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How to stop wars ffs?

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I am not trying to write a negative thread.. but my perception is that so much is going wrong in the world and after so many centuries with so little being learned from mistakes. Of course... I am aware that my own and other people's outlook is filtered through the news..controlled by the media and political powers behind the scenes. It is also dependent on where one lives in the world and personal circumstances. Etc  ...but the world Is pretty fucked up . Like goddamn we can land on the moon and do heart transplantation surgery and talk to each others globally etc ..but we still cannot fucking stop killing each other lol

After so much history and knowledge what has gone wrong? Can philosophy help in the dire times? I am also open to more positive interpretations and ways of trying to see beyond the bleakness rather than collapse into pessimism and nihilism. Any thoughts?

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War is not a failure of humanity as much has it is a function of surviving conflict in situations of finite resources. Nothing has gone wrong in the sense that humans are built for survival as opposed to happiness.

Despite that, we live in one of the most peaceful and prosperous ages in human history. Things are much better than they used to. In large part due to how expensive and destructive war has become since WW1.

When war was profitable, barbarity was the norm. People where at constant risk of being invaded, killed, raped and enslaved all the time. Pillaging was normal because it is easier to take from others than it is to produce things yourself. People had to build walls around their villages to keep invaders out or they would risk suddenly being attacked one day. Without serious retaliation, there is no reason for someone else to not attack someone else if it is in their benefit to do so. Hence the monopolization of violence in developed countries.

A great example is China and Taiwan. If the US didn't care about Taiwan, it would have been invaded and conquered long ago. Another example is the Russian invasion of Crimea, arguably the last profitable war in human history. Russia could just walk in and plant their flag due to the social engineering of Stalin during his reign, replacing many of the Ukrainians with ethnic Russians in Crimea. A historical example was the Viking age. The viking age effectively ended when the kings of Europe became better at organizing themselves and defending their territory.

"Might makes right" is the baseline of survival in nature. There is no getting away from that as long we live in a finite world.

Cultural development and financial enmeshment will make countries more peaceful. It is unimaginable now for any of the European countries to go to war with each other despite their colorful history. A large part of why the US provides military security for so many countries besides itself and tries to install democracies everywhere is because political stability is better for peace (oops, I meant commerce and survival). Today our survival encourages peace to a greater degree than ever.

Things are gradually moving to greater wholeness politically as our needs become more enmeshed with each other and all out conflict becomes more and more untenable. Then in the far future, we'll divide again in some fashion. Like colonized planets will turn against earth for greater autonomy or something like that.

Edited by Basman

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The best way to stop wars is to have wars.

So here we are.

Reality is a circle.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Stop going ------------------------> Right on mass.

That's friction, unsympathetic reactions, stronger national identity, a more splintered world. Blaming everyone else for everything. Having to have a target. Having to look strong, having to use the military, war is how it continues. Just look up fascism, and ask yourself how many of the theme's listed on the right in Wikipedia for example, are now not just present in the country but dominating it.

There are a lot of good things on the right too, but from the perspective of being less warlike, not so much.
If you don't have the left-wing voices balancing it out in foreign policy, and worse they are suppressed and vilified, welcome to the result.

All those people for a generation that wanted to 'own the libs' and vilify anarchism to the point it's barely even there anymore, socialists are a historic almost forgotten group blamed for every evil that ever existed in someone's heads. Well nobody has them to blame anymore because they don't exist in any organized fashion whatsoever.

I guess immigrants are still a useful punching bag, oh and the poor are always there to kick, gay people too.

None of this will happen of course. All that will happen is this:

<------------------------------ A few generations from now, in a yoyo effect, and when people are fed up enough we'll get a swing.

Edited by BlueOak

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Leave all that alone and focus on what interests you. Reality is Infinite so all must exist. Can't have peace without war. Stop questioning what life is doing. Question "who am I". The answer to that will end all those kinds of inquiries. Those things will take care of themselves. The world is not fucked up. Your mind is.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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6 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

The best way to stop wars is to have wars.

So here we are.

Reality is a circle.

If you want peace then prepare for war 

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Yup it is easy to write something here and to live in actual war zone. The brutality , Insanity , Violence , corruption , human atrocities & the level of unconsciousness where a human go below animistic nature .Raw experience can make anyone shiver to the core.

Krishnamurti mentioned about this :

"Our education now is based on the cultivation of the intellect, of thought and knowledge, which are necessary in the field of our daily action; but they have no place in our psychological relationship with each other; for the very nature of thought is divisive and destructive. When thought dominates all our activities and all our relationships, it brings about a world of violence, terror, conflict and misery."



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We are at a place in time where many many of us live in the most comfortable and convenient time ever in human history, at the sametime we still have the days of barbarism and cruelty, suffering beyond belief going on, at one time this was the only thing going on, now both worlds exist on this planet.. 

Yes its great if you can experience Happiness, Bliss, Health and Wellbeing as an Individual, this is the starting place, but at the sametime You cannot ignore that the world is getting more fucked up by the day.. I just watched a podcast with Tim Kennedy, Green Beret, UFC fighter, Amercian Patriot and so forth, he seems like he wants the best for his family and other families overall, he says that what is happening in the States is not very good, and that things are getting worse, well America has been the beacon of hope and glory for the rest of the World for a long time now, and if they go down (I'm Canadian) then what else is there to look up too!

We can Stop Wars simply by Raising of Human Consciousness, because it is us Humans that are causing most all the problems on this planet.. If all the bees were to become extinct today all life would be gone in 4yrs, if all the worms would be extinct today similar situations as with the bees would happen, if all Humans became extinct today, the Earth would be a Paradise Everywhere in 10-20yrs,, So this is how "Unimportant" we really are, we are only important to ourselves (ego)... When one raises their Consciousness within themselves, they become more like nature than like a Human, they become Beings! This is not about becoming "Enlightened" its about becoming naturally Peaceful, Blissful, no Stress, Healthy Body and Intense Aliveness, their natural internal intelligence would Thrive like never before, and all life would benefit from that, this is how we naturally should be, because of Ego, and other Karma/Conditioning we are not this...

Edited by Ishanga

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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What are the sources of war are?

Why does Putin do what he do?

Is it just his education and life that lead him to this?
Or does he have what we consider "psychiatric problems?"

That's just and example but maybe you get what I mean.

If we can pinpoint those, can we "fix" people like him (probably not), or at least fix people that might become like him?


Are there always humans that are born "bad", and will cause wars, no matter what we do? Why? If so, then are we doomed and wars will always happen unless humans transcend to another type of species?

PS : Just thinking out loud here, but aren't dictators and people that cause problems that lead to wars born in wounded countries where life is hard?
No, it doens't really work I guess...the US for instance has its problematic people too as much as we in my country. But...not to the point of having countries that are so ridiculous as Russia, North Korea, etc
So maybe there's still something here. And if so that means that fixing the overall quality of life would minimize risks of war.

So maybe, unless there's a big change in human evolution (which could happen), the best we can do from where we stand to help making the world happier bit by bit even if that's very small...or actually go further for those who help on a bigger scale.

But the biggest keys to change still seem to be in the hands of powerful people that seem so childish and dont' want to make the world a better place for everyone and not just their tribe...


Aaah sorry I rambled for nothing again

Sorry, I'm stupid and naive and this is going nowhere

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@BojackHorseman From what I have researched, our Brains cannot evolve anymore, it is at its peak evolution, due to the energy requirements, it takes something like 20% of our energy already, anymore and the body would not work properly, so there would have to be dramatic changes in everything for us to evolve, but we can use more of what we already got, most are not using their brains, their brains are using them, living compulsive lives, Consciousness is the cure, raise that and life on this planet will not be the same..

Wars happen because of one person's belief vs. another person's belief, Putin has a belief, Hitler had a belief, the rest of them had a belief, get rid of belief, and coming to early conclusions, replace it with more clarity, more inner experience completeness, unity and oneness, and again things will change..

Edited by Ishanga

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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By finding better expressions for conflict. At the moment the opposition to it creates resistance to a natural state and does nothing for the problem of war. Just as censorship never censors anything, it just moves elsewhere. Sports for example, in England much of our social conflict or conflict with our neighbors was replaced by football for the working class, it was almost like a tribal state for some, and violence at football matches in earlier decades was more common. All of which was better than war.

Balance. Spending time with that which is hated, resisted, or unknown.

Focusing on the average. This is the answer for all things that is missed in almost every human conversation. Everyone looks at the peak or what they could have, the top 10% or what their neighbors have. There is little appreciation or focus on what is, this eternal greed for more creates imbalances that are present throughout all of humanity. I realise some drive is necessary but envy is on the ugly side of humanity.

Edited by BlueOak

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Unfortunately, humans are aggressive. 

War only stops when humans do. 


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Start with the war in your own mind.

I AM reborn

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