
You lack emotional intelligence because you lack balls to feel.

38 posts in this topic

This got me thinking a bit...

On 3/12/2024 at 10:02 PM, Ahbapx said:

There is no bravery switch that can be just turned on.

And yes... yes there is.

It's Will.

Infinite Will, in fact, that everyone has access to, at all times. Just not before they realize they do.

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Congratulations you found out about sexual transmutation. I created my detailed posts about transmuting emotions. Mostly it felt on deaf ears. Mindfulness (direct exp), which is a broader concept, is key skill, perhaps the most important skill a human can learn. 

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4 hours ago, ivankiss said:

This got me thinking a bit...

And yes... yes there is.

It's Will.

Infinite Will, in fact, that everyone has access to, at all times. Just not before they realize they do.

Bravery can only be switched like you say if you achieve a required realization, 

or someone you highly trust can say "Have some balls" for x situation, and that can give you that finite bravery because you trust that person for that x situation.

or you or someone else solve the limiting ideas, and fix your chemical imbalance and neurological structure, then you can achieve higher bravery,


in all those scenarios, bravery was not a switch that was always in supply, it was achieved with necessary fixes.

That is my point for your original post, your post was aggressive as if bravery is always in the supply or even in demand. 


You are basically saying to an anxious person, "Stop being anxious dude, have some balls", I don't know who your main audience is here, maybe you are just writing to the people who know you, and maybe then it could have some effect, 

but for the rest of the people, I think your original post has almost very little value.



You are neither God nor consciousness. You have consciousness.


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18 hours ago, Ahbapx said:

 your post was aggressive

Deliberately so.

18 hours ago, Ahbapx said:

I don't know who your main audience is here

It's always for me, first and foremost. And then for anyone else who sees it fit.

I am always criticising myself first, in all of my posts. When I point towards and call out 'you'... I am really calling out myself.

18 hours ago, Ahbapx said:

I think your original post has almost very little value.

Fair enough. Again, not meant to resonate with everyone.

I do not necessarily disagree with what you're saying... I just know I dug myself out of a deep and dark enough hole, without relying on any external 'fixes', so I can stand behind what I'm saying here.

What I had to do, is gather all my courage and willpower, and walk through the fire that was burning in me. It had nothing to do with anything or anyone else but me and my willingness to heal.

So yes, very bluntly put: balls. And obviously so much more than just that, but you seem to overlook it.

All the best to you.


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On 3/15/2024 at 2:51 PM, ivankiss said:

All the best to you.

thanks. :) you too

You are neither God nor consciousness. You have consciousness.


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I sometimes lack social intelligence because I'm afraid of being left out or something, so I say incoherent/sassy things to "be present".

The devil is in the details.

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How do i know if i am emotionally mature (enough). 

I mostly feel and i suppose therefore act on the feelings of my basic needs, hunger, lust and so on.

But also as an example experience the weather being good or bad affecting my mood. Something being very difficult as unpleasent or something being comparatively easy or correct as pleasing.

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On 3/13/2024 at 5:12 AM, caspex said:

Bhakti does exactly this to awaken you. You feel emotions so deeply that there is no room for thought anymore. You realise how the entire world is just a massive emotion, but eventually, you catch sight of this immense stillness within every part of this dynamism. Once you realise that stillness is yourself, you quit changing from within, you become as sturdy and immovable as a mountain, immovable by pressure no matter how strong. However, at the same time, your ability to feel, encompass and hold within yourself, is on par with the ocean.


Know thyself....

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On 3/15/2024 at 7:51 AM, ivankiss said:

I do not necessarily disagree with what you're saying... I just know I dug myself out of a deep and dark enough hole, without relying on any external 'fixes', so I can stand behind what I'm saying here.

What I had to do, is gather all my courage and willpower, and walk through the fire that was burning in me. It had nothing to do with anything or anyone else but me and my willingness to heal.

Very nice. Sometimes when there's nowhere to go but up, this is the result. Someone else could have had the capacity to even go deeper down the hole but as the saying goes the Universe doesn't give us anything we can't handle, you were at your limit, which can be a beautiful place to be if it results in this. Unfortunately some give up and Crack, you opened up and expanded. Lovely. Nice post.



Know thyself....

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Nice! I saw a dude once crying on a girls lab in semi public. That guy had balls as hell as I later found out. Strong guys cry like babies! 

I recently contemplated sighs. I had a big one a year ago in the gym. I had all this repressed energy inside me and the sigh forced itself out of me. I was embarrassed about it because other people noticed but it felt amazing. 

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11 hours ago, Jannes said:

Strong guys cry like babies!

Context matters.

Positive tears are always a sign of strength. Everyone ought to aspire to have more of these.

Negative tears can be genuine weakness (letting the world fold you instead of standing firm).

Crying out of pain once in a while is acceptable. If you are constantly crying in pain as a man, you are a boy.

It's Love.

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This is a strong pointer, thank you.

Recently (over the last 6 months or so,) it has become painfully obvious how locked away my emotions are. I thought it was just normal, and that is how everyone was, and then started recognizing that I struggle to feel basic things, let alone the more subtle things. 

My body, my behaviors even can reflect the feeling, (Excitement, frustration, stress, horniness etc..) but often I have no idea why that behaior is happening.

it is kind of like there is a gauzy veil between me an my own feelings, and at times it will build up to a point where it is crushing but I still dont see or feel it.

I see part of my life's work is to create music so that I can re-connect with disowned parts of myself, and integrate my emotions deeply. then give that music to others so they can do the same. 

To be honest I dont know how to feel, I dont know what steps to take, but I trust that the path I am choosing will lead to a life situation where I have the time  to do more inner work, inner child work, shadow work, and others I am unaware of. 




Waking Call The Inspiration, Music and Perspective for an Authentic Life.

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Emotions can also blind and mislead you. Be careful lol

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Posted (edited)

I'm sure the flies see food and get all excited, and they fly towards it hoping they get a bite to eat but lo and behold, they end up in a spider's web! Emotions can easily mislead and make you fall into traps. Being too emotional can put you in a prime position to get exploited and played by others who know how to play on your heart strings to get what they want out of you.

Your own thoughts and the emotions behind those thoughts is apart of self deception. Think very carefully. Feel very carefully. Have foresight and good judgement of things. Have foresight about your foresight! Meta foresight. Even your own foresight can be wrong. 

Edited by Agrande

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On 12/03/2024 at 4:09 PM, ivankiss said:

Life is not a walk in a park. If you think it is, there's not much for us to talk about. You are simply way too blind, numbed out and in denial. 

Truth is... if you dare to stand for something in this crazy world, if you have a path, if you are walking your talk and staying true to yourself... you're going to be crossed. Tempted. Challenged. Betrayed. Fooled. Played. Hurt. All that jazz.

It's inevitable. Unavoidable.

Life is a game too complex and intricate and advanced for you to not get burned. It is anything but harmless. Anything but danger - free. 

It can get quite hostile and ruthless.

Life devours itself to keep life going... it's usually not a pretty sight. 


No, the point is to establish yourself in your own Being so absolutely nothing that happens on life leaves you a scratch.

You are spreading the classic toxic masculinity, capitalist, teeth grinding, stress is positive ideology.


Here's a fact, If you would be on a 20mg peak oxycodone pill 24/7 no thing in life would left you a scratch.

That´s how you are supposed to handle your mind, body and emotion. Completely dis-identified from it and above them.

So you are in your throne of inner bliss where nothing can touch you, but at the same time you can touch anything and everyone. 

the good thing is, we are an internal factory of blissfulness, that's what our being is...

if you only you discover where are the inner keys to get to your Throne ;) You just lost the keys sometime ago, and you even forgot you were the King)


Selling Bliss by the River @Water by the River;) You just got yourself some competence in the business.;) 

Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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6 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

Selling Bliss by the River

How refreshing.

Until now, mostly agnostics, sceptics, and of course the holy inquisition of the church of psychedelic-summum-bonum showed up for our poor chap Selling Water by the River and his annoying and futile selling attempts. 

Doing his lonely gig by the river mostly in vain, although admittedly smiling in amazement & benevolently on the whole show of the many ways the waves in the River can deny being the River (and needing to dissolve certain -um- substances to realize their wetness, only to later play&feel not-being-water-and-the-River), and go instead surfing for the highest infinitely consciousness wave.

Rumours have it that even similiarties to certain rodents with membership to a certain congregation-of-faith were observed.

So it seems many of them are a bit less-than-fond of using Selling Water by the River propagated frog-mixers for chopping the separate-self-contraction in real-time for good.

Which of course is a bit unfortunate, because if some of the real ugly crocodiles of life bite, I assume the 16th Karmapas final performance was more comfortable & loving than the ususal patterns of the demise of the separate-self (-illusion).



Selling Water by the River (not opposed to imagined company of aficionados of the same profession, since the River is wide with infinite water and an amazing dream-game of an infinity of imagined beings-to-save customers is going on)

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2 hours ago, Water by the River said:

substances to realize their wetness, only to later play&feel not-being-water-and-the-River), and go instead surfing for the highest infinitely consciousness wave.




Selling Water by the River (not opposed to imagined company of aficionados of the same profession, since the River is wide with infinite water and an amazing dream-game of an infinity of imagined beings-to-save customers is going on)

Indeed. If someone does not belief in magic, I would just tell them "just look around", but without a self. 


Thanks for the link, will read it later.

Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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