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Jumping to Big experiences vs Steadily building a Staircase

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Minute 10:00 to 13:00


Now, I have yet to find another interview of this guy where they ask him about psychedelics and says they are fine to see 'outside the prison' but they like trampolines, you get a little peak outside but you go down again in to the prison. With Yoga you develop a staircase for your own where big things don´t happen at first but once you really build it you can get out of the prison for real. 

Nothing more to be said. This is why once you see the 'peaks' of truth in psychedelics, one has to manufacture something within to slowly get there for real. If we are talking about actually stabilising enlightment and staying in non-dual unity 24/7 at will, Real Work has to be done. A 'staircase' is needed. 

People don´t realize the massive surge of energetic peaks of the psychedelics have to happen sober if you want your live to be a living Peak. For that you need to do deep inner engineering in your human system. When people laugh about doing Hatha Yoga for awakening is ridiculous. The whole purpose is to make your body a symmetric temple prepared to handle and stay in those mystic states effortlessly withouth you going nuts.

Real work. For people serious about living in the Peak. 

Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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@Javfly33 The main problem with most ppl using Psychedelics and then having a so called Peak experience (I am God, I am One with Everything, Great Love and Bliss/Ecstasy) is that first its happening within them and via an Unstable, Unaware Mind and Body complex, when in it they lose sight of those things and first feel great fear (ego is still active, doesn't want to let go, this is built into us a survival instinct per say, its natural), then they go beyond that and have the peak experience, but then come down, the ego and conditioning/beliefs are still there, but this peak experience is there too and it has to be integrated, but How?

This How is the biggest problem, as they think they have been God or intouch with God, but God is purely a Belief, a picked piece of conditioning via the culture they have been brought up in, in another culture they think they are a big elephant! So after awhile they try to figure it out with intellect, which divides and separates things even more, who am I, what is God, where does Infinity end, bla bla bla,,,then guess what? They do another Hit, have another peak experience and more of the same continues, more Karma is built up (Karma means residual effect of previous actions, physical, mental, emotional and energy actions), but they are completely unaware of most of this, then the cycle continues, they get worse off as it goes, then get "Sick" and leave there life in a way (sound familiar??)

With a proper Eastern Practice, as Sadhguru advises, one starts from where they are at, create Peacefulness an natural occurrence, stabilize the Body and Mind/Emotions so that the Energy can rise up naturally and without blockages, this happens when "What about Me" disappears, that happens when fear is gone, that happens when Peace and Bliss are natural for You!!

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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