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Paranormal/supernaturla cases mega thread.

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   Share stories and cases you've heard and watched here that involved multiple people like this:

   It's one thing that these strange occurrences are individual, but it's a whole new thing when multiple witnesses are involved, and the government/societal response to it.

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IMO a great example of epistemology, philosophy, metaphysics, psychology, spirituality, paranormal/supernatural phenomena, and the problems with science and the scientific method deeply entrenched in materialism, physicality, and quantitative methods. This is also a great example of why parapsychologists and parapsychology got this wrong, what they should've done is after gathering more information, look at the characteristics, and see if it's a poltergeist, haunting or some other paranormal phenomena, and then quickly contact the appropriate field that deals with such phenomena, for example like the catholic church and their exorcism field, or tried to employ occult methods or other religious/spiritual methods to try to resolve this phenomena.

   It's clear enough to me that these entities are either other malicious spirits attracted to the psychic and spiritual powers of this Doris woman, or it could've been that these entities are partly created and formed by her own psyche and subconscious mind, an accidental Tulpa if you will covered in Tibetan Buddhism, that are given life force energy unintentionally and fueled by her deeper psychological issues. What parapsychologists got right is Doris's state of being, when influenced by alcohol seemed to increase the frequency of those paranormal events, and when her state is sober, the paranormal events decreased so I'd IMMEDIATELY tell her to lay off the alcohol, go to a 12 step program, anything to keep her off of alcohol until they resolve the other external causes to this paranormal event. Given that regardless where she moved, a total of 4 times, these hauntings occur exactly the same way, and the only major change is her own state of mind and consciousness. Blesse and salt water and wash most of the house with it, then burn some sage and open the windows to drive away whatever demonic entities are in as the parapsychologists reported Sulphur smells and rotten decomposition, and rapid unnatural changes in temperature, and finally do some banishing rituals, and maybe try to involve exorcists or others specialized in dealing with these types of hauntings or paranormal events like this.

   It's again a shame and sad thing this case wasn't ideally solved deeply as it should've been sooner, but bureaucracy and conformity to mainstream western science and over focus on quantitative science prevented this issue that needed fix, and unfortunately the children had to also suffer the consequences of their mother's own accidental causations of whatever this paranormal event is.

Edited by Danioover9000

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   Another great example of some paranormal event, with multiple witnesses, but this time it's also a physical strangeness:


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   One of the epitomes of mass paranormal strangeness:

   A metaphorical and literal treasure trove of paranormal events, involving spirits, cryptids and UFOs. It's a figurative and metaphorical sun cost fallacy of many metaphysical and philosophical implications. 

Edited by Danioover9000

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If you're gonna make mega threads could you at least spell and capitalize the title properly?

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Also double check one doesn’t already exist, is this even the right part of the forum?

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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@Leo Gura @Thought Art

2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

If you're gonna make mega threads could you at least spell and capitalize the title properly?

   Made when using my mobile, sorry.

1 hour ago, Thought Art said:

Also double check one doesn’t already exist, is this even the right part of the forum?

   If you feel like it isn't then you can move it to another sub forum. My reasoning posting this here is to show these phenomena also occurs on the group and social level, not just by yourself as an individual. Look how many people witness these events.

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   I'm liking more of this guy's content, very well balanced, put together, healthy skepticism and proper research and framing:

   Of course this event is also covered by 100s of other YouTube Channels, for example Bob Gymlan who's also an interesting content creator with a good perspective even with some bias.

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@Danioover9000 you can edit title 

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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    This is as compelling as the Paterson footage of big foot:

   Especially the second half, showing the footprints. No way that is a hoax.

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   Very interesting story from the military, about skin walkers:

   Yikes. Those must be the more terrifying encounters.

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