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Great lesson on persuasion.

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   Remember, 'facts don't  care about your feelings.' is false. 'Facts do care about your feelings.' and 'stories, anecdotes, and metaphors are far more persuasive as the brain struggles to process pure data and statistics.' is TRUE for the individual to the collective levels:

   Based on Spiral Dynamics stages of development by Don Beck, cognitive and moral development, personality types/traits, 9 stages of ego development by Jane Loevinger, Architypes and shadow work by Carl Jung, Ken Wilbur's Integral Theory, ideological beliefs indoctrinated through our collective sense making apparatuses, our meta programming, metanarratives, information ecology we consume and feed off of from big companies manufacturing consent, and self biases and preferences. IMO emotions, intuition, metaphors, anecdotes, and narratives, infused with good charisma and charm, is FAR MORE PERSUASIVE than mostly an objective and logical approach to debating and persuading viewers. Combined with the negatives and dangers of social media, this rings true and is very concerning on the collective scale of societies, politics, and governments. Whichever group get's to gain control and propagate more convincing narratives in this narrative and information warfare has more leverage and influence on the populace's opinions on it.

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If to try to relate this more broadly, this issue of Jews involvment in US is not at all a simple notion as some this and that "lobby", I mean this is part of that but this is only a by product, merely the shell of a deeper reason and not at all the cause.

The relationships between US and Israel are based mainly on identical values and principals - in the kernel I would say the individual freedom to lead his life as he wants to - and also interests.

One evidence for that is the very close and authentic friendships have been weaved between some US presidents and Israeli prime ministers. An especially strong example for that is Itzhak Rabin and Bill Clinton. 


Edited by Nivsch

🏔 Spiral dynamics can be limited, or it can be unlimited if one's development is constantly reflected in its interpretation.


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