Is it possible to become so conscious that you literally die?

By Davino in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God,
Some days ago I was sitting in my chair, Awakening so much that the world was my chair and everything was vibrantly Alive Consciousness. Floating in sky All nanocorners of Reality, each single point of existence I was conscious of and more consciousness, all my experience was consciousness and it had no limit in being more conscious of, conscious for infinity, no brakes. As you might suspect so much consciousness is too much consciousness, more than what any "vessel" can hold. This kept going on and on and I just saw that if this kept going this would never end and I would merge in an infinite singularity to never come back. Now that I had a few days, I'm just like: wait what was that? Can I literally die of Consciousness? I didn't know about this I had hear about MahaSamadhi the ultimate Awakening where your body literally dies with you as a thunderbolt roar... but let's say I never connected the dots. I'm still thinking of how this will make me reflect upon my spirtual journey. I mean you always want to become more conscious that is one of my living doings and beings. But becoming so conscious that you die? It feels like I hit a kind of bedrock of Awakening. Like you do one step more and it's over, if you want the next level you desintegrate the body into infinity forever and keep Awakening. Like that was the prizeticket for the Discotheque of Paradise As I don't want to delude myself about this I really wanted to know if anyone can provide me feedback on this. Is it possible to become so Conscious that you literally die? Have you ever encountered a similar experience and offer me advice to surf the situation I'm facing? Although I recongnise all forms are but God and God and God. Death of the body is in the equation? Maybe yes maybe no, maybe in one way, maybe in the other way
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