Princess Arabia

Is Consciousness Getting To Know Itself

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6 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

I thought energy cannot be created or destroyed.

define energy? once You define it you make it finite and then it can be destroyed, this is the problem with language and trying to explain Spirituality, non physicality and us experiencing it, it just goes round and round, we have to get past so many things (bias, conditioning, beliefs, things we heard...)

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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23 minutes ago, Ishanga said:

define energy? once You define it you make it finite and then it can be destroyed, this is the problem with language and trying to explain Spirituality, non physicality and us experiencing it, it just goes round and round, we have to get past so many things (bias, conditioning, beliefs, things we heard...)

yeah but you're doing the same thing too. Language is a barrier and is dualistic so certain things cannot be avoided. The alternative is what? Go around life like a zombie and not engage in interests? Isn't it scientifically proven that energy cannot be created or destroyed, i'm not sure, so please note i'm not saying so definitively. You quote Sadhguru a lot and it seems you're obsessed with his teachings also, so you're still coming from a place of "things you've heard, beliefs and biases just from that fact alone. Just about every video you've posted is from him, even the book you posted in the audio book section is from him.

If you've noticed, and not saying this is right or wrong, but I'm not limited to only a few but I spread my wings a lot so I'm not susceptible to any one particular style of teaching or one particular person's ideologies, beliefs etc, I like to explore all different channels so it makes for wider perceptions that aren't limited to a particular style. This, for me, allows me to be more flexible, open and to expand more easily as i'm not stuck into a particular paradigm.

All that said, I am not downplaying what you've said as I have never did any studies personally on the nature of energy and I don't know for sure if it can or cannot be created or destroyed or even defined so I will leave that open as a possibility that my assumptions are incorrect. 

P.S. I just noticed even your signature is about Sadghuru. You're obsessed with him and that isn't good when it comes to your own truth and ways of being.

Edited by Princess Arabia

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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28 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

.S. I just noticed even your signature is about Sadghuru. You're obsessed with him and that isn't good when it comes to your own truth and ways of being.

If he is very happy with that? And provide positivity and love to others?

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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2 minutes ago, James123 said:

If he is very happy with that? And provide positivity and love to others?

When you look up to another human being you're looking down on yourself its automatic. He has obviously put Sadhguru on a pedestal. If you watch the beginning of this video you'll understand the effects of doing that.


What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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2 hours ago, Princess Arabia said:

yeah but you're doing the same thing too. Language is a barrier and is dualistic so certain things cannot be avoided. The alternative is what? Go around life like a zombie and not engage in interests? Isn't it scientifically proven that energy cannot be created or destroyed, i'm not sure, so please note i'm not saying so definitively. You quote Sadhguru a lot and it seems you're obsessed with his teachings also, so you're still coming from a place of "things you've heard, beliefs and biases just from that fact alone. Just about every video you've posted is from him, even the book you posted in the audio book section is from him.

If you've noticed, and not saying this is right or wrong, but I'm not limited to only a few but I spread my wings a lot so I'm not susceptible to any one particular style of teaching or one particular person's ideologies, beliefs etc, I like to explore all different channels so it makes for wider perceptions that aren't limited to a particular style. This, for me, allows me to be more flexible, open and to expand more easily as i'm not stuck into a particular paradigm.

All that said, I am not downplaying what you've said as I have never did any studies personally on the nature of energy and I don't know for sure if it can or cannot be created or destroyed or even defined so I will leave that open as a possibility that my assumptions are incorrect. 

P.S. I just noticed even your signature is about Sadghuru. You're obsessed with him and that isn't good when it comes to your own truth and ways of being.

Hey I answered mostg of this in the other post:) Obsession is good for a period time, it get the momentum going, I've been obsessed with 3 things in my life, Tennis, Martial Arts and Now Yoga/Spirituality, all of them have gotten me to a certain Realization, I have more realization to go but its good that one goes this way for awhile.. Just saying but today's ppl are mostly only obsessed with their phones, what other ppl are doing and sharing opinions on what other ppl are doing, this is not healthy imo...

What are You to do? Just get a practice going, stick with it for at least a year, work on a stable base of emotional and energetic stability, once that is in place, your energies will rise in intensity and your on your way, you won't want to be on here daily posting and reading as You are now (just my observation of Yourself), I mostly come for entertainment, I still have a body/mind/ego complex, it doesn't dominate me but its still there, resisting is no good, just let things come out naturally and disappear naturally... 

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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1 hour ago, Ishanga said:

Hey I answered mostg of this in the other post:) Obsession is good for a period time, it get the momentum going, I've been obsessed with 3 things in my life, Tennis, Martial Arts and Now Yoga/Spirituality, all of them have gotten me to a certain Realization, I have more realization to go but its good that one goes this way for awhile.. Just saying but today's ppl are mostly only obsessed with their phones, what other ppl are doing and sharing opinions on what other ppl are doing, this is not healthy imo...

What are You to do? Just get a practice going, stick with it for at least a year, work on a stable base of emotional and energetic stability, once that is in place, your energies will rise in intensity and your on your way, you won't want to be on here daily posting and reading as You are now (just my observation of Yourself), I mostly come for entertainment, I still have a body/mind/ego complex, it doesn't dominate me but its still there, resisting is no good, just let things come out naturally and disappear naturally... 

I'm not saying any of this I was saying you are obsessed with Sadhguru's and his teachings and it's pretty much only him that you quote or share teachings of. You mentioned nothing about that. I'm obsessed with Spirituality too but it's more of a love and curiosity and a passion to learn about Reality, the Universe, the mind etc from all walks of life, teachers and resources. Nothing wrong if you're only into a particular teacher but I was just saying you can get too attached and in the process lose the ability to think for yourself or see things from a different perspective and limit the mind to only a particular way of viewing things. That's all. 

There's always going to be some form of criticism of people in all walks of life, every situation and we think we know what's best for others to do and I'm aware of that so its not a criticism but it's a limitation because you will pretty much always reject an opposing pov than Sadghuru's and try to show how that person is wrong because your mind hasn't been trained to see from another angle if we follow one person's teaching and never open ourselves up to other perspectives. 

I do respect your presence here on the forum and have even thanked you in the past for being here because you always share some valuable insights and pov's so i'm not the least bit undermining your stance, but I just think it's a bit limiting to only share stuff from just one gurus perspective and can cause us to be blinded by certain aspects of the Truth.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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8 hours ago, RightHand said:

Aren't you afraid that after this dream is over you might find yourself in an other dream where evil imps torture you for 1 gazillion years ?

No. There is no point in worrying about things you don't control.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@RightHand  Its useless to think about and will only make you scared and possibly go there. Its just made up until its happening.Figuring out this will end your suffering. The ego can literally be scared of anything it a survival mechanism of the personality.

To make up that anything negative will happen in the future and get scared of it is a mistake.

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6 hours ago, Princess Arabia said:

All that said, I am not downplaying what you've said as I have never did any studies personally on the nature of energy and I don't know for sure if it can or cannot be created or destroyed or even defined so I will leave that open as a possibility that my assumptions are incorrect.

Reality = energy, energy = reality.

Can reality be created, destroyed or defined?

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1 hour ago, Princess Arabia said:

I'm not saying any of this I was saying you are obsessed with Sadhguru's and his teachings and it's pretty much only him that you quote or share teachings of. You mentioned nothing about that. I'm obsessed with Spirituality too but it's more of a love and curiosity and a passion to learn about Reality, the Universe, the mind etc from all walks of life, teachers and resources. Nothing wrong if you're only into a particular teacher but I was just saying you can get too attached and in the process lose the ability to think for yourself or see things from a different perspective and limit the mind to only a particular way of viewing things. That's all. 

There's always going to be some form of criticism of people in all walks of life, every situation and we think we know what's best for others to do and I'm aware of that so its not a criticism but it's a limitation because you will pretty much always reject an opposing pov than Sadghuru's and try to show how that person is wrong because your mind hasn't been trained to see from another angle if we follow one person's teaching and never open ourselves up to other perspectives. 

I do respect your presence here on the forum and have even thanked you in the past for being here because you always share some valuable insights and pov's so i'm not the least bit undermining your stance, but I just think it's a bit limiting to only share stuff from just one gurus perspective and can cause us to be blinded by certain aspects of the Truth.

Well I first got involved with Spirituality via Eckhart Tolle's book "New Earth" that exposed me to my ego, but he's sort of boring to watch and he has no real method to share, with Sadhguru is not really about him, its the method he shares, I like methods and systems of things,this come from my Martial Arts days and the style I learned which is very systematic and practical, plus he explains things logically and simple which is attractive to me as well, I haven't seen anyone yet that matches his way of explaining complex spiritual things, but here I am on Leo's forum site, via Me watching his video's lol, if I was so obsessed with Sadhguru I wouldn't be watching Leo's stuff or used to watch..Plus I posted a video last week with Swami Sarvapriyananda, and I also like to watch Sri M's stuff and another guy Forrest Knutson who's an American Kriya Yogi, I watch all kinds of stuff, and learn, but when it comes to experience and Reality Sadhguru is my guy, I consider myself a Disciple of his:)

Edited by Ishanga

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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1 hour ago, Hojo said:

@RightHand  Its useless to think about and will only make you scared and possibly go there. Its just made up until its happening.Figuring out this will end your suffering. The ego can literally be scared of anything it a survival mechanism of the personality.

To make up that anything negative will happen in the future and get scared of it is a mistake.

Thank God I'm finally starting to see that...

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7 hours ago, Princess Arabia said:

This makes no sense, respectfully saying and not as a judgement. You are just parroting phrases without even understanding what they really mean as in "letting go" and "acceptance". 

I’m trying to express the inexpressible through language and systems, you not understanding it simply tells me that you’re not there yet, no, I’m not parroting words, I’m speaking from my own personal experience.

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@Princess Arabia if you don Understand something, don’t proceed into judging ( saying I’m just parroting )the person you’re not understanding which is what you did above to because you don’t like to be in the position of the ignorant.

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When a 9th grader can’t understand college level physics, they say it doesn’t make sense, and proceed into judging the professor saying he’s just parroting.

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1 hour ago, Ishanga said:

Well I first got involved with Spirituality via Eckhart Tolle's book "New Earth" that exposed me to my ego, but he's sort of boring to watch and he has no real method to share, with Sadhguru is not really about him, its the method he shares, I like methods and systems of things,this come from my Martial Arts days and the style I learned which is very systematic and practical, plus he explains things logically and simple which is attractive to me as well, I haven't seen anyone yet that matches his way of explaining complex spiritual things, but here I am on Leo's forum site, via Me watching his video's lol, if I was so obsessed with Sadhguru I wouldn't be watching Leo's stuff or used to watch..Plus I posted a video last week with Swami Sarvapriyananda, and I also like to watch Sri M's stuff and another guy Forrest Knutson who's an American Kriya Yogi, I watch all kinds of stuff, and learn, but when it comes to experience and Reality Sadhguru is my guy, I consider myself a Disciple of his:)

Ok, nice.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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2 minutes ago, Yousif said:

When a 9th grader can’t understand college level physics, they say it doesn’t make sense, and proceed into judging the professor saying he’s just parroting.

ok, my apologies. Sometimes I can get carried away with my assumptions.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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1 hour ago, Bazooka Jesus said:

Reality = energy, energy = reality.

Can reality be created, destroyed or defined?

I don't like to really run people down on their beliefs or what they claim to be so, since I don't even know my foot from my ass sometimes and without sounding too much like I know more than them, so I try to not make Absolute claims and leave it at that. The Truth doesn't need my defense. If it is so, jt is so, if it's not it's not. 

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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2 hours ago, Princess Arabia said:

The Truth doesn't need my defense. If it is so, jt is so, if it's not it's not. 

Wise words. 9_9


All That Is Transient

Is Symbol Only

The Insufficient

Turns To Reality

The Indescribable

Is Already Done

The Eternal Mother

Beckons US On

- Goethe, Faust II -

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5 hours ago, Bazooka Jesus said:

Can reality be created, destroyed or defined?



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