
Spiral dynamics ascendance: Life is weird

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I haven’t taken psychedelics. Usually when taking it I would always think life is weird but now I think life is weird without psychedelics. What consciousness is and stuff. And how consciousness can influence matter. Most people are on auto pilot and when you take them out of it they won’t take it nicely. On the road of being a top G but that is not the purpose of life. I still want to get to the pinnacle just to see for myself it is not it.

Now being at SD yellow, SD orange was a huge gap. Finally integrating that stage and it looks like everything is clicking. Consciousness works in mysterious ways. They say there is no mechanism to consciousness but the mechanic is the spiral. The spiral can be seen as a spine of a body. The spine is a strong as its weakest link. So basically you are the SD stage in which you are the weakest. 

In my view you are not one stage. Everybody has a SD spiral within him in the same way you have a physical spine keeping your body straight. You have strong vertebrae and weak ones. And the weak ones basically define your posture. I think this is the best way looking at the SD model. The whole thing is not the overcompensate or under compensate and work from the bottom up. 

Edited by StarStruck

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It sounds good, yes, it would be said that we have to have a little of each stage within us, and all of them must be well established. the gray and its animal instinct, the violet that unites you with your people, even the difficult red that whispers to you: death rather than submission, the serious blue and its respect for the law, and the slightly naïve green, although it seems so false ...a good dose of orange to function well in the world, yellow tendencies that make you insigtful and guide your path in the right direction, and then, if karma dictates, the openness to the total.

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I agree. I think each person must indulge each stage and overeat or have orgies or feel superior or whatever. In time we discover we are still unsatisfied and unhappy and yearning for something more. So we move to the next stage. We retain the old stages as a memory or a lesson in what did not work.

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