
Reincarnation is probably real

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Reincarnation happens probably. Because before you were born, you were in the same state as you are after you're dead. And from that state you were born, and if it could happen once, why not again? And time doesn't pass for the dead, so you could be unconscios for an eternity and not feel any time having passed at all.

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Reincarnation = change of form.

Is change of form real? You be the judge!

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2 hours ago, Edvard said:

And time doesn't pass for the dead,

Time doesn't pass for the "live" either, it just appears to because of the mind. So technically we're already dead.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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Learn how to be a void here and reincarnate faster without forgetting who you are.

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I guess yes, in the sense that the pattern of existence of unimaginable complexity that we are in terms of form has an evolutionary continuity. Everything is the same substance but the forms are also something, and a similar form is a similar identity that evolves through the ages, in the cosmic cycles. Perhaps this evolution is interconnected and you can become aware of it. Many mystics have said it, but there is a lot of suggestion and deception too. You don't have to believe anything, but maybe you can see that what you are as a pattern of concrete form has a continuity much bigger that your actual perception. Maybe one day you have a mystical experience that shows you all the structure of the cosmos and all your evolution from when you were a basic form to the totality made form. 

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@Edvard Since i have no real knowing, I do not consciously remember past lives or events, even if I did how would I know it was me or true, it could all be imagination, but on a logical intellectual level, it makes sense to me that reincarnation is a real possibility...

You don't remember past lives and events simple to save You the grief or shame or other disempowering emotions, its natures way of giving you a clean slate in a way, not a totally clean slate but a chance to start over, if you had access to all the event of your past lives I bet 99% of the ppl would not be able to function in daily life.. Ppl today have a hard enough time get thru THIS LIFE's past events, never mind possibly 100's or 1000's past lives events, so its best to Live Now, focus on NOW, as that is where LIfe Exists, You are Life, but its okay to investigate into it and see what comes up, just don't put too much time or effort into reincarnation or trying to bring up past lives memories or events, it could seriously make life worse for You if you have not established a stable base of emotions and energy situations within Yourself!

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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22 minutes ago, Ishanga said:

You don't remember past lives and events simple to save You the grief or shame or other disempowering emotions, its natures way of giving you a clean slate in a way, not a totally clean slate but a chance to start over, if you had access to all the event of your past lives I bet 99% of the ppl would not be able to function in daily life.

That's why maybe you could access only when you reach a point when you truly realize that everything is just existence. You cannot judge or value, if you do, you are not one with existence and therefore you cannot delve into it and see. But first you have to reach a moment when you really are totally ready to melt completely into wholeness without reservation now. Almost no one can say this, at least I can't. If that happens, maybe you could see everything, but you wouldn't care about it, because for you everything would be the same: existence

Edited by Breakingthewall

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15 hours ago, Edvard said:

Reincarnation happens probably. Because before you were born, you were in the same state as you are after you're dead. And from that state you were born, and if it could happen once, why not again? And time doesn't pass for the dead, so you could be unconscios for an eternity and not feel any time having passed at all.

It is imaginary.  Because you are all Beings now.  But what if you imagined it was real?  Then it would be! 

Edited by Inliytened1


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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When I was on the brink of death overdosing I saw the possibility of life 2.0 which is basically astral travel or lucid dreaming

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reality is just an infinite reincarnation of god, because what else is there to do?

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