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The Amorphous Thing In A Dream

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I thought of something just now, and i felt i must share, cause i feel like - how has nobody ever elaborated on this very accurate portrayal/detail, of what its like to be 'you' in a dream... and that is about how, in a dream i may "feel" something. This could be any emotion, feeling or sensation but the first one that comes to mind is 'physical pain' ~ but its not a pain in a body, but a pain inside of whatever the expanded, amorphous thing is in a dream... like, its as if we arent a "dense" thing, but rather some sortve spacious thing, where the emotions and feelings fit in between like legos... so in some sense, we could map out the legos and either construct it more, or remove them. hypothetically speaking.... this in contrast to this stereotypical white light that i feel is alot harder to reach or talk about, as its a bit like willingly distancing each lego piece, simultaneously.

Edited by kavaris

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Let me start by constructing a clear and concise perspective of what it is to dream.

These are "composites" of imagination layers, for example you are imagining some scene in which you encounter a roadblock. Dreams are funny in this way that, you dont go around the roadblock, but you solve problems by adding more layers of imagination. I like describing it in these terms, its like working in a DAW and you add synth layers, or different melodies. But your end user experience is the total sum of these imagined tracks, which, in the beginning sounded like: hi-hat here, a tamborine there... basically unlistenable. its not til the song has all the pieces that youd otherwise have considered it a dream, as opposed to your daydreaming-self, laying down and letting the oceans of thoughts, sounds and images in.

When we put things like that, its nice, as it sortve bridges the gap between this strange, unfathomable light(s) that exist by accidently waking up before the dream has started (type've thing); Versus things that we do have the ability to talk about, that are more common... as, when i try to really say what i want to say, i find myself feeling that feeling, this sense of being dissolved and... forcing myself into this weird, dissolving solution, as opposed to a "seed crystal" solution that further grows the crystal. as therein lies a very difficult topic to try to share, and expect anyone to understand.

For that reason, im trying to find several routes that route-around the issue, but still have some tangible context.

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Somehow This Turned Into a Poem

It soon is relevant to elaborate on you within you, white light came to me, not as a normal dream but a "kind of" -lucid view...

Technically, the opposite of a normal lucid dream...

Cause i woke up and assumed i was awake, although it seemed...

Like suddenly everything became vibrating, expanded and smeared... and one-half of my house didnt 'buffer' correctly, so weird....

And it left (what appeared to be) this boundary, this light... or i might say my layering-event triggered, delayed, and so bright...

And as i moved ever closer, i felt odd, perhaps even scared. So i cant say that i stuck around to learn anything else there.

I got in my body, and i mentally floored it, driving this mario kart away, i ignored it.
And then one day i felt comfortable to explain it and share, even though it probably wasnt a thing that other people cared... ...

... to read about at all, or even try to understand, even though there existed no other contemporary land.

We might then say that, the unfathomable light dimension rendering... This...

Sense of a degree of freedom that gives reality its neverending -ending...

Which some might call a beginning - is what we would be trying to refer to. In conclusion i think that should give people a new vocabulary to work through.

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