
I am tired of enlightenment talk

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All talk and nothing real. Thousands of hours listening to these motherfuckers and nothing has really changed. I still don`t understand what the hell is going on here.

Edited by Vibes

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21 minutes ago, Vibes said:


All talk and nothing real. Thousands of hours listening to these motherfuckers and nothing has really changed. I still don`t understand what the hell is going on here.

Yeah I agree man.

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@Zeroguy that's because you are not enlightened. 

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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Lol, it's like going to an Italian trattoria and declaring that you are tired of pizza and red wine.

How about going to another restaurant instead?

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Posted (edited)

@Vibes you cant learn it. Thats what is being said. You cant use logic to articulate it you have to experience. No words will help you go further. Your standing on the edge of the diving board and saying Im bored. Then jump.

Edited by Hojo

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1 hour ago, Zeroguy said:

Are you too?

Different radio frequency barking from different perspective. Take a break . If in future you come back. Find out which Radio channel you like to dance. Human life is too short . From this person understanding like a fingerprint is a very unique to each individual. You are very unique human which life has created. The thing which work for others may not work for you. Find your own tune to dance on . If nothing fits in create your own tune.

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Balance everything, too much spiritualy, enlightenment you are just sick of it.

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2 hours ago, Zeroguy said:

Are you too?

No hihi.

I love it. Of course not by all but we have several fucking sages on here on forum and also some brilliant teachers on youtube. After my shift (ego dissolved 2 weeks ago) i have new inspiration and I just love this so much

 It's like I finally understand 100% of what they speak about. Altough now I don't need anymore because journey is done. But it's like poetry. Nothing more interesting for me that this :x

In the Vast Expanse everything that arises is Lively Awakened Awareness.

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Posted (edited)


Yes.. What've I've learned over the years on this Spiritual Journey is too not really talk about Enlightenment, especially if You are not Peaceful of Your own nature every moment of every day no matter what is happening, if that foundation is not there, then Enlightenment is not possible for You.. What You need to talk about is no more stress, no more anger or depression or anxiety, if You can eliminate that, then naturally you will rise up in your Consciousness and life will be Happier and Healthier for You...

IMO the ppl that claim enlightenment or a high degree of Consciousness on this forum are not so, if they were they would not be on here everyday for hours a day posting and answering questions, that is for sure...So that is a sign of where someone is on the path...


This all comes from too many books being written, too many ppl talking for years in groups and now online about stuff they don't really have within their experience, we don't need 100's of thousands of opinions of this subject being expressed, it causes real seekers to get confused as to what is the right path and how to start, everything that is being said and shared by those thousands has been said by the real deals over the thousands of years and its real! Today ppl just want hits, likes, fame and fortune, unfortunately!!

Edited by Ishanga

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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The teacher Maharishikaa  says that enlightenment is an out of date practice of the past and a new way is needed to fit the current culture.   She mentions enlightenment gurus in India like Ramana Maharashi could only survive because he had devotees who took care of him.  She calls neo-advaitas space cadets.

It’s good to hear another perspective that goes against the crowd.



Vincit omnia Veritas.

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Posted (edited)


Talking about enlightenment is the biggest scam there is.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Nietzsche: God is dead.
God: Nietzsche is dead.


Groucho Marx — 'I wouldn't want to belong to a club that would have me as a member'?


On 3.4.2023 at 11:15 AM, Water by the River said:

Job Responsibilities:

  • Staying in your Empty Mirror Nature.
  • Trying to not confuse the image in the mirror, or its not-so-empty frame, with the Empty Mirror itself.
  • Sometimes not refusing to tell other Empty Mirrors that maybe not only the reflections in their Empty Mirror are imagined, but also that their whole frame of “their” empty mirror is imagined. Sometimes it may even be wise to highlight that maybe possibly the frame of the Empty Mirror is not fully gone. Or unwise, see the little confusion-incident happening in the video above.
  • Looking in your Empty Mirror Nature and knowing “It” is still there, and you being it/having ever been it/ever will be it, while being told by a “fellow” Empty Mirror with a maybe still not fully gone frame that there is no Empty Unchanging Eternal Mirror, and that all there is the changing flow of reflection in the Mirror with a frame. Then, looking deeply into the Empty Mirror, and being very relieved the still being there/never not having been there/always will be there-ness of the Empty Mirror of your True Being.
  • Smiling and staying loving when encountering imagined bears.


Selling Empty Mirror job vacancies by the River & Smiling and staying loving when encountering imagined bears ^_^


PS: And yes, there is a river. And actually, there is only the river. And rumour has it once this River is clearly seen, and that nothing being besides it exists, life gets better!



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16 hours ago, Zeroguy said:

Yeah I agree man.

Yeah most be the masters and wisemen’s fault. 

scammers and punks those guys! Let’s do drugs instead guys 

Lions Heart is my YouTube Channel- Syncing Masculinity and Consciousness

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Enlightenment is the only worthwhile thing to pursue. Everything else is a a deeply unsatisfying joke compared. 

You all lack patience and discipline. Don’t blame the masters 

Lions Heart is my YouTube Channel- Syncing Masculinity and Consciousness

Lions Heart YouTube

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Posted (edited)

@Water by the River  

The mirror is empty because it has no bottom, and therefore cannot be filled, but what it reflects is its own nature and therefore, it also has no bottom. what has no bottom exist because nothing limits it.

Nobody said that there is only flow of emergence but that the reflection is the mirror. What reality has as substances is real, regardless of its form. Forms change, reality is always the same, unfathomable. So saying that the form is imaginary is misleading since it suggests a subject imagining an object, when the subject is the object, which makes the object completely real.

but I guess there are several ways to express the same thing. The only thing that matters is perceiving the quality of the bottomless, and to do this, as you say, the frame must disappear since if there is a frame, there is a bottom. 

The only way to perceive what has no limits is to have not limits, since you cannot perceive it if there is still some limit, because you would perceive just the limit. This is totally obvious and it seems that mostly dont understands it, and they continue to insist on putting plots on everything. Infinity=empty, because it has no frame, and therefore cannot be filled, but wherever you look there is a reflection, so it is also full. Is that reflection just a superficial image? yes in its appearance, but its essence is the total depth of the mirror. This makes everything look like it is: infinite. Blake already said it: if the doors of perception were opened....

This has two traslations: everything is real or nothing is real. It depends of how do you look at it. 

Edited by Breakingthewall

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1 hour ago, BlessedLion said:

You all lack patience and discipline.

That, and simple common sense.

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52 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

@Water by the River  

The mirror is empty because it has no bottom, and therefore cannot be filled, but what it reflects is its own nature and therefore, it also has no bottom. what has no bottom exist because nothing limits it.

Nobody said that there is only flow of emergence but that the reflection is the mirror. What reality has as substances is real, regardless of its form. Forms change, reality is always the same, unfathomable. So saying that the form is imaginary is misleading since it suggests a subject imagining an object, when the subject is the object, which makes the object completely real.

but I guess there are several ways to express the same thing. The only thing that matters is perceiving the quality of the bottomless, and to do this, as you say, the frame must disappear since if there is a frame, there is a bottom. 

The only way to perceive what has no limits is to have not limits, since you cannot perceive it if there is still some limit, because you would perceive just the limit. This is totally obvious and it seems that mostly dont understands it, and they continue to insist on putting plots on everything. Infinity=empty, because it has no frame, and therefore cannot be filled, but wherever you look there is a reflection, so it is also full. Is that reflection just a superficial image? yes in its appearance, but its essence is the total depth of the mirror. This makes everything look like it is: infinite. Blake already said it: if the doors of perception were opened....

This has two traslations: everything is real or nothing is real. It depends of how do you look at it. 

Very good, hired on the fast career track for empty mirrors.

More vacancies for empty mirrors still available.


Selling patience & discipline & simple common sense :$   empty mirror job vacancies at the River

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10 hours ago, Jodistrict said:

 She mentions enlightenment gurus in India like Ramana Maharashi could only survive because he had devotees who took care of him.  She calls neo-advaitas space cadets.

The enlightened upon enlightenment, usually give up their bodies merging totally with the Absolute.  It is those who wish to teach out of compassion that remain in their bodies. After the experience of enlightenment, it takes some time to orient with the body, and many takes years for the same.

Ramana endured many privations which is not possible for a common person, in his deep meditation in a state of seclusion. He could have left his body, but continued to live in order to serve other seekers of the truth and guide them to enlightenment. To his devotees in the earlier period, he often asked them not to be fastidious to his needs, and only ensure 'it's' ( referring to his body) in proper condition.

Self-awareness is yoga. - Nisargadatta

Awareness is the great non-conceptual perfection. - Dzogchen

Evil is an extreme manifestation of human unconsciousness. - Eckhart Tole

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