheGod said:

Weed made me paranoid, anxious, depressed and negative. 

I'm glad that I finally quit it. 

Same here.


There was a time when I could laugh like an insane person when smoking a joint. But that was long ago. All else was just trying to reproduce that experience.


I am also glad it's not part of my life anymore.

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weed for me is like snorting a hilarious joke when im with friends. 
I become a stupid clown for a few hours, then I pass out with a smile on my face and not a doubt in my mind. 
when I do it with friends and I really let loose the most hillarious stuff comes out of me. I could keep cracking jokes about everything the entire night. 

sometimes though, I smoke it alone and then I become so delirious I cannot understand anything anymore, I become anxiously confused and I reach a sinister place of realizing how little I really know about life. And then I pass out. 

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@inFlow I agree with most what you’ve said. Yea I think do it “ritually” like a ceremony works best. 

3 hours ago, NoN-RaTiOnAL said:

weed for me is like snorting a hilarious joke when im with friends. 
I become a stupid clown for a few hours, then I pass out with a smile on my face and not a doubt in my mind. 
when I do it with friends and I really let loose the most hillarious stuff comes out of me. I could keep cracking jokes about everything the entire night. 

Yea agree same here. I can still be funny sober but while high even the smallest stupid things makes me laugh at times.

3 hours ago, NoN-RaTiOnAL said:

sometimes though, I smoke it alone and then I become so delirious I cannot understand anything anymore, I become anxiously confused and I reach a sinister place of realizing how little I really know about life. And then I pass out. 

Been there, done that. :D

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Mixed bag for me with weed.

Sometimes it really helps me to get some stuff, to relax, to feel and to connect the dots. I sometimes worked on weed and it really helped me to connect with people and to see things on a different level. Sometimes I smoked it when phasing out of a psychedelic experience and it was very calming, comfortable and soothing. Sometimes being active on weed - dancing, doing yoga, playing basketball - is simply amazing.

But then, often I did (do) too much, too often and then it backfires. Psychological dependency, anxiety, inactivity, numbing myself. Used it for escapism as a teenager and never could fully get away from that coping mechanism.

Right now I am in a mode of not using it for a couple of weeks and then using it intensively for 1-3 days. Typically when there is so much inner tension that I can't handle it and just want it to go away. (yes u might think now "don't run away, simply face the feelings or do breath work, meditation etc"..doing my best and my capability to do so increases but it's still a WIP.)

I agree with the idea of ritual, conscious use - this is my ideal vision of my relationship with weed. 1-3 twice a month, on special occasion like meeting with friends, festivals, inner journeys etc.

Edited by theleelajoker

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10/10, I have left my body many time on weed.

ripping a massive bong and starting to breathing insanely heavy and long will let you see your energy field.

And shadow work on weed is very good cause you become ok with just sitting there.

Edited by Hojo

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It's euphoric and goofy, but it's not exactly what makes me happy, and in fact it can make me anxious.

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On 3/19/2024 at 2:52 AM, Juan said:

So weed saved your life? 

It made me gay :)


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1 hour ago, Juan said:

How come? I thought you had a gf. 

Me too. Until I realized that relationships, for me, develop on a spectrum; not a binary. 


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2 hours ago, Yimpa said:

Me too. Until I realized that relationships, for me, develop on a spectrum; not a binary. 

What do you mean ?

+ What energy do you feel from weed ? What's the link with being gay ? 


Nothing will prevent Willy.

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6 hours ago, Schizophonia said:

What do you mean ?

+ What energy do you feel from weed ? What's the link with being gay ? 

My original statement was meant to be more hyperbole. All I know is that medical cannabis (specifically high CBD) helped me to get off of all psychiatric medications and I feel more open and authentic with myself.


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Weed is the plant that always followed me in every step of my awakenings, it all started with weed in fact.

It is a great teacher that can accompany you all along your way, when you get one stair up in your development, you can drag new insights from that new floor with the help of weed, it helps you connect your understanding of reality and you can drag links between things you know, it gives more meaning to them and you can study ideas with more precision. Gives you "Ha-ha!" moments where you understand it all (especially during the comedown of a mushroom trip like 3 - 4 hours into it ;) )

It's a wonderfull ally but one of the most important aspect of weed is balance, there's a threshold you don't want to pass where the effect of weed start reversing and you get opposite effects of what you usually get. 

If it used to relieve anxiety and stress, this can reverse and you can start to feel always anxious, paranoid and stressed all the time if you do too much like I did for 10 years lmao

What works best is having an healthy relationship with this and listening to yourself while being objective in how it affects you,

I hate the part where you feel brain fog the next morning though, you're just lazy and want to eat junk food but I guess it's also part of the fun ahah


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