
Should I go to uni just to socialize?

21 posts in this topic

I live in Denmark, so I get free education + a stipend, so financially it is not problematic.

My life purpose revolves around creativity and art, but the existing courses that teach that are either extremely competitive to get in (like they only admit 20 applicants every other year!) or it costs money and I'll have to go into debt. I already tried the former once and I'm lacking the technical skill to get admitted in the short-term (deadline for application is tomorrow btw omegalul).

Problem is that there exist no courses that I I'm passionate about. So I'm thinking of going to uni but studying as little as I can get away with and focus my time on growing my art skill and socializing/hooking up with girls.

I'm currently considering applied philosophy.


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1 hour ago, kamill said:

Go for it uni is fun 

I'm worried about boring course work. How much can I get away with doing as little studying as possible?

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i don't care if i potentially seem like a "square".


i don't think going to uni for fun is a valid reason. 

as uni is funded by the public purse, doesn't seem right IMHO. 

yes, hanging out is a significant facet of the experience but not the purpose of it. 


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Oh, how fun to see another dane. 

I've heard a solid bit positive about the applied philosophy degree, and some bad. Talking about getting a degree for a job, it's normally easier to get a job with it, sinse you to a larger degree will work with businesses and work practically.

The idea about the art degrees being so hard to get into, is so only the most passionate people get accepted. If you become a promissing artist, then you will most likely get accepted. Until you will have to work on it, or pursure another path for the time being.

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22 minutes ago, Abe27 said:

The idea about the art degrees being so hard to get into, is so only the most passionate people get accepted. If you become a promissing artist, then you will most likely get accepted. Until you will have to work on it, or pursure another path for the time being.

Its funny cuz I'm looking at a private school offering a course in illustration and suddenly the standards for getting in are drown the drain in comparison lol. For the publicly funded school you need a big portfolio, showcase drawing skill within an array of different disciplines while for the private you need to just draw a monkey. I'm still somewhat reeling from the burnout of churning out that portfolio and it has been over a year lol. 


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10 minutes ago, LoneWonderer said:

@Basman Hey man are you Danish? Lived in Denmark for 3 years. What a beautiful country! 

Dunno. Worst weather in the world, and I have lived in Britain.

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@Basman In summer when it's green it's gorgeous! Also been to other Scandinavian countries all beautiful!

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Why can't you just do the social events without actually enrolling in classes?

Edited by Leo Gura

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Just now, LoneWonderer said:

@Basman In summer when it's green it's gorgeous! Also been to other Scandinavian countries all beautiful!

West-Norway is the most beautiful part of Scandinavia. Fjords and mountains are hard to top <3.

1 minute ago, Leo Gura said:

Why can't you just do the social events without actually enrolling in classes?

I'm considering that to. But practically free housing is very tempting.

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@Basman You spoiled Euro Commies.

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18 minutes ago, RightHand said:

As a Frenchman, I thoroughly enjoyed having to pay a total of 0€ for my 5 years of college.

While you're at it, enjoy your taxes.

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@Leo Gura Do you actually dislike higher taxes and welfare?

I see it as a major mediator of freedom in my and the people i knows life. It not only takes money from the rich and gives to the poor, as they being static groups, but by the universiel principle strive to take money from points in a persons life where they have enough, and give it to points where they need more. It seems to just make people less financially stressed than they seem to be in for example the US, and have more energi to put towards for example education.


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17 hours ago, Basman said:

Its funny cuz I'm looking at a private school offering a course in illustration and suddenly the standards for getting in are drown the drain in comparison lol. For the publicly funded school you need a big portfolio, showcase drawing skill within an array of different disciplines while for the private you need to just draw a monkey. I'm still somewhat reeling from the burnout of churning out that portfolio and it has been over a year lol. 


Well yes. Private=profit. Public=harsh requiements.

At least in the public, then thats the whole idea. Only the best get in, that might also very well be why the programs have pretty solid outcomes


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@RightHand Sure, could be. He might also have an interesting perspective. To a large degree i live in a echo chamber of people liking welfare and higher taxes. 

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9 hours ago, Abe27 said:

Do you actually dislike higher taxes and welfare?

Personally, it doesn't benefit me.

As far as what is best for society as a whole, that's another matter.

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10 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Personally, it doesn't benefit me.

As far as what is best for society as a whole, that's another matter.

To be fair, what are you currently getting from taxation as an American on a purely selfish level? I can see that rich people would theoretically benefit less from extensive welfare because they can already just buy whatever they need regardless.

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So people pay taxes for your student loans to just socialise? lol. 

talk about abusing the purpose of university. 

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Don't half ass socializing. If you wanna socialize. Do it directly. There's absolutely no need for college as a medium. 

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