
Tired Of Asking Questions

21 posts in this topic

No more questions for me. What about you? Are you feeling the same way?

Everything what we talk or try to "understand" by thoughts is pointless. It's better to sit and observe reality.

What do you think? I want to listen to different opinions.


Edited by abrakamowse
Grammar error

Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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I've come to this conclusion some time ago.
The language goes in circles around the concept of enlightenment. It's like talking about the taste of apple pie, no amount of talking about it can help you taste it, if you haven't tasted it before. But when you do, you know, this is apple pie.

Now i still like to read about spirituality, and watch youtube.
I do it because i am not enlightened yet, not all the time at least. And i find it inspiring and showing new perspectives. But i also know not to expect anything, it's just re-framing what enlightenment is like from various perspectives. It's like listening to people talking about these concepts brings me back to how it felt, and then back in that state often. Like, if i pick up Wei Wu Wei, which is really abstract writing (not even talking about enlightenment), i am instantly enlightened when reading it.

So I study not now for the knowledge, but just for inspiration/entertainment/passing time/perspective. 

Reading is like meditation for me, but easier. If i read i am instantly enlightened, i lose all sense of identity when i read anything, especially something spiritual.

Edited by zazed
added extra Reading=Meditation

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So you say you're tired of questions, then ask a few more.


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@John Flores John. How does Enki's disappearance correlate with the collective unconsciousness? As many wanderers are raising the vibration of the planet, more and more rapidly, what is it that is happening to Enki?
Is it that he is somehow protected by the collective low-vibration, or in other words, allowed in this reality, therefor "you" are not allowed to destroy him just yet? And when the right timing comes, as the collective lands on their already made decision, that is the eradication of evil, you will be summoned as a tool to do the divine work of purging him from the planet?

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@John Flores Let me correct myself. Better phrasing would be "Is Enki allowed by the unconscious suffering, that is still suppressed and leaking in milion's of people's minds?"
In other words, is the collective evil allowing him to sustain his presence on earth?
Cuz like yo... once I shine my light on humanity, they gonna wake up so bright, I dont care bout no J-dog saviour or Enlil. Im giving Enki some good ass-whoppin and sending him into eternal hole where he can do whatever he wants. But he aint touching ma planet!

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8 hours ago, SOUL said:

So you say you're tired of questions, then ask a few more.


The problem is... who is asking the questions?

There's no one to ask questions. The act of asking is just another game in consciousness. Better to flow with the "game".


Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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@John Flores So in essence, you have a very very very different journey than the majority of wanderers (wanderer meaning a consciousness answering a calling of a planet that is ready for ascension, a servant of sorrow), and that as well is the reason why you have the specific information, such as names, visions, locations etc. 
You are the... executioner let's say, the general on the battlefield, the sword of divinity, swung by the free-will of heart-centred beings?

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9 hours ago, abrakamowse said:

No more questions for me.

You may feel that you know the answers, but still questions will go on popping up, still questions will go on torturing you. Still questions are bound to arise because the root is not cut yet. 

The root is cut only when you disconnect yourself from the mind, when you become so aware, so watchful that you can see the mind as separate from you. When all identity with the mind is dropped, when you are a watcher on the hills and the mind is left deep down in the darkness of the valleys, when you are on the sunlit peaks, just a pure witness, seeing, watching, but not getting identified with anything — good or bad, sinner or saint, this or that — in that witnessing all questions dissolve. 

There are not answers, there is only The answer. And that answer is not of the mind, that answer cannot be of the mind. Mind is a multiplicity. Mind has answers and answers, but not the answer. That answer is a state of no-mind. It is not verbal. You can know it but you cannot reduce it to knowledge. You can know it, but you cannot say it. It is known in the innermost recesses of your being.

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3 minutes ago, abrakamowse said:

The problem is... who is asking the questions?

There's no one to ask questions. The act of asking is just another game in consciousness. Better to flow with the "game".


Another question from someone who is tired of questions..... I don't get this game. hehe

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@abrakamowse Hahah I never ever contemplated in my life. I always found it ridiculous and redundant. Don't get me wrong, perhaps it serves some minds, that are highly rational and stuff... I am highly intuitive and artistic, always have been... but still kinda skeptical.
My only practice that I follow nowadays is love, relentless love for self and others. The speed of my energetical purging (enlightenment is an energetical embodiment) is only getting faster and faster. WIthout a single question ask. For every question, there is a hundred of I love yous. 

I loved when Matt Kahn said - question is not to bring an answer. It is to exhaust the questioner.
But heyy... maybe love isn't for everyone... LOL but doesn't that sentence sound a little ridiculous? After all... you are love!

So don't ask questions, love the one who wants to ask questions!! :-) 

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@John Flores `
1. Yeah sure
2. Aren't we all? All wanderers who came to aid?
3. That is our essence. I know this from semi-experiential stand point. I AM PURE LIGHT.
4. Ok sure.

5. All wanderers are in essence heroes. They risked being in karmic debts for lifetimes by coming here.
6. I guess that can be said :D
7. Ah... but then again... so am I... but dont worry daddy's rich he got love for all of us. 

Edited by Martin123

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@John Flores Gotta correct myself on n.7.
I don't know if you define god as the one ifinite

If not, then n.7 might be incorrect... might have a different dad :(:D

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On 4/13/2017 at 10:01 PM, Prabhaker said:

You may feel that you know the answers, but still questions will go on popping up, still questions will go on torturing you. Still questions are bound to arise because the root is not cut yet. 

The root is cut only when you disconnect yourself from the mind, when you become so aware, so watchful that you can see the mind as separate from you. When all identity with the mind is dropped, when you are a watcher on the hills and the mind is left deep down in the darkness of the valleys, when you are on the sunlit peaks, just a pure witness, seeing, watching, but not getting identified with anything — good or bad, sinner or saint, this or that — in that witnessing all questions dissolve. 

There are not answers, there is only The answer. And that answer is not of the mind, that answer cannot be of the mind. Mind is a multiplicity. Mind has answers and answers, but not the answer. That answer is a state of no-mind. It is not verbal. You can know it but you cannot reduce it to knowledge. You can know it, but you cannot say it. It is known in the innermost recesses of your being.

That's the conclusion that I have arrived. Thanks @Prabhaker

Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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There is a level of consciousness beyond mind where all questions are totally redundant and as absurd as painting a red rose -red.

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On 4/13/2017 at 10:04 PM, SOUL said:

Another question from someone who is tired of questions..... I don't get this game. hehe

Well, Adam Watts already gave us a hint about the game... it's like trying to bite your own teeth.

The mind will always have questions, on a second thought, it's not me who is tired of questions.


Edited by abrakamowse

Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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On 4/17/2017 at 9:52 AM, cetus56 said:

There is a level of consciousness beyond mind where all questions are totally redundant and as absurd as painting a red rose -red.

Did you experience something like that Cetus?

Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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